WoW versus FF, how we can improve?

I don’t know the details exactly, but it’s frowned upon for being a insert explicit word here to other players in both games, but from what I have read FF does it better. So why? What can Blizzard do to make this game more user friendly? The automatic report system is no real deterrence, players are still mean to each other for no good reason.

I have 13 characters, 9 of those are either tanks or healers, or both, and I like to tank as a main. And when I go onto my Shaman or Priest, I choose to heal. And this works great, mostly, I get almost instant queues for group finder content and you can get into peoples pug groups with lesser stats than what DPS has for obvious reasons.

And you would think players would be thankful for this, thankful there are still players who tank or heal for randoms, but no this is not the case. Regularly I just walk out of groups, be it random queues or even peoples keys, if someone wants to be mean I am gone.

Just today I was tanking a TW, got into the one with the lightning boss at the start and we caught it just out of cycle so I asked to wait for it to leave the trash mobs on it’s way back to us and the healer instantly yells “Pull coward”. I do nothing, but than the healer pulls, and we wipe, so I wished them luck and left the dungeon. Yep, got a whisper from them. This time saying something mean about my parents.

We’ve all read stories about players being abused and than leaving for good, that we don’t need. I couldn’t say if there was anyone here who thinks we can do with players, less tanks and healers, so what can Blizzard do to help deter players from being that kind of person?


FF14 is just as toxic as WoW, it even shares many users.

You can tell when people feel they are doing favors by running PUGS.


I think Blizzard needs to actually reinvest in the game.

Hire GMs and Moderators and pay them well to do their job.

There’s no way a ticket should ever have a 24-hour anticipated response time, nor should that window of time ever be acceptable.


Time walking was almost too easy in legion then they messed around with it to make it and almost everything else much worse. Healers pulling is hard to prove or police unless its the group members seeing whats happening. A long que time is an adequate punishment for people mean to tanks or healers.

WOW is just old, most of the characters are old, and so does the playerbase.

Trying to compete with FF or Genshin is just weird.


Now that I have actually played both I can say i like some things of one and not the other. for example i think WoW’s combat just feels more fluid. I would hate to have the FF combat in WoW, but the feeling of no obligations makes FF feel way better for me.

Everytime I’m logging into wow all i think is “ok gotta fill my bar in chorethia, gotta go grind more soul cinders in choreghast because they made fire the better spec again with legendary hotfix, gotta do this, gotta do that, cant switch back to venthyr cause 2 week penalty / fill the bar”

I personally would like zero systems moving forward (the only character progression if you care about it is just grinding gear from whatever content you enjoy doing). Put in the effort it takes to make systems to other optional fun activities that people have requested for.


People are people, some are nice and that will carry over into WoW. Some are unhappy, and want other people to be unhappy, that carries over into WoW also. This thought of punishing people into being nice, seems naive. Are we going to put them in WoW prison, where they have to grind guard rep for 3 months to get out?? The truth is, if you cannot handle people being mean in a video game, that’s on you. I’m not advocating for the jerks to take over, just acknowledging that as “mostly” a adult population in this game, you should have control over how much you let someone effect you.

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Maybe this will do something? Its a bit vague but perhaps a good start?

From the PTR Patch notes

  • Reporters will receive a message when their report results in action being taken. Offenders will receive a message of any current and future penalties if their behavior is not corrected.

Easy, don’t copy FF. I tired FF, didn’t care for it.

Blizzard has to start suspending accounts for bad behavior. All there is to it. You can’t change people and the community.

It’s definitely frustrating but one of the things ffxiv does is in its 5 vs5 pvp, you literally cannot chat to people. They give you like 30 premade things to say. Such as hello, attack healer, burst target countdown, etc.

This has actually kept me from flaming my teammates on multiple occasions. It’s a very frustrating system when you can’t plan with your teammates but it keeps out the toxicity. It actually works really well when you want to burst down a target or switch targets.

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First thing we can do is stop trying to compare to completely different gameplay style games to each other just because they occupy the same genre.

Second thing we can do is stop talkin’ about FInal Fantasy 14 because it’s a completely different beast than WoW, and honestly is rather terrible.

From what I’m told (don’t play FF so I can’t say for certain) FF has better story :man_shrugging: Everyone I talk to says there’s a ton invested into the story and the game has lots of cinematics and NPC dialogue. That’s not personally something I want or care about and it tends to be annoying not to be able to skip it on alts.

Nothing, nothing that wouldn’t be abused (like a rating system of some kind for behavior) or bypassed (like strong chat moderation).

Take ideas from FF.

Use them in WoW.

