Wow tokens

I guarantee you I have more WoW veteran status than this dude. I played 6 years and had quit for 2 or 3 before WoW tokens were even a thing

If you truly were a WoW veteran you wouldn’t be going for the low hanging fruit here.

You must be young.

Claiming to be a super troll is really just hubris. You’re actually terrible at it.


Thats because of the rampant sharding allowing bots to essentially exist in their own game world. Theyre so noticeable in classic because of the single persistent world.

Tokens havnt really affected retail as much as the “end timers” believe. It pretty much killed off all gold sellers and alot of their bots since its not economically sensible to do it. There are a few sites that stick around but they must sell more gold than what blizzard is offering and there is still a risk.

Retail has more BOE’s with curruptions that can get you into high level raids faster then buying a plate helm and legs from Classic for a warrior.

People who are mad at the thought of tokens usualyl dont understand economics and saw 1 youtube video of someone saying it will create some weird pay to win game
 When I can pay a gold farmer right now for the exact same thing?

I dont know if Tokens would be the best option since it wasnt available in Classic. But it would stop alot of the gold selling bots and spam that we see. The other option is what they are doing now which is finding bot programs and seeing how they act so they can find accounts associated with botting and banning them in waves/updating the client to try to detect the bots better. Which is a cat chasing mouse game.

Blizzard has been pushing warden updates for the past 15 years that ban clients by signature, among other methods. They haven’t actively banned individuals for a long time. Security in general is a cat-and-mouse game.

Mostly they rely on player reports to trigger investigations. lol.

That’s the joke.

That’s not what your mom said.

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That’s not what your mom said, either.

Another potential issue beyond the ones you mentioned is that tokens could easily increase the number of Classic players buying gold, by expanding the market to the subset of the playerbase that is too risk-averse to participate in RMTs currently but would happily do so in an official market sanctioned by Blizzard. I don’t know whether the data supports this though: we would need to know what fraction of the Classic playerbase is buying gold currently, and how that compares to retail token purchases.

aye fur sausage!

Yea people have a hard time realizing that this isn’t classic. The gameplay should be kept as true as possible and the overall feel of the game should be kept intact as well. I don’t see a transaction, even one that gives players the ability to earn gold in a way they were never able to in vanilla, as something that would negatively impact the game at all.

Plus it has done wonders for the botters and gold farmers/sellers on retail, which is a massive problem in classic.

14 years not that i think my opinion is better but i did experience the old game

Simple to spot, nigh on impossible to stop them from starting all over again the next day.