WoW versus FF, how we can improve?

FFXIV Is easily one of the worst MMORPG experiences I’ve ever had in my entire life.

The combat system is clunky, uninspired, huge GCD, monotonous abilities. I’d rather slam my face into my keyboard than play that awful combat system ever again.

The world feels so disjointed, having to constantly load into new sections of a zone and a city really takes me out of the immersion quickly and emphatically.

The quests lack any creativity and are on rails. Boring.

I hate the art and feel of the characters. Always feel like I’m in some cheap anime of some sort.

Plus the constant spam and bot whispers put me off even more.

I will never play FFXIV again for the rest of my life.

Now can we get back to talking about, you know, World of Warcraft, what this forum is actually about?!

Honestly, both games are good at their own rights.

I play both games and both games doesnt need to be similar in order to be better than each other.

I like FF14 for overall valuing my time and the high end raiding community there are much less toxic than here. Although the bad part of it ff14 is that aside from Ultimate, Savage raids are waaaaaaaaay easier and predictable than WoW. There’s no progression either, you just buy whatever is the crafted gear and boom! Youre ready to tackle savage content which drops your highest ilvl gear. It values my time whenever I just want to play casually but at the same time, doesnt give me the sense of achievement whenever I complete the current raid on mythic difficulty.

WoW on the other hand, has hands down the most fun raids in any mmo. Its difficult, unpredictable and always throws a curveball at you here and there. Bad thing is, theres too much grinding needed in order to fully maximize you gears and optimized it to tackle mythic raids. Too many forced content to get higher ilvl gears so in a way, it feels like a job than a game.

But i still like playing both, when I want to just have a good time and play casually, i go to ff14 and when I want to feel the sense of accomplishment, i log in to raid with my guild in WoW.

Another thing that ff14 does better is that outside savage raids, there are a lot of fun content to do that you arent forced to do but can do it at your own pace. While in WoW, you literally have to dedicate your time and effort and are forced to do all these random boring content repetitively.

I still love both games though as both caters to different audiences or moods. Casual fun go ff14 and if i want to try hard and have more free time, i play WoW.

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Yeah. So ffxiv bgs have chat. Their version of arenas do not. That’s what I had in mind when I posted it.

Many ways.

Make a good story worth caring about. Stop giving into “Sylvannas is too hot to die so we wont kill her” thing, use the lore and STOP RETCONNING everything before each expansion!!! It’s absolutely disgusting.

Revamp professions the way FFXIV has them to make them matter. Right now they are borderline useless.

Add a “teleport to boss fight” prompt if someone starts a boss. Stop people from getting locked out.

Just to name a few.

your 50% right 50% wrong.

All MMOs will have toxic pugs because people are cruel and mean to each other when in stressful moment.

But the general mood of FF14 is very nice players and often times very patient and allow for learning.

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Ban ppl at 4 times the rate they normally do :smiling_imp:

Yeah dude. You’re totally right.



ff14 players aren’t nicer

they’re more controlled

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You said it yourself. You grind for your BiS item in FF14 and you have an option to buy it. That skips the grind. WoW is also the same. But many stuffs in WoW cant be bought by gold. You have to grind for it. That’s the essence of MMO… a game of grind. Again dont tell me, FF14 has no grind. You buy it with your real money to avoid that grind. On WoW, gold is raining. Hard core no life people use these grinded/farmed gold to buy their subscription. WoW is actually free to them.

report and block, not much else that can be done.

I’d like to see housing in WoW and the Darkmoon Faire grow to mirror the Golden Saucer a little.

Those two things, housing and just casual, lasting, FUN content are big features.

Aside from that, I like FFXIV’s reward structure a little more. I feel like WoW has more to do that feels like you need to do it, but FFXIV adopted the badge system we keep asking WoW for.

On the flipside, I’d like to see FFXIV adopt some of WoW’s UI polish and organization systems. Xmog is 100x better than Glamour.


