Wow vs DA:I

The combat’s slow, but the story is much better. Its less railroaded because you have a lot more control over how the story progresses. Easily 6-8 dialogue options in most situations to match most character types, as opposed to the small 4 choices in Inquisition. Ones that can’t even be bothered to tell you what they’ll say.

Also, the companions are just better imo. Alistair and Oghren are great

I’m not saying Inquisition is bad. I just like Origins a lot better

they literally aren’t similar at all. And luckily in the next DA they are removing any aspect of MMO play and I think that is great!

Oghren was the best. “Nobody touches Oghrens junk AND LIIIIIIIIIVESS!!!”

From the Awakening expansion.

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As long as you can jump I am ok

A 60 hours RPG VS a Timeless MMORPG… Nice bait OP.

Timeless meaning run the same raid for 8 month yeah real nice

Inquisition has a similar set up for combat. And the gameplay is kind of like managing your own WoW group (tank and healer and dps, etc) but it’s otherwise nothing like WoW. At all.

For example, on boss fights and dragons, I am literally pausing the game every few moments to issue commands. That’s not the sort of gameplay you’ll ever find in a game like WoW.

Cry all you want but there’s always something to do in WoW. If you’re just a raid logger maybe you should consider a break or explore more of your Sub and play some Classic. There’s PvP, Mounts, Darkmoon Fair, Micro Holidays, Transmog. You can skill up profession, farm to work on your Black Market rare items. You have no excuse to cry.

A multiplayer that was a laughing stock that no one played.

No tears here person maybe you can look in the mirror I spent plenty of money and time on this game so I can make a honest comparison if you like it or don’t doesn’t matter

You also forgot about adding riding around capital city

What honest comparison? All you did was expressing being displeasing of only doing Castle Nathria. Not to be rude but you should make points or attempting something before talking about the mirror. And as for spending money, if you spent more then necessary on this game, that’s a you problem.

Depends. Darkest dungeon without the narrator wouldn’t be the same

Troll with a bad spelling gimmick. look though the post history

I don’t know why I struck a nerve with you but you seem very upset and that is sad if you feel sad get a box of tissue I never said anything about castle Nathria that is how every raid tier is don’t play like you don’t know that and I spend my money how I want that’s not your business

DA:O’s graphics were good for it’s era.

Sure if you say so. I’m totally a troll. :roll_eyes:

You got nothing nothing that contribute to add like most the time you bother posting, hm? Look the post history!

I wasn’t talking about you… I was taking about the person you replied to.

Who you want talking too

People just having a discussion here but you are stalking me why?

Report me if you think I’m doing anything wrong.