WoW/Blizz endorsed Nudity?

Just barbie style nudity anyway.

like everything in the U.S, it stems from those lovely lovely hyper-christian morals.

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This is just appalling and action needs to be taken immediately! Um… do you remember the location of this NPC? I just need to take my laptop into the bathroom and um, look up some important stuff, um… not related to this issue.

Ok, Maude.

I’m 90% sure the advent of Christianity had something to do with it.

I think it’s too far ingrained into our culture at this point though, nudity being passable to the public at large isn’t coming back.

Thanks but leave me out of that generalization. Yeah, I’m American. No, I don’t wig out over nude bodies.

…are supposedly worse than nudity and sex. Many of us have pondered this our entire lives. Our American morality is completely and utterly out of whack.

That NPC does not look nude at all. Is this one of those little boy things like looking at two Snowball snack cakes and thinking they look like boobs?

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If I had a glass of milk to drink I would have snorted it all over my computer based on how hard I laughed at this.

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I mean…it is.
American morality is a weird twisted cancer of patriotism and semi-christian ideals. I know that doesn’t cover everyone, but we’re generalizing here.
I’d LOVE if accidentally flashing a tit wasn’t a huge deal, but it is here, because there’s that old lovely standard that women shouldn’t be seen. :expressionless:

It better start moving in the right direction, I’m gearing up to kick it’s behind into action.



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Or you could just move to Paris like me. Where nudity is like, encouraged. :stuck_out_tongue:


If I could move, I would. Alas, I live in the good u.s of A, where public health is actively undermind by its own citizens because of…freedom? I dunno. It doesn’t make sense to me. :joy:

how this turn from nudity to worgen need tails?

werewolves don’t have tails!

Some of them do. Classic worgen had’m. I think.

And I mean, draenei had tails. Might as well get a couple more tailed cultures in there.

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European official: “Please put your mask on.”

European: “Oops, sorry.” Puts mask on.

American official: “Please put your mask on.”

American: Draws a glock 19. Screams about freedom.

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Yep! That’s us in a nutshell! I wish I could leave, but I’ve got a bit of a duty to help people out here. Once I’m done with that i’ll head out. <3

They made her look like that to celebrate the release of Cuties on Netflix.

But draenei aren’t werwolves…

and worgen will never have a tail because they are 55% human and 45% vulpera.

Well good on you, I guess. Personally, I believe Americans are beyond help. But I applaud your efforts!

Welcome to the land of hypocrisy lol. Where the rich minority can spend the money to enforce their weird view of morality on the largely uncaring majority.