WoW Tokens are ruining the game

You can buy a CE carry if you really want one. All they have to do is figure out how to down mythic bosses with 19 or 18 people. In-game achievements/gamerscore are not a measure of self-worth.

Carried people wont down a Mythic Boss. They cant down a Heroic Boss by themselves. What more downing a Mythic Boss? LOL. And the Legit Mythic group wont accept a player with fake Raider IO on their group.

The topic is not about multiboxers, it’s about the idea that tokens enable multiboxers and were tokens removed, would multiboxers also fade away.

I’m not proposing a hypothetical, people are selling CE in trade chat as we speak.

And that’s false, because if you removed the token they’d just go back to what they were doing before - selling gold for real money illicitly, and paying for their multiple accounts that way. The only difference is that Blizzard would need a ton of extra manpower trying to investigate account compromise tickets and ban RMTers - exactly like they had to BEFORE the token was invented. As long as there is demand for in-game gold, people will find ways to buy it. The token is the only solution.

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Where? I cant find one. I see many Mythic Raid Geared people on my Heroic Nzoth attempts, and yet we wiped many times becoz of their poor performance. And you believe CE can be sold? LOL.

There’s tons of AoTC or M+15 Carries but selling CE would be rare or non-existent. I cant see one right now as we speak. LOL. I want to buy one if it’s true that CE selling exist.

147 K now? Wow, thanks! :wink:

I see it as worth pay $20 again! Plus, unlike many unfortunates, I’ve been doing pretty OK.

At the Big Box Hardware store I work at, I’m actually paid 100 bucks extra a week for working a minimum of 35 of that week’s 40 hours; this is still in place until Oct 10 (and they may extend it again… ) I also just got a bonus check, for a bit more than the new Xbox One X will cost (which I’ll definatly upgrade to, but will probably wait a bit - not sure if Red Dead Online or No Man’s Sky will take that much advantage from the upgrade, with them being about all I play now.)

Nah, there is still stuff to buy with gold (big purchases, mounts I never got, etc.)

The gold token is also good for Blizzard, as well as players. It adds to the success of Blizzard, since a stranger is paying $20 for your $15 subscription. Meanwhile, it lets a player who doesn’t want to bother farming gold just buy it. So little of game “real success” depends on gold anyway, since really paying for carries only makes you more likely to pay for carries again, while you don’t really accomplish anything meaningful (never understood players paying for those.)

Hey, that reminds me, I’ve not been playing this for (months?) while messing around in the wonderful “No Man’s Sky” on Xbox (just had ANOTHER big free update) and “Red Dead Online” (ditto, with Naturalist update.):

Have they mentioned the pricey gold mount that will replace the now gone Longboi?

More meaning than it used to have; in Vanilla wow there was really nothing to buy with gold, except maybe 1 or 2 items which were therefore very overpriced on the AH. Since gold IS now for selling for a token, as well as boosts/whatever, it DOES have meaning. It still doesn’t really buy “gear” in the game at all, since you can always get better gear even soloing like me (the stuff on the AH is not as good.)

Just curious, for multi boxing, do you need one or more gaming PC with decent configurations to do it? My brand new gaming laptop (not the high end ones) is already making a lot of fan noises just for my playing.

That’s because it’s a laptop

You need to look in the mirror.

I never said that.

You need to look in the mirror.

I work 90 hours a week, run a business and raise two kids and am married, why is it a problem that I take money from my 240,000 a year salary and give Blizzard it so that I can have gold to buy things because I don’t have the time to do the neck beard farm routes.

Laptop might suffer from heat issues, but you can box with the settings super low.

With an 8GB graphics card, you’d be okay boxing 5 toons.

You would want probably 32GB RAM (minimum of 16), and 6 physical CPU cores to do that. (Not logical cores, physical)

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Many guilds do, but expect to pay $5-$10 million gold. And expect it to be at the end of a raid tier, when it’s on mega-farm status… and no one cares and your gear is getting replaced.

This is why tokens don’t matter. No one or almost no one is able to use them to boost to actual competitive levels. It doesn’t hurt anyone. No one cares about people’s AOTC / 1800 RBG at any point in time, or CE two weeks before you can no longer get CE.

They help more than they hurt anything.

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There are also people who have legitimate handicaps which make it impossible to see end game content. If they want to buy a run so they can get the mount/gear who exactly is that hurting?

Yeah, if you do it now you’re definitely buying some officer’s longboi.

I dual-boxed in Cataclysm (2010) on a toaster, because I was RPing a pair of draenei twins + tanking/healing the harder heroics for my guild back then. It’s even easier now, plus they can crank the graphics all the way down on each client.

Search for the mythic mount (Nyalotha Allseer) and you’ll find plenty of ads. I’m not dumb enough to link you to any of them directly, but google is your friend. Or just sit in trade chat for literally 5-10 minutes.

LOL. Selling it at $1400. LOL. Who’s the stupid going to buy it? LOL.

LOL. I never said I would buy it, I said people are. And you can buy it with gold too. LOL.

Boosting was always existed and the ttokkenis a service that blizzard decide to make in order to kill RMT giving the option to players to buy gold in a safe a secure way.

To me, allow me to play wow and pay my moth with it. I like that, and really LFG is not as bad as i see all of you commenting when i use them.

It was a smart move by EA to incorporate them and use their reasoning behind it (that it stopped gold farmers). Now these gold farmers are just paid carry services instead that people buy with WOW tokens. People with money will always try to gain an advantage over others that don’t have it.

Wrong publisher company!

They are free of gold spammers/ Account hackers and the like.