WoW, Why not console?

Hi everyone, hope you’re good and gearing up for a brill weekend.

A quick query really; has Blizzard ever mentioned why they haven’t ported WoW to run on console as well? Is it simply down to time and money perhaps?

There is another mmorpg that runs on pc and console with cross play. There is another big gacha style game where the account runs on mobile, pc and console. So I often wonder why Blizzard hasn’t managed to tap into this trend yet.

Also; would you switch to console if they made it so your 1 account could run on any platform? I probably would, raiding from the sofa is definitely a game changer in my mind.


Pc > consoles :sunglasses:

So no


If that’s how you feel :stuck_out_tongue: More power to you.

Reason 1- not enough buttons.
Reason 2 - I don’t have a console.

Console would have to have a keyboard I guess.


I used to think this, but I’ve since learned it’s very possible to play on console and have at least four bars full of action buttons and not require more fingers. It’d be a change in ways of playing for sure, but yeah it’s doable.

Not having a console though, if that ain’t through choice I hope one lands for you soon.

And pft keyboard it’s not like I talk much in WoW anymore anyway.

It’s also down to mechanics in some situations I would imagine. Most people have at least 30+ keybinds. Binding 30+ situations to a controller would never really work well, not to mention you also have other problems like needing to pay double fees. If you were to have WoW on PS5 (for example), you would have to pay PS Plus, and then also a WoW sub. That’s about 25-28 dollars a month just to play one WoW account.

No. I am a PC gamer through and through. I do not like consoles.


Yea I put it down to macros…

Im sure if Blizzard had thought it through, and had envisioned WoW being a console game, they could have streamlined the classes long ago, and made it happen.

The amazing part of WoW is the UI add on functionality…allows for so much more depth.

Play console games if you want console. WoW is a PC affair.


Because players like to have more then 3 skills and a jump button accessible at any one moment.

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Sorry to disappoint, but the mmorpg I play lets me jump too :slight_smile: and have more than 3 skills. I can understand the sentiment though.

They can fix that by removing button bloat. There is this misconception that having a lot of buttons equates to skill or fun. Useless buttons are just cumbersome.


Xbox, Playstation, and Switch all support keyboard/mouse

I’d imagine the issue would be more related to subs and giving the various console companies a slice of that pie


I’m sure one fear is the community actively going against what would essentially be considered a 3rd faction. It’s not worth the PR headache having to deal with players blacklisting and banning other players, just because they play from a console.

I’ve played this game long enough to know players would openly demonstrate their bigotry against the console users.

Blizzard gave us controller support and their blessing to use addons for gamepad macroing. I feel that’s good enough.


But if it brought in players who owned a console but not a PC, then Blizz would get new subs and that lemon meringue pie would become a German chocolate cake, and everyone would get a slice.

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Not an issue. FF14 can do it, so WoW can do it.

It’s more a technically thing. It would take massive code rewrites and the ROI isn’t there.

Which you can do on consoles. Nice try though.

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Truth be told, I love lemon meringue pie. I hate German chocolate… :frowning:

I think there have been signs over the past few expansions that they were at least considering the idea, including the experimental Action Cam thing (the thing that is activated when you type “/console ActionCam on” in game) that was added in Legion, plus I’ve heard some argue that the demon hunter class was probably designed to feel good to play with a controller (I wouldn’t know because I haven’t really played it), plus some of the optimizations made in the past few years seemed like the ones that would’ve been necessary for console hardware (e.g., better multi-threading), plus they added native controller support in Shadowlands.

I imagine a lot of FFXIV console players already use a keyboard because I did when I played FFXI on PS2; it was kinda necessary although not technically required

Because the console version would only allow us to play Demon Hunters optimally.

Im german and love chocolate…Lemon not so much. But I do love a Key Lime Cheesecake!


They would almost have to in order to keep this game going for much longer. While yes, you can get PCs that are much more powerful than modern consoles, most are overkill. I can play games at 120 fps on my new TV and it’s very smooth. People who think they need 360 fps are silly. The new consoles (PS5, Series X) are very capable machines and have done surprising things. They handle FFXIV extremely well.

That’s funny, I like that stuff too. I don’t know if it’s because they’re citrus fruits by nobody else in my family likes that stuff. I could eat it every day if I wasn’t trying to be healthier (not that I’m fat or anything).

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