WoW Tokens make the game 'officially' P2W

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no one cares

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you dont care about much do you


imagine having enough time to make 200 posts but not get level 60

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He hasnt made 2200 posts

Should put your reading glasses on, granny.



9000 post still not 60

Tokens don’t make the game p2w, it’s not like you just go up to a vendor and buy t4 gear for gold. You still have to clear the raid.

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I dont play retail lol

This toon is from wotlk

Just like you have to clear raids and mythic plus in retail. You don’t just buy the runs from people selling them.

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Disclaimer; I think the WoW token has absolutely no place in Classic or TBC Classic.

Hate to break it to you, but this is already the case. Like I’ve said 1000 times, I saw a Drakefang Talisman sell for 44,000g in a gDKP run over a year ago. That guy in the EU just bought a Naxx sword for like 890,000g. These numbers are insane. These people aren’t farming this gold. No way. It’s 100% purchased. People always retort with “Well, maybe they sold mage boosts” etc. But that’s still purchased gold. Where do you think that level 38 paladin got 4000g to spend getting boosted in Maraudon? “His own main!”. Come on. It all trickles back to an outrageous botting epidemic (BRD pick pocketing, DM jump runs etc) pumping the economies full of raw gold that is bought and sold.

The token doesn’t, fundamentally, change this equation.

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True, and raids aren’t even going to be 40 man in tbc so it’s not even possible to carry more than 1 or 2 people. They really should have added the token sooner before the economy was ruined.

Uhhhhh they will absolutely be able to carry people. They do it in retail and retail is way harder than TBC.

In asmongold guild and can’t figure out I have more than one rogue.

kinda subjective

Post count insults are useless and weak. I usually post on this retail priest despite having 4 60’s on classic and a lot of people post on throwaway level 10 ‘forum characters’.

The only time forum character complaints are legitimate imo is when someone is complaining about something that directly involves a character yet they refuse to post with said character - causing people to call into question the validity of the complaint.

could be using this time to level to 60

The funny thing is that the group finder in TBC is going to turn into the same thing as the retail group finder.

Most of the runs are going to be “WTS” runs. lol.

Why would I level this character to 60 so soon? I have a few other rogues to get to 70 first.