WoW Tokens make the game 'officially' P2W

you could be half way through like a Mara run my dude why are you still typing

this is great

Clearly you care even tho you say you don’t; Classic deflection.

the run could have been over and you’d be 40 all im saying

holy fook m8 are you actually in olympus NINE? the 8x removed cousin guild of a guild that wasnt even good in the first place that is insane bro.

Did you manage to get asmongold to target you bro? thats so sick.

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Sorry you cant be blessed by the god of wow gaming

That’s where you’re wrong tiny muscle. You cared enough to reply, I care, others care, now quiet down tiny muscle, no one cares about your opinion.


no one cares

Like I said. This is already happening. gDKP runs are rampant everywhere. Mage boosting is rampant everywhere. Gold is now how you level and gear. And, no, I don’t believe the majority of people participating in boosting and gDKP farmed their own gold. They either bought it directly or acquired bought gold indirectly. The token doesn’t change this.

Without the token: people buy 1000g for $34.55
With the token: people buy 1000g for $19.99

The token just makes it cheaper. Increased gDKP prices. This style of play is ALREADY “legitimized” by virtue of its ubiquity.

Are you also mad that some kids parents have more money than yours? Probably not. This could be your attitude about other wow players if you wanted it to be.

p2w is awesome.

About you*

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