WoW, Why not console?

So i’m thinking, why not give that to WoW? It can work just as fine, Plus WoW doesn’t use a lot of buttons anyways, even if you’re not a demon hunter.

That i can agree with, it is cumbersome to work with. Especially since both it and without it, the controller actions replaces the bars you have for the M+K. Forcing me to use Bartender4 as my alternative means to have controller layout, by putting them on Bars 7, 8, 9 and 10. And Macroing them isn’t easy since i’ve to also try to tell ConsolePort and the key bindings that Right Trigger is the mod:alt.

It’s a mess. Functional mess, but a mess none the less. :dizzy_face:

All i can say is, if they are going to console, they will have to soon land somewhere that can fit 22 buttons. The A (or X button on PS) has to be for jumping, and Y (or Triangle) has to be interacting at a cursor/target.

And that’s honestly the biggest hurdle they have to overcome actually. It’s not the button bloat, but it’s more of the fact that the game is barely set up for the controller.

People have taken pages from WoW’s book. I think WoW is too proud to take pages from someone else’s.

My issue with button bloat is that with the standard aforementioned controller binds, you have ~24 buttons. People like to keybind potions, food, trinkets, etc. Now, they could make it so you can press maybe LB and RB as well, which could give you ~48 buttons.

EDIT: it’s also not just the buttons, it’s also the targetting. WoW controller support blows big time for targetting and interacting with NPCs, etc. FFXIV has it down nicely. Keyboard is even faster but I have NO problem targetting and interacting.

Yeah it’s definitely doable and in a way that doesn’t melt brains. I won’t lie, when I changed from PC to console I was like “god this is hard” but now it’s muscle memory. I have skills, I have macros, I have text macros too because some days I can’t be bothered to plug my keyboard in to say thank you to people.

I guess ultimately I’m just confused as to why Blizzard hasn’t seemingly looked at this. Diablo is on the console, which is a step, but it’s not cross platform which again is very confusing. Even Super Animal Royale manages to be cross platform of console and PC, so I have a big questionmark about Blizzard not managing it. But I’m not a game dev, it could be politics for all I know that we don’t see preventing this.

They could if they wanted to.

They’ve ported other games to consoles and they were actually very well done.

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D-pads to inventory though the backpack ala Batman Arkham City, or have LB show an inventory wheel though the backpack to select stuff, like in Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood.

Tbh, i think the attacks in WoW needed to be targetless and just have it be camera based targeting, with a subtle glowing cursor on the ground, showing where your AoE attacks will land if selected.

Well that’s because the other games were simple to use to begin with. :no_mouth:

i personally don’t want a blizz mmo (wow) to ever go console simply because WoW and games like ESO/GW2 keep gaming PC’s relevant. Also the button mapping would be terrible, or so I’d think on a Playstation/nintendo/xbox.

What? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Mate, you know gaming PCs will still be relevant because of other reasons, right?.. I mean they don’t need MMO’s like ESO/GW2/WoW. Or any of the exclusives really.

I’m sure any improvement to either interface is feasible or doable. I’m sure FFXIV’s may be far from perfect but it sure beat what consoleport did.

While I’m not a huge fan of consoleport, I do appreciate what it tries to do. It’s better than nothing.

They were but they wasted no time doing it. They even took a game like Starcraft that was designed strictly for mouse/keyboard and made it work very well. Though the game on N64 is so dated in graphics, it makes me sick, at the time, it was nice.

Controllers give easy access to 48+ bindings.

sorry i was strictly talking about MMO’s I mean yes AAA titles like the soon God OF War coming to PC is a huge plus for gaming pc players. :slight_smile:

No console because no one here wants to deal with slow gcds. Theres a reason the combat in ff is so agonizingly slow and that’s because they had to take into account console users.

I dont want that for wow. Plus it wouldn’t work with a game like wow anyway to be added to console.

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I think it might be more a matter of getting their proprietary systems to run effectively on console. With other games it’s easier as their multi-platform libraries already exist, so porting Unity or Cryengine or Unreal engine type games over to console is less time consuming. FFXIV’s Luminous engine was developed from the ground up as multi-platform (to their credit) so it wasnt an issue for them either.

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Why does the low gcd mean console?

I can mash buttons on a controller just as fast as a keyboard.

Maybe not as fast as this guy…


people already play WoW with controller, the short GCD means nothing.

hell, there’s console games out there that require far more APM than wow.

you could just play in bed on your laptop or on the couch many people do op. no need for console. i honestly wouldnt care if it was done well. i dont see current staff doing anything well pass.

The other advantage to console is that you don’t have to monkey with so many graphical settings to fine-tune things and find a sweetspot.

FFXIV on my PS5 has 3 settings to toggle.

Because they’re designed that way. Regardless the gcd would be affected if we had to group with people on console.

If however blizz kept those servers separate then it might not be an issue but as it stands having a wow port on console would not be a good idea.

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No, it wouldn’t.

You already have people playing WoW on controller, you’ve probably played with them and never noticed.

Show me these people because I’m not gonna trust you’re being truthful

Hell, I’ve played with console port, it takes some getting used to but it works really well with wow.