WOW Token Tanked so bad

People could literally buy WoW gold or run one GDKP and pay up for a year of game time off the AH.


Bro, what GDKP are you going to? And are there any spots open? I want in!


People aren’t going to RMT to pay for their WoW sub…

I suspect what happened was everyone bought up Tokens with gold, which caused the ‘value’ to skyrocket. This triggered people to buy Tokens to sell for gold.
…and now the market has crashed. :joy:

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its amazing how degenerate the userbase is, and how willing they are to RMT to save time, the game could have been pure, but far too many paypigs sadly.


Given how token has dipped from 10.2k down to 6k in 48 hours, the amount of CASH BOUGHT tokens far supersedes the amount of tokens bought by GOLD.

Though I’m not 100% sure on how it works.
I’d imagine if demand for tokens was HIGHER than the actual amount of tokens listed on AH, then the price of the toke would go up.

I just checked token price - 5,817 lmao.
I’m surprised devs aren’t bumping it back up. Tho, again, I don’t know what kind of power they have over it.

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If this had happened, the the price of tokens would have gone up.

Heck, it’s right there in your post when you state, “skyrocket.”

However, they started out at about 10,500g and are now at what? 5,800?

that is correct. the lower the price = no one is buying them. the higher the price = lots of people are buying them. no one is buying them because it only transfers into wow time and not bnet balance. no point in buying any


Nah, I mean, the Token started at like 10k. I think everyone with a boat-load of gold bought up the initial batch of tokens to pay their sub time.

The decrease caused the gold-value to go up. This lured people, looking to gear up quick, to buy Tokens for dollars and dump them on the market.

And that’s what caused the crash.

Lowest I saw was 5,667.


They peeked around 12k, before tanking to 5.6k. Where have you been for like the last week? :rofl:

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:laughing: :rofl: :joy:

Can we get some comments from the white knight shills who think the token stops RMT? Please explain to the class how blizz selling less gold for more money is supposed to combat RMT?
Idk what the prices are but my guess is Susan is giving up a lot more gold for $20 than blizz is.

Please tell us how the recent bans on buyers will cause more people to buy the token. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Should have started there in vanilla blizz! Quit pussyfooting around with these 2 week bans and drop the hammer for real! :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:


You forgot the /s.

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I’ve never believed there’s an actual player exchange, automated or not. I suspect value fits a formula from years ago when first introduced to limit new currency, and the AH is a fig leaf on RMT. But I suppose it could be a contrast of demand that you’re describing.

Per my theory, the drop in value is 'cause we want gold!


Blizzard is so bad at anticipating player behavior. I logged into my wrath alts bought tokens with gold and uninstalled wrath. Retail token is sky high because blizzard thought folks would buy token on retail with gold to use the balance for wrath gold lol. Epic Blizzard fail.


People that run bot farms and gold rmt outfits can and do outsmart Blizzard at their own games.

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  1. Blizzard dropped tokens halfway through wrath with no advance announcement what so ever. Many players are already on 6 or 12 month subs. There’s no reason to buy a token until your already existing time runs out.

  2. Players were sitting on tons of gold with nothing to spend it on. They spent it on tokens hoping to flip an easy profit reselling them. This caused a short term price inflation and a crash soon after.

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That’s not how tokens work. You buy them and then theyre untradeable.


they should make it like PLEX in EVE… you die with it, and it’s lootable.

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Not only that. You can’t even put them in the bank.

Part of the reason it is heading lower and lower is there is a 36 token cap on buying game time token from the AH. So you can buy 20 tokens a week for money and list it, but if someone buys 36 for game time they are locked. I know because I have been locked for 10 days. so like any stock if you cna only sell and not buy it goes down. PS I like the stock. :stuck_out_tongue:

People doing a raid setting you don’t like that doesn’t effect you that kills the same bosses and gets the same loot you get for free.

The horror.