The one thing I’d say wow needs more than anything to learn from ff is to evolve and be more like an mmoRPG and not an mmo trying to be like league of legends.

From the needless restrictions on customizations (transmogs restrictions and even weapon restrictions), to player involvement in the story (the main plot is done in a way that makes the character feel unimportant the majority of the time) and then the class & race combinations.

So much more can be done to make the rpg aspect in wow feel like it’s an mmoRPG. BUT, FOR TOO LONG NOW THE RPG aspect as well as the core features of the game have been thrown to the back burner instead of being the things that have to be prioritized first above all else as, well, the core features of an mmoRPG!

It’s getting frustrating at this point, tbh. There is progress there with the updates we’re getting, but it needs to be like this forever. The customizations needs to be constant, the restrictions needs to be lifted and the story needs to have the players characters more involved to make us feel like we’re not just some props that’s there to look nice while everyone else (Jaina, Thrall, pathetic Bolvar, etc) just goes on while we’re just there.


Mind you, I’ve been following the mmorpg of ff for a few years now and it has caused me to think about a lot of things concerning WoW. And honestly, the last time we’ve actually had that experience of what an mmorpg should be was in Legion and all expansions before that as well. But, Legion with the class order halls and the artifact weapons adding to the class fantasy and actually making you character feel more important than they’ve ever been before is what an mmorpg felt like. If they’d go back to that process while also lifting the outdated mog restrictions and the class restrictions with regular updates to customization options. Then we’d have what would most like be the BEST mmorpg experience in warcraft history.

But, no, because… and I don’t mean this sarcastically or even rudely, but that kind of freedom which is needed for an mmorpg is not fun or good in their eyes, so :man_shrugging:

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Honestly, and I think a lot of people just read “FF” and got insecure and missed your point,
but Blizzard needs to take the iron fist approach in regards to toxicity, similar to how Square Enix does.

Do they need to copy Square entirely? No. But for awhile, they need to really slam down on toxicity. If you can’t socialize and communicate in a civilized manner, then you won’t be socializing or communicating at all. Permanently, or for an extended period of time. Like months. Character specific unless they’ve been punished on 3+ characters, then turn it into an account-wide punishment.

A lot of people on WoW act like children who never had a parent tell them “No. Bad. Don’t do/say that.”


This is what I see between the 2 games. The softies want FF more. The competitive want WoW more. The softies and competitive wont mix. The softies want Mythic Raid quality loots by doing softy stuffs. NOPE. IT WONT HAPPEN IN WOW.

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A lot of people where never slapped on the back of the head and I wish I could throw a punch down the phone line. But yes Blizzard need to just crack down, for too long some people have been able to say and do whatever they want and get away with it, and it shows by how much some people continue to go at it.

Someone made a mistake? Big deal, don’t be going all King Kong on them for the rest of the dungeon. If someone leaves a dungeon because you are being mean, or if you get wrecked in PVP, don’t go about whispering them because you are upset. Yes, I’ve had many many many players either same faction whisper me with insults when I wreck them, or Alliance swap to an alt and have to say something.

It’s a game people, if it makes you upset maybe re-evaluate your choices.


100% this.

WoW is basically logging in to do a check list of stuff on a daily/weekly basis depending on how much content you’re trying to clear. FF is more freeing in the sense that there aren’t many/any obligations of the sort.

I do a good deal of high end group content, but I love solo play sometimes. I feel like in WoW, solo world PvE is always an afterthought after everything else. There are elements of solo world PvE that just make no logical lore sense but exist because it’s needed for group content. I could be in the middle of mounting up and apparently my mount sees a minor rat and gets scared and doesn’t come out until I either kill the rat or drop combat somehow. Yet when I’m mounted up I can run through 50 enemies, take damage, and nothing will dismount me. All of a sudden it has nerves of steel. Stuff like this makes no sense and it’s obviously a system in place for other content that just spills over to the open world experience.

I don’t feel the same when I play FF and solo there. It’s just more fluid in that sense. And overall, WoW feels more chore based than fun in Shadowlands, which is a great shame. Like once I’m done with dailies nothing will convince me to stay out for open world stuff. The lore has also been quite poor/lackluster in this expansion in my opinion. They try to cover up poor writing/plots with cinematics but it’s a very lousy band-aid on a massive wound.


Give me -

Gnome Paladins
Gnome Shaman
Mechagnome Druids
Goblin Monks
Worgen Monks

and tiny versions all all the tall races.

Oh and my hunters want the ability to chose their pets spec again. It’s not fun that after all that time hunting spirit pets they aren’t as good as ferocity pets because of leech and heroism.


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