WoW was better when you could finish your character

There is a reason why Classic servers are locked and current servers are empty. Not only is the Classic gameplay better and more enjoyable progression is much easier and fulfilling.


then play classic. I played vanilla and when the nostalgia wore off I didn’t really feel like playing more. If it works for you then play it.

Retail server are definitely not empty though. far from it.


Alright I mean that’s the solution that braindead people give you like “x” then go do it, instead of being critical about anything or trying to improve the current game that clearly sucks, unbalanced, grindy, casino style gameplay that doesn’t reward you for being good at the game. And crazy enough everyone in this forums is a Vanilla player, go shill somewhere else.

To be fair, we’ve always been chasing the dragon, waiting for the next expansion.

I miss finishing my conquest set and being able to log in and just PvP without having to worry about gear at all (aside from buying elite pieces, I guess).

The current gear paradigm is just absolute garbage.



Subs were already tanking even when we had this. In Classic where character completion is more of a reality, that ended up being much more popular.

When they were literally plummeting in WoD is when Blizzard totally hid them from us.

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Really, because my bnet is full of people I added as friends after doing dungeon, and picking them based on IO, and we constantly play together or just hang out in discord.

Ummmm…subs already went down the tank when they introduced all their artificial ways to extend contend consumption. And bc sais content wasnt great to begin with

Personally, I am happy there are things to do other than sit around in front of Org with nothing to do.

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it is a word that generally precedes the following words .

(Fun) Detected and Nerf’d

Rather waste my time like I did in mists of pandaria when I all I had to do is get some lfr gear for my alts but now I get to long grind a necklace,find the best azurite traits then the best essences.

There isnt a necklace grind.

“Finding the best azerite traits” is just “getting gear”.

Its an alt, so you just buy the rank 3s.

The game is what you make of it. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.

For example I spent my evening yesterday buying tokens to max out rep for the Sunreavers to get a pretty red triceratops mount* and a sweet tabard.

Tonight I will max the Dominion Offensive and get a horned wyvern.

  • for those like me who didn’t know, unlocking the red triceratops on the Horde also unlocks the Golden one on the Alliance.

Well, I think shadowlands is a step back to fixing it.

Agreed, OP. I liked the feelin’ of finishin’ my Warrior and then swappin’ to my Shaman or Warlock. The endless treadmill of “fill the mcguffin” or “get an even higher Titanforge” was awful. Here’s hopin’ Ion keeps his word when he said gear will be gear and you can actually finish a character in Shadowlands.

A: The Retail servers aren’t “empty”. There are more of them and people are spread out further across them. They contain about the same amount of people as the Classic servers IF NOT MORE.

B: The Classic servers are filled with mostly the “DO NOT LIKE CHANGE” crowd. That’s not good for any ongoing game.

If you enjoy living in the past and in a place where the game is UNNECESSARILY hard, good on you.

Retail may have made some bad choice along the way, but they’ve made some GOOD choices too.

People like yourself only focus on the negatives. That’s on YOU.

Raiding, Mythic plus, pushing as high as you can.
That’s what most people call “gameplay”

If there was nothing to do in order to progress my character farther, I’d stop playing.

Really? Sounds like my Wrath experience in full resilience gear. And subs were at their highest in Wrath.


I think they may have meant the assaults to be like the timeless isle but it just isn’t the same. It may be because they aren’t as good or it may be because the player bases has changed or likely both.

I have to admit I’m glad to be going back to an older gearing like system in SL.

Even as a hardcore casual ( I do a lot of content just not high end) I enjoyed going for the bis gear for the content i did . It gave me a goal to work towards and if I was able to do a more difficult level I would try for that levels bis.

BfA felt like you could never see the Light at the end of the tunnel . Getting ones bis felt like you had to do everything every day because you never knew what content it would drop from and if it dropped would it wf/tf or corrupt properly.

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