Wow51900123, wow51900128

so if i want a reply from Blizz on why im locked out of the game everyday since patch i have to refresh all of their recent tweets to check for their replies.


eyah thats the one didnt realise you could post links on the forums unabashed LULW here are some othrs

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yeahj pretty much but itd be weird if they didnt bluepost it soon because its such a big issue


Same here wow51900319 or 51900127-8-9

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EU as a whole is down so this isespeicially relevant if youre connecting onto US from EU


guess ill go rake the leaves up see yall later hopefully!

Probably a coincidence, but I logged off out in world and quit without waiting for the 20 second timer, then started getting these errors when logging back in. Maybe that could mess up accounts with the servers thinking you’re still logged in?

I did this too but another computer and account here got disconnected by the server (did not log out).

I also am getting error code WOW51900123, can’t get past login screen for Classic. Help us Blizz! :slight_smile:

Unusually, it’s the same on Beta. Which is usually its own thing.

Hey y’all,

It looks like there is an issue affecting the EU region right now. While you may be trying to access the US realms from the US, it appears that most if not all of you have accounts that were originally registered in the EU. This issue is being investigated though and should hopefully be resolved as soon as possible.


Been trying to log in for more than an hour now. Same result.
Retreiving realm list…
Logging in to game server…
You have been disconnected from the server.

I was able to log in yesterday, nothing changed on my side since then.


Same thing here, was able to log in for a few minutes after maintenance and then disconnected and havent been able to log in since.

Same issue here, haven’t been able to log in after maintenance. Logged out just before maintenance.

I can’t log in into my account, the message "You have been disonnected (WOW51900127) pops-up and drops me out of the game. It is not a pc/internet problem as my roommates can log in into their accounts from my pc, and I cannot log to my account from theirs.

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Same issue here. Sometimes 123, sometimes 319.

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Same here wow51900319 or 51900127

Same problem here.

I find it amusing that Blizzard has not released a statement about this


I was ok before today’s maintenance. What’s going on?

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