Wow vs ff14

I play ESO, FFXIV, and GW2. They are all different from WoW in a lot of ways. Their control systems especially, it took some getting used to. I am still actively playing all three of those games and enjoying them. I am NOT actively playing WoW, I am waiting for my time to run out on a cancelled sub. That pretty much sums up what I think of FFXIV (and ESO and GW2) when compared to the current sorry state of WoW.


Guild Wars 2 is fun, I liked it but there isn’t much to do at end game except play Fashion Wars. :wink:

I didn’t like the ESO control system, it wasn’t for me :disappointed:

The problem with WoW imo is that nothing you do prior to level cap matters, and you can argue that even after that point it doesn’t start to matter until later. Most leveling content isn’t indicative of endgame content. This is also compounded by having expansion features such as covenant choices be introduced at or just prior to endgame, and not at character selection.

Also, as a new player you’re forced to level through BFA content, which isn’t inherently bad until you consider that to be engaged in the story, you’re missing several expansions of prior story that leads into the events of BFA.

You’re not restricted to playing only one character though. If you want to play a bulky race for one class and a slender race for another, you absolutely can do that in FF.

I like parts of both games as far as art style. As a whole, it’s easy to argue that WoW is more dated, but arguably more unique in some aspects as well. It is admittedly frustrating that some armor pieces clip certain (most) races in wow. Pick a helm in wow at random. 9/10 times it will just look goofy on a Tauren. Pick a chest piece and put it on as a Kul Tiran. Pixels for days.


I got to level 70 and got off because my friends weren’t playing anymore. Primarily because our playtimes never lined up. As well as the length of the stories. You had to get past the main story, the end story and the story in between expansions before you got to the next one.

Otherwise I didn’t mind it. The FFXIV community is also amazing. I played tank and was expecting to get kicked when making mistakes but instead people were helpful and kind. I wasn’t ready for that after the horrors of doing LFG.

I’m not opposed to going back though. I’ve entertained the idea many times recently.


IF you do get it… don’t get it through steam. It’s a complete pain to deal with on steam.


I can’t bother with Final Fantasy since I just don’t want to “restart”. By the looks of it the barrier to entry is also high with the storylines you need to complete, along with the leveling - along with the fact you can buy skips on their store to bypass it all.

So, I like WoW more. I’d die a little inside if they started selling emotes on the store for 5 bucks a piece, or “premium weddings” and stuff.

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Yeah this is a major turn off for me as well but people buy into it…a lot. Cash shops will only get worse in every title because people support it.

Doing this with a subscription based game gets a major thumbs down for me.
Also I play in 1080p and their antialiasing is so terrible. I wanted to like it though! Love the franchise

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Nothing wrong with playing a different game during a content drought and then coming back for 9.1 etc.

well to be fair, that’s not really a big difference from wow. most the playerbase plays an elf or a human.

Side Scroller? Have you played FF1 for the NES? it’s a turn based combat RPG.

I’ve played FFXIV and WoW. The combat feels the same aside from FF’s combat feeling slower at lower levels due to instant cast CDs not on the GCD that you weave into your rotation being gained at higher levels. The graphics are beautiful, but the style is bland. The questing is about as boring as WoW’s questing.


I agree! The style is really bland… Why they chose the same style as XI I will never know. /yawn

I don’t understand this.

Final Fantasy games don’t even look like Anime.
Yes, it’s jRPG-inspired. No, it’s not Anime.

It’s just a slightly different cartoony art style like WoW has.


I mean in a way, why should it? it’s dated content and we live in an era where if we can’t instantly grab your attention , they will ditch it before even giving it a chance.

I feel FF14 feels more like a single player game in the leveling experience, if I wanted a single player experience…I could easily pick up a game that is developed with that in mind and have a better experience, not so much an mmo setting. While BFA is forced upon new players, you’re not forced to do the storyline campaign like you are in FF14 and while yes you miss out on a bit of lore but there’s plenty of youtube videos about WoW’s lore history if a person really wants to understand the universe. Especially when you’re considering you’re paying a monthly fee to play the game. Imagine coming to a game thinking you’re going to slay some dragons and beasts instead you end up in a monthly payment of an occuring novel series of boxed dialogues for hours on end…That’s how FF14 felt like to me.

You’re not but can you justify it? I feel you really have to love the game in order to do that because having everyone on one character seems like a great way to save time + convivence. Unless there’s a story skip option and a streamline to unlock your classes and get to end game, I don’t see how leveling an alt character for the sake a different appearance is worthy but my knowledge is limited here as I always imagined everyone plays one character since you actually have to pay to have additional character slots as well. Obviously not an issue for RPers but for us folks who don’t.

It’s without question that WoW is certainly dated, a lot of people idolize the idea of seeing an unreal engine treatment where for me that would kill the interest for me. If anything, the engine Overwatch uses would be nice if a WoW 2 ever was to come to life. There are certainly issues I have with WoW graphically mostly in the transmog department where clipping is a known problem and not all armor is created equal which you mentioned, they are frustrating. Especially on a tauren.

What’s even more wild is on armor sets in Shadowlands, from a far they look a bit more polished but when you inspect in closely, you still get the blurry texture. It’s not even a crazy zoom either.

Fortunately graphics are not the most important thing although others may argue otherwise. For me, they are sprinkles to the foundation. If the core is solid and you enjoy the game as it, I think that’s what it boils down to mostly. Although I’ll say the game as of lately has made questionable decisions and while I appreciate the QoL we received over the years to the game, I feel in terms of innovation we happen to see very little of it. Where introducing new systems are met with constant negativity and criticism instead of praise and love.

My main issue with the style is that they have more realistic leaning men and more waifu looking ladies. Then they have hyper textures on all the new armor. It’s passable on my Viera, but putting deepshadow on a female miqote (or even a male) and it looks like someone shopped from two completely different stores in Second Life :joy:

The visual and aesthetic cohesion in that game is lackluster at best.

I would encourage you to log onto a Kul Tiran male and put a few armor pieces on. It’s worth at least a chuckle.

I ask you do the same with an elezen with a heavy top, or a female roe and literally anything :joy: That race was done so dirty.

As a long time player (10 years wow, 7 years FFXIV) of both games.

FFXIV: Great aesthetic, great story (as long as you get past ARR which is horrible), stale/nonexistent endgame, braindead class design (in ShB), very little character diversity
WoW: Good class design, good content, questionable story, great character diversity.

They’re basically complete opposites and I play them for different things.

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I’ve just started FFXIV. What I like is that I can play through the story. I have no idea of the story in wow although I’ve tried. I like multiple jobs on one character. I like the clothes and the hairstyles. I like the graphics.
Probably what I like most is the community. I failed at healing a dungeon yesterday. Had that been in WoW I would have been abused (even though it wasn’t my fault. Don’t pull bosses missing your healer and half your dps tanks). No abuse. It was nice.

I still like WoW though. I daresay I’ll still come back in 9.1 for raids.

They’re different games with their pluses and minuses. I like I can enjoy both.


Play FF since they aren’t PC and change words like “slave” in their game.

I just want to say that I love the loot system from dungeons in FFXIV.