
Still can’t get in. Windows user. Start ISP.

Sweet mother of god what is going on. Same here - day f^&^%ing 3.

The steps for Windows 10 OS user worked for me! Thank you so much!

I formatted my computer and reinstalled the game after going through this post. However I still get the same error code

Dude this was a gem, thanks so much! I’ve been stuck on this for 3 hours and it was the TTL set to 128 on Linux that fixed it.

Still can’t get in with tethering apps after maintenance. I can get in if I use built in tethering but then i get throttled so badly that it creates lag which makes the game nearly unplayable at times. Blizzard please stop banning hotspots!


Same issue. I have been unable to login for 2 days now

Still cannot login from my regular cable ISP provided IP Address on Linux…

Logging in from the same IP Address on an imac works fine, and logging in using my phone as a hotspot with Linux works fine, so they definitely seemed to do some kind of weird blocking due to the ddos that is specific to Linux and IPs connecting at that time.

The ip_default_ttl change did not work for me, so stuck playing through my phone for now.

I’m having the same issue. I’m using tethering on my phone and it was working fine until sunday!

same freaking issue,and i have no problem to play diablo 3 atm, just no wow and wow calssic

My issue is a bit different that I can log into the game but, once a little while, this error will come up and disconnect me.

Ya, this has been happening to me as well. I have been able to log into my account but the moment I select a server and attempt to get to the character selection screen I get disconnected and get the “WOW51900328” error. I haven’t been able to play the game since the DDOS happened on Sunday. I opened a ticket and received a response and the only thing they could tell me was to use a VPN. He did tell me that it’s only temporary but…this appears to be a rather large issue considering the length of this downtime.

EDIT: A VPN gets me in the game but it’s definitely not playable with the latency. This shouldn’t be necessary to play the game.

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Hasn’t worked at home since Sunday. Just VPNd into work, and I could get in. Not going to do that for an extended period of time…

having to deal with the same issue, someone please send us help, i just want to grind wow

I hope we get reimbursed for our lost game time as a result of this.

You may need to do a bit of research to see if adjusting the settings for your particular VPN service might help. I’m using Private Internet Access and I have a steady latency of 60 ms when connected via VPN.

Going on the third day now that I can’t login due to untangle being blocked. Please fix blizzard.

WoW what a life savior!

Got around it by going wireless and tethering to my phone via hotspot. But, my phone was running a VPN and was off the wifi, so this method isnt ideal if you dont have great data plan.


This worked for me!!!

Open the command prompt as ADMINISTRATOR. You can do this by searching for “cmd” in the bottom left search bar then right-clicking the Command Prompt and selecting “Run as administrator”

Copy and enter the following string: netsh int ipv4 set glob defaultcurhoplimit=129

Hit enter. If you did it right, it should come back with the response “Ok”

That’s it! Good Luck!