Wow tokens

I’d rather keep tokens out of the NA/EU game and have Blizzard step up on enforcing their No Bots, No Gold Seller policy. If they put more resources into policing it then it wouldn’t be as much of a problem.


They already allow multibox/bot cheating so it’s quite illogical that they don’t sell tokens as well.

You can still use wow tokens for classic game time, it just takes retail gold to do it. What is wrong with that? Can’t use wow tokens to buy your thunderfury mats?

Only #1 is true.

And you know some inside fact that I don’t? I’ve seen the botters with my own eyes. You can literally buy retail gold right now. It’s not hard nor expensive.

Have you seen diablo 3? Do you understand slippery slope arguments?

I understand that they’re logical fallacies.

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So you’re saying it’s not a real problem? What trust you must have in Blizzard. Honestly, I’m amazed.

I’m saying that your points 2-4 are incorrect.

I addressed points 2, 3 and 4. Here I’ll explain as deeply as I can why you are wrong. Step-by-step:

If a wowtoken was added to the shop it would create a scenario where other things can be added to the shop by setting a precedent for them to do so. Where do we end? wowtoken? Cosmetic helms? sparkle ponies? 6 month subscription mounts? Pets? toys? How would you know? You’re just some smuck on the internet like me. If you’re so trusting of blizzard I would recommend that you take a long look at their history of adding things to the game and where it’s gotten us.

When googling “retail wow gold” the first 7 results are gold selling and powerleveling services. If you believe that the wowtoken itself has stopped botters you’re being naive. Do you realistically think that people would stop botting or using bots to farm valuable items in retail? How absurd. Clearly you don’t value the statement “I’ve seen them with my own eyes”.

That being said googling “wow retail bot 2020” shows at least 7 results for the first page, some of which I recognize from many years ago. There have also been a number of bot legal cases brought by Blizzard themselves. Most notable of which would be the:

If you’ve ever looked at the diablo community access to fast gold and items is the thing they are most known for. Believing that people do not buy items like black lotus now, as they have in the past, leads me to believe you’re putting blinders on and ignoring the possibility of RMT.

If a wowtoken were added to the game the power would shift, yes, but it will not go away. Farmers would just be forced to charge less for their services and the focus would be moved to that of powerleveling and high value items instead of gold.

Please, refute my claims with more than a “you’re wrong” next time.


Nope. I’d much prefer they stop the botting than have them put a band-aid on it that’ll do more harm than good.

You’re wrong.

No on the LFR, but my beard needs a trimming.

Alright, so we’re done here then? Cool. Who wants to go out for a coffee?

I love that you finally admitted it.

You’re just the most adorable thing in the universe.


Should we keep it or let it go back into the wild?

If we keep it we have to get it checked by a vet. Seems like it has a mental disorder, though.

Bots are more problematic then a token service