Which one is better WoW or dragon age and why do you think so because they are vary similar
No they’re not
I mean, they are both games.
DA:I took me about 50 - 60 hours to do everything I wanted and the storylines I wanted to see.
WoW I’ve been playing regularly and consistently for 10 years. With the biggest break being WoD - Legion.
I don’t think I can really give which one is “better” cause what I will say, I could say about numerous other RPGs compared to WoW.
WoW is better long term, while DA:I or insert RPG here was good for the a few days it took to complete the content that I wanted to see.
I mean… DA:I on PC uses a hotbar and questing is a primary source of content in DA like any other RPG so, I guess if you mean that. But otherwise they don’t share much else.
Not that it mattered much to me, cause even on PC I still played with a controller.
lol MMO vs RPG…you can’t be serious…
But at least DA:I has LGBTQabc representation right?
As long as you feel included that is good
I don’t think they are similar at all, but both are great games and the same types of players might enjoy both of them.
—Emphasis on multi-player
—More complex class/combat design and gameplay
—Cliche story/characters with no impactful player choices
—New content released periodically
—Single player
—Simplified, streamlined combat
—Progressive, innovative story/characters with impactful player choices
—Multiple DLCs available but eventually content comes to an end
I would personally prefer to keep on playing DA:I even over WoW, but having earned all achievements and having played through all the content twice I have enjoyed DA:I as much as I can.
They’re not similar at all
Also Dragon Age has Dorian Pavus so it wins by default
Dragon Age Inquistion has some of the best looking gear (imo) of a game that I have played. And the world was good for exploring. Plus it is fun to play.
But then there is a simple satisfafion I get running a new character thru Dun Morogh again.
Regardless, people will never want to leave the holodeck.
A lot of the power is the same
They do have action ability bars too that is true
Dario. Is a friendly necromancy
Dragon Age Inquisition is uhh…a mediocre game.
If you compared WoW and Dragon Age Origins now that would give WoW a run for it’s money .
Both have pros and cons.
I will say that WoW is better in terms of how much is offered, but Dragon Age is better in terms of characters, story, and lore in my opinion.
The biggest thing for me though, is that while I have years of time into WoW, once the plug is pulled I can never revisit it. Dragon Age on the other hand I could since I own the game.
Just my two coppers.
Dragon age origin was a ok game but graphic is bad
Graphics and Voice acting do not make a good game.
Making a interesting world and characters and making you want to explore it is what makes a good game.
Which is why Dragon Age Origins makes Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition look like a 3rd grader’s science fair project. Absolutely NO CONTEST.
It’s my opinion. You are welcome to like them above origins.
I loved how you had different starting areas depending on your race, and class. My favorite was the Noble Dwarf one.
Noble dwarf had all the lady could bang them all
Here is a horse. Here is a car. Which do you think is a better means of conveyance?
Dragon Age Origins has 100 times the content of 2 and Inquisition. 2 is just a random prototype they sold as a game.
Depends. Is that a flying mount vs a car?