WoW won't update

For me it was the ROTATIONMASTER addon. I deleted anything that started with “RotationMaster” out of /Applications/World of Warcraft/classic/Interface/Addons and problem solved.

Still not working. Monterey 12.0.1. Terminal command didn’t work either. Can’t play WoW on Mac OS.

On top of this, for a long time now already, within game the game always has green circle on top part of the screen saying it’s downloading something. Very annoying compared to Windows version where it never had that issue.

Did you try moving out the Addons folder (move, don’t copy, and don’t delete it) from the /Interface folder and then restarting Battlenet? You may need to launch Activity Monitor to make sure you don’t have an unresponsive “Agent” running still. If you do, Force Quit that before relaunching after moving out your Addons folder. For me, the issue was a bunch of old “rotationmaster” addon files that, once deleted, resolved the Admin/password and constant Update loop issues.

Same issues catalina.
Hope this is fixed before the anniversary ends.


Like somebody else here said, I am not a programmer nor a tech geek. I have NO idea what this means. I paid to PLAY a game, NOT to FIX the damn thing, that’s THEIR job!!!


This also worked for me. THANK YOU!

This is a long thread! What are you folks referring to as having worked? Can someone point to the message here that offers help? Thanks.


I tried moving the Addons folder as per Madbear’s post. Absolutely no effect, and I’m not really surprised it didn’t work. The ‘Agent’ is simply broken and I don’t know why Blizzard can’t at least roll back to an earlier version to get us back up and running again.

I’ve played WoW since 2006 and since then there has NEVER been a time in which Blizzard would tolerate a bug that prevents paying users from logging in. This is how far they’ve fallen under Activision, I guess.

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It’s different for everyone. What works for some doesn’t for others. Just a bunch of work arounds until Blizz fixes this.


5k 27 inch 2017 iMac

System Version: macOS 12.0.1 (21A559)
Kernel Version: Darwin 21.1.0

What worked for some of us was Ismat’s suggestion to give everything wide-open permissions, both in the WoW folder AND wherever else they reside.

well up til today i had been just being able to get into game via the file in the actual WoW folder but today when i tried (just tried a few ago) it said i had to update so since it still wont update in the bnet app what i tried to see if would work is i MOVED, ONLY MOVED the interface, screenshots, and WTF folders elsewhere then it let me update then i moved those folders back to their original location in the wow folder, tried just the addons folder at first that didnt work so then i added in the other two

dont know if it is permanently fixed or just for one session though as not going to close out of bnet lol

I think I found a fix for this problem and it’s basically using what is done in ‘Terminal’ permissions post, but no need to go into the terminal.

For Mac:
Go into apps and just right click on your main World of Warcraft folder. Click ‘Get Info’. Go down to the bottom and unlock your folder. Then go to ‘sharing and permissions’, give read and write permissions to all entries, if it doesn’t already say it, then go below to where there is a + - and circle. Click the drop down next to the circle and click ‘apply to enclosed items’. After it applies, go run the update for your game and tada… playable!

At least this worked for me. Good luck all!


it seems almost everyone here is a mac user but does anyone have any idea wut i can try to do to fix this on pc? i havent been able to patch or even install retail now for like a week it just keeps asking for permissions for some agent things and then cancelling and giving an error usually and none of blizzards advice has helped at all

Agent.7600 just went out, supposedly it works, well in sense that it’s now just back to fake patching non stop but at least doesn’t fail on permissions.

I renamed by addons folder to old addons, quit desktop app and wow. relaunched desktop app, and I could then launch the game from there. then quit everything again, renamed the addon folder to it’s correct name, desktop app now launches without asking for admin password, update finishes a second or two later, and everything seems back to normal. Now it could be this forced agent 7600 as mentioned by previous post, I see that’s there now. running TBC Classic, not retail.

I seem to have Agent.7600 now, but still having the same issue. Reinstalled Completely locked out. Mac User here.

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I already try the Terminal one using the commands with Bnet closed, and open Bnet but didn’t work, now I use this and it worked , it let me update even when my folder already had the permissions to read and write I just re-update them clicking the circle with dots inside it asked if I’m sure I click yes then it run a quick loading and closed the info. window , opened the Bnet , asked again for admin pass. and start updating.

I’ll update this post if it happens to kick me off again. after I log out meanwhile I will do daily and sent followers because we already lost more than a week here. hope blizzard fix the issue asap and see if give us a compensate for the lost days.

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ikr, all “fixes” are for freaking macs i mean omg, i use a pc i need a perm fix for a PC i mean what i done worked for now but i dont know if it will stay fixed or if its just a one time thing and if i close bnet app it will revert back to its old bs

Nope. Doesn’t work. Doesn’t ask for admin any more.
Scan & Repair no longer works either. Stops at ~15%.