WoW Tokens are ruining the game

the proof is in the posts.

the proof is in the ability to see them out in the world.

…or are you claiming it’s a mass-hallucination?

Anyway, until you got some numbers it is just pure speculation out of you.

prove me wrong.

(oh wait, you can’t… because you’re just speculating)

I only buy a token so I can afford repairs, transmogs and flasks. If all gold sinks were removed like repairs, transmog(the gold cost) etc. Then I would be for the removal of the token.

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Boosting has been around way longer than the token.

Besides that the end game isn’t made for casuals anymore. That’s why casuals drop $$ on the boosts. You could say the boost made the casuals more apathetic towards getting the rewards the normal way but I think it’s more to do with the game itself being more prohibitive to people who don’t play all day.

Imagine being the person who plays WoW who doesn’t visit the forums, doesn’t theorycraft (because no time), doesn’t read icy veins or cookie cutter ways to play the game. Imagine being that person and playing BFA to win.

Good laugh.

The WoW token took a bigger bite out of gold farmers than years and years of ban waves. We can get into a discussion about whether their monetization system is good for players or not, but the WoW token has actually had a very positive impact on the game. Look at the state of NA Classic servers for an extreme example of what life was like before the token.


you can make over 100K easily just playing the auction. the tokens aren’t a big deal imo

you can only buy so many at a time.

that isn’t the token’s fault, its blizzard not enforcing policy enough. it would still be there without tokens.

again, not tokens fault, multiboxers have existed long before tokens.

gold inflation is caused by a lack of gold sinks that spread across the majority of the playerbase like repair costs), not tokens.

WoD gold-missions did a massive amount of this damage.

Up until that point, we had inflation that was SLOWLY getting out of control.

Because of gold-missions, it went up by an order of magnitude. And because there seemed to be a feeling of “the damage is done, oh well…”, the Legion gold-missions weren’t quite as bad, but you could do them from your phone. The end result was still a continuation of a runaway gold-glut.

Then BfA slammed on the brakes.

I have no love for multiboxing, but to blame the shambles that is our economy on boxxers is largely misleading. Boxxers aren’t helping things, and it’s becoming so popular now that it is quickly moving from a small problem, easy to ignore, to one you CAN’T ignore. But when it comes to gold-glut, AT LEAST FOR NOW you have to blame the larger portion of that problem (51%+) on WoD missions.


I don’t have to prove your speculations wrong. Garbage in equals garbage out!

That isn’t the sellers problem, just like refusing to carry someone and they kick their dog in frustration isn’t that guys problem either.

I have friends that would be unable to play if not for tokens, especially now with our world upside down over Covid. In any system there is going to be abuse- that’s human nature. Someone’s always going to “cut in line”.

While negative things may arise out of it all… my thoughts go to those too poor to afford the game they enjoy, and being able to use gold to get 30 more days is an option I’d like them to have.

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I don’t think nobully is incorrect in his observation but data is something only Blizzard has access to. All we have is anecdotal evidence that there is a rise in multi boxing. That COULD be attributed to other things such as zone design Making them more visible or condensed but it seems unlikely given just how many we actually see. The WoW token makes multi boxing far more accessible from a financial perspective than it ever has prior to it’s release. That being said, I think the benefits of the Token do outweigh the negatives.

Alas, people spending real money for game gold has always been in the game. For months I was getting spammed with flashy ads on youtube openly offering to sell me gold on WoW Classic (now the ads have switched to offering boosting services rather than gold, but they are still there).

So I’m always suspicious that people with an anti-token stand are actually goldsellers who don’t like the competition to their business.


I guess it depends on how you look at it. Half of my guild would not be playing the game if they could not buy WoW Time from gold using the WoW Tokens.

The boost and carry spam is because the players figured out it was one of the easiest means towards stockpiling gold. I made millions in MoP selling Challenge Mode gold, and that was before the token.

If Blizzard wouldn’t be so anal about needing to control the economy and let professions be an easier means of producing wealth, it could probably help with the boost spam though. Like why does everything have to be BoP?

People will always gravitate towards the path of least resistance. And boosting is that path.

so when you speculate that players use gold for game time, it’s “fact”… but when i do it, it’s speculation?

your guild sounds really controlling if they force people to hand over information about how they pay their subs.

If a post ever hit the nail on the head, it was this one.

IDK dude. I think bad people that demand to get boosted in random groups ruin the game more.

As for the goldsinks:
ANYONE can earn that gold if you actually put your time into learning how.
There’s plenty of guides out there about TSM, Flipping, Farming, Boosting etc.

This is a but funny - but where does he ever say anyone forced them to tell anyone?
I’m quite sure guilds are Supposed to be friendly friends (in its core) and friends usually just talk about things.
Talking about how you play the game, or how you buy the game time, can be one of the topics.