WOW Token Tanked so bad

I don’t really know why it’s all happening, but it is pretty funny watching the value continue to tank. The only reason to buy a token over illegal gold is simply if you’re one of those who never wants to break the rules because the value isn’t even close.

There’s definitely a certain type of population who doesn’t want to take these kinds of risks with illegal gold buying, but honestly the risk is pretty minimal from everything I hear. I have consistently heard guildies and friends talking casually about how they buy gold whenever they get low. Can’t remember the last time someone said they got hacked regardless of the gold buying status.

It used to be a lot more of a cutthroat industry in the old days. Hacking accounts to steal your gold, using them to farm, etc. I’m sure that still happens, but I don’t think the amount of player targeting they used to do is as high as it was because the botting technology is just so advanced these days and Blizzard is so bad at handling them they are more than easily making all the gold they need by themselves.


My account was hacked back in Cata and used to farm Black Temple. No idea how they got my info because I’d never bought gold from anywhere. Blizzard restored my account and even let me keep everything the botters had farmed.

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That’ll be the Q3/4 change; “Tokens from Classic can now be used for Blizzard Balance.”


I’ve thought the same thing. I thought about getting back to classic and getting a few alts to cap for Cata. But I’d need to buy some gold to get dual spec on all my alts and I got so nervous I couldn’t do it. I told myself that with all the gold being bought and never hearing of anyone being hacked. no reports of CC info stolen, little or no punishment from bllizzard that I was just being overly cautious. But looking at what’s happening it seems like there’s a lot of overly cautious people like me.

The token is a failure, just as the people who support it are.


That was the default starting price, even in Retail.

Yeah, my brother got hacked around then when he was over in Iraq and I reported him. Within several hours he was offline. These days you report a bot, they thank you for your report and it’s a complete crapshoot for when they go offline.

Honestly gold over here in Classic has rollercoastered and at this point it’s not super valuable unless you are wanting to join the GDKP scene. You can make plenty just playing the game, but you actually have to enjoy the leveling and preparation process.

If you have no desires for WOTLK content, especially with JJ, would be a really good time to break into it.

Let them Have their fun, their way… You go take advantage of their laziness or desire to have fun only and sell materials to them

:laughing: :rofl: :joy:

These forums would melt if wow ever did anything that hard core. The reason most came to wow from other mmo’s was because of the soft core ruleset. The game was built for carebears from day 1.


I named my first ‘good’ ship (a harbinger) “TehPwn”. Bought it with all the money. Flew it right into a gatecamp.

my first Orca flew from station to system gate. also bought with all the money.

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Mine got hacked once and for some reason they were playing a Diablo 3 HC character. Got my stuff rolled back since I didn’t earn anything (btw, it’s fun getting an authenticator removed from your account) and while they went a little farther than I expected, still got my account. :smiley:

I’m not as asinine as this, but the point is still correct; compared to Evercrack, WoW was effectively easy-mode down to something as simple as the fast-travel system existing in any way, much less stuff like XP penalties on death or outright REQUIRING grouping up past a certain point otherwise you weren’t advancing anything outside of the clock.


I’ll also add that wow gave the carebears (yea Ultima caved first) carebear land (pve realms) and they still rolled PvP servers. Then they we’re shocked, dismayed, and cried when they got killed by other players. Who would of thought.

You act as if 99% of pvp servers arent carebear land too.

If you still got that…inflation is your friend.

I made billions with stuff like that sitting while I played retail since legion. Inflation is your friend…when you sell stuff when it was dirt cheap years ago lol.

100%+ markups to some changes…wasn’t using it much before I left. no desire to use on dabbling return? Sold!

Yeah…my first week back I was up many billion alone on sales of crap I knew I’d never use.

People think wow is bad. They’d need to google what eve’s scarcity did to that economy. As bad as Ion, and brian and whoever runs classic now have been at times, they never messed up THAT bad. Yet, anyway.

It was inevitable unfortunately

Tokens are selling for about 2k less on my server than they were only a month ago.

there was a gatecamp on the other side.

i owned it for … however long it took me to align, basically. :slight_smile:

Not sure how saying carebears rolled pvp (and cried) servers instead of pve servers is acting like 99% of pvp servers aren’t overran by carebears but ok.

You can suspect all you want but that isnt ehat happened.

So…you suspect that’s not what happened? :smirk:

I mean, if the Token’s gold value is determined by the supply and demand of the token. I’d say demand was pretty high to buy the Token with gold; as the price went from around 10k to peeking at near 12k within the span of 48hrs. Before crashing to, last I checked, 5.6k; rising back up to 5.8k.