Housing isn’t what it’s cracked up to be. Especially if they implement it the way FFXIV did. Can you imagine how much hate Blizzard would get if they copy pasted the system over? Stay subbed every month or lose your house and everything you worked for!

It is so “bad” that even FFXIV content creators advertise for various housing plots that are involved in that side of RP, even if the content creators may not participate in it. It is also just that these kinds of places, hosts are large amount of people, RPers and non RPers alike who just sit about and chat, and the places are decorated quite nicely - usually very night-clubby like.

Honestly, moderating that side of RP if it happens in private and between to consenting adults is just a little silly battle to fight. I would certainly agree that if it spews into the open, then yes, ban the people.

I have fairly thick skin myself, and I am not really bothered by erotica in any shape or form, nor do I think kids are harmed by reading the word ‘phallus’ or anything like that - it is just stupid to believe that they are hurt by it… but it is just distasteful to spill it out in public, really.

Keep it private and no one would really care… except total puritans… which is usually the americans… huh.

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I liked Garrisons. I liked being able to have friends in my Garrison or going to someone else’s.

But Garrisons were basic and the only customization was where to put a building or at most customize the race of guards. If Garrisons were continuously expanded upon, where I could arrange interiors and even customize what type of architecture I used, and use that garden for all expac herbs and stuff, I’d be completely cool with it.

But Garrisons are an abandoned feature. Heck, they were abandoned halfway through the beta. I’d be happy to see these things get a lot more love and step up to the quality I’m looking for in player housing.

FFXIV does a whole lot wrong, but even with how tedious a house is over there, it offers this feature and it’s a huge thing in the RP community. People throw parties, my FC does sit-in meetings in theirs, there’s always something going on during content lulls.

This game just needs more casual fun systems that aren’t just grinds for power, that also don’t get abandoned once an expansion is over.


Having to put in player housing in a desperate attempt to get these people off the street and out out of the public eye is not a good thing.

Not sure why that is the point you wanted to take away from that post.
What I wrote was basically that that side of RP is not as contested by the playerbase itself, personally I also do not view it as particularely bad - I just want them to keep it in private and that is basically it.

Banning the people is just futile and ridicolous, they do not hurt anyone and if they do they are harrassing which is a bannable offense anyway - but they are usually not the ones who run around harrassing people, and are usually the ones being harrassed because people are silly.

I feel like that’s a self-limiting approach. FFXIV itself went from its horrible initial release to one of the greatest rebound successes precisely by having its staff play WoW (WotLK/Cata-era) and identify what ideas were making it so successful at the time. There are particular elements WoW could learn by looking at FF now, though ironically, most of those would actually boil down to what WoW used to do.

I mean, there is a reason that some of WoWs most succesful patches in recent times, have been the removal of 17 years of work.

Yet that’s precisely the way Blizzard would implement it in WoW, then change it to a system where housing instances are added soon as one is filled–two patches after releasing the feature.

History has proven that Blizzard takes ideas from other games and just puts bare-minimum effort into adopting them. Transmog at the time it was released is one of these features mentioned. Great idea on paper, horrible execution. It took until Warlords just for them to add in the Collections, three expansions later; even then, it’s still limited to the gear your class wears.

Looking back, it’s hard not to view every decision and not be cynical. The game at release was heavily policed and care was taken to preserve the integrity of the game world. Now I can see that was just to build a dedicated base of consumers. They eventually scaled back on the customer service and quality because they simply didn’t need it.

That’s really sad. It’s sad because WoW back then felt like a real community of people. Yeah, there were jerks and trolls but they were the minority. There was a much more vibrant atmosphere. Maybe it was because there were less diversions? Maybe people were more focused on the game itself and not the achievements and other meta aspects.

I don’t know, but a large portion of the blame lies at the feet of activision, IMO. Everything seemed to go downhill as their influence grew.

Prove it or shut up. NM, you cannot.