WoW vs. FF14

Hm weird. You did the thing I predicted you would do. Maybe I really am the second coming of Nostradamus.


Not for player power.

Optional content is stuff like Mage Tower, the MoP Challenge Mode Dungeons, etc. Most stuff in FF is, indeed, optional.


Oh I got his logic sized up, I’ll respond is his stead for you:

“Yeah but it isn’t required to play the game, you can just choose to do absolutely no damage for skipping your chores. It isn’t like you can’t log in because you’re not Covenant Rank X!”

That’s literally his logic is to get super technical on obligatory because he knows he can’t defend all the hoops WoW forces you to jump through just so your character isn’t a wet noodle.

In XIV if I don’t want to raid or cap tomestones, that’s on me but I’m also not significantly weaker than someone who does. They’ll do more but it isn’t like I’ll struggle to kill anything. I can even buy crafted gear and call it good and be happy. That was precisely what I did in Stormblood.


Soul Cinders can be obtained from Maw Assaults, Tormentors of Torghast, and the Mission Table. Absolutely not “required”. It’s just optimal to do so, and that’s completely fine. You’re choosing to pursue the fastest avenue of power. That’s a choice you’re making that signals you are happy with the cost/benefit proposition.

Similar to the Torghast situation, Conduit Upgrades and Sockets in 9.1 are absolutely NOT exclusive to only Activist Codex. Incorrect. Wrong. You are wrong. You can get Conduits and Socket Upgrades from Torghast if you absolutely do not want to do Korthia. I wouldn’t rely on that at your primary method of progression, because 1000 Cinders for 1 Socket is crazy, but it absolutely exists.

As for your other points:

This is like saying XP or Gear gate character power. Yes, no %%%%. This is your post-level-cap XP system. You can’t get stronger in FFXIV without leveling up, and the same is true in WoW for “leveling up” past the level cap. Dumb argument.

Holds what exactly?

How so? Unless you need a specific memory, you can just choose not to do the campaign - you’ll be temporarily behind, but that’s a choice you’re making.

What reputation? The only thing remotely “required” is the Soulfire Chisel, after players explicitly asked Blizzard to prevent dom sockets from being deleted. Players asked for this to be “required” because it was a quality of life improvement.

If you’re talking about ilvl, this is the video game that you’re playing. This is like the XP argument again. Yes, ilvl makes your character stronger.

Unless you’re alluding to dom sockets, which is probably the only actual point you’ve made in your entire post - yeah, I don’t think Dom Sockets coming exclusively from raids being an exclusive source of power not replicated anywhere else is a great design.

By that logic, roulettes and side content (relics) hold FF14 player power hostage since those give you the necessary for the better gear in the game.

Ah yes, Soul Cinders, those things that totally existed in the game since launch despite being a reward from content patch additions to the game as a response to player outcry because they were sick of Torghast. How could I absolutely forget the thing they literally had to introduce BECAUSE PEOPLE HATED TORGHAST BEING THE ONLY WAY TO GET SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO THEIR POWER.

Oh no, you pointed out there are other ways to get something but that doesn’t address the fact if I don’t do chores my player power gets held hostage. Also, again, this was a 9.1 change. It was not in the game on launch. If I wanted sockets on my gear, I was dealing with Ven’ari and The Maw where Blizzard decided to rip off other games, so let’s take the stars idea from GTA also while we’re at it.

Really? Because I hit 80 on a job and buy it crafted gear and can do all the content I want passably and get upgrades that way. It isn’t like my character is 50% weaker because “ACKSHULLY YOU DIDN’T DO YOUR BEAST TRIBE REPUTATIONS!”

I’m referring to leveling story, not covenant campaign story. Which again, I said the MSQ which is the same thing was mandatory.

Right, I must have hallucinated when my ability to get sockets on my gear was either RNG or Ven’ari. Or in 8.3 where I was required to do Visions to upgrade the ilvl on my cloak by doing dailies for a currency I didn’t give a single damn about. Totally my imagination.

You’re desperate. I can tell.

No, that’s the sad thing. I’m not. I’m literally talking about legendary powers being locked behind raiding that you needed to perform.


I’m not 90% weaker than another player because I didn’t cap my tomestones. Try again.


Being as strong as players that did optional content… yea, also optional.

Switching jobs aka class, sounds like a wonderful thing. But it’s just not my style of gaming. I agree with you on this. If WoW does fix leveling, and take out the timegated. Most of the players would not have left.

Back in WoD, leveling alts was perfect. I was able to raid with each and everyone of them. Which made the expansion fun except the lack of content. I even leveled up to 8 different alts, and I barely put time in that expansion.

Also, the talents need a huge upgrade. We’re now at the talent tree where we only focus on one and the other one is a little hard to focus on and get gear for it. Back then was better because you could switch between each one. Remember back in cataclysm, all I did was switch with my druid.

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But thats not your argument. Your argument was that X hold character power hostage – in a way, roulettes and side content hold key endgame power hostage because they do heavily boost numbers and relics allow for more materia melding.

So how is it hostage in one game but not the other?

I’m on one job.

I’m on another job.

I’m on another job.

I’m on another job.

I’m on another job.

Oh look, same job, different look without a paywall like FFXIV.

This is a “I can’t even” type moment. Blizzard tried out a design, it was a failure, and they’ve back-pedaled from that design… and you’re still whining about it even though they’ve fixed it.

What, is Blizzard supposed to literally not try things?

Just to be clear, WoW is the biggest MMO on the market. They didn’t get that way by not trying things. They got that way by trying things out and iterating. Sometimes things aren’t perfect.

I’m talking about passive effects. I’m not talking about gear because I’ve been on MMOs more than long enough to know gear = power. I’m talking specifically about passive crap like my conduits, my soulbind talent tree tied to covenant level, my legendary effects that are locked behind the raiding, the ability to add sockets to my gear which was locked behind a reputation grind, my ability to wear a legendary being locked behind on obligatory POTD rip off that was boring as hell to play and a mess.

In XIV Crafted gear does the job for me, I can see all the content on normal. I’m not needing to chase down beast tribes because it unlocks a proc effect that is a sizeable damage increase, I’m not having to pick one of four beast tribes to follow that gives me an ability based on my class that heavily dictates my option, I’m not needing to do Dwarf Beast Tribe so I can MELD MY FRICKEN GEAR.

As for the moron above who cited answers to these, funny how he conveniently ignores the fact that it took them SEVEN MONTHS to put fixes in for these problems that frankly should NEVER have been problems.

Blizzard’s worship of “we need to lock character power behind content so people do it” will be their undoing, mark my words. And once again because you’re trying so hard to split hairs. I am not talking about gear. I am talking about passive effects for my character that drastically influence my output. Gear is one thing, passives and borrowed power are a different matter. I wouldn’t have an issue if this was just gear, I accept that. It’s the borrowed power that accounts for more than half of my damage output that frustrates me.



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Seeing people jump to WoW’s defense for their multitude of systems tied directly to player power for any sort of end-game content (raid/m+/pvp), the same systems driving away new and old players alike, is quite hilarious.

WoW is lacking in content outside of raid/m+/pvp. By telling someone to not engage in the excessive amount of systems as “optional” content, is telling that person to not engage in raid/m+/pvp. So what is there left to do in this game if you don’t, or can’t, access those things? Since it’s all “optional”, right?

See: aforementioned comment about players leaving the game. That’s what happens.