So apparently, I cannot simply buy a wow token from the Blizz shop, and click it to extend my game time. I had 20 or so bucks sitting on my blizzard balance and had originally bought the token to sell on the AH, but upon going through all of my characters (there are many) found that I had no need for gold, so, went to click on the token to extend my game time instead. Turns out I cannot click on my own game token to do that. I did read that if I let my sub lapse, itll prompt me to use the token in my inventory when on the character selection screen at that time.
I just dont understand why I wouldnt be able to use it without going through the auction house. As it stands now, I would have to sell mine, buy a different one from the AH, to be able to click-use it. This seems like a pretty big flaw. People should be able to use their tokens whether they were purchased from the AH or from the shop directly.
Not many people would choose to spend $20 for a month of game time instead of $15. When you buy a wow token for real money, it can only be used in the AH. That’s the whole purpose of it.
Otherwise, funds, as Kozzae pointed out, can be used to buy a block of game time for the normal monthly rate
I know that now, but nowhere on the game token purchase page does it say that you wont be able to redeem it yourself once purchased. This was only found out through a lot of trial and error and it isnt very clear. So NOW, to extend my game time, I have to sell mine, buy another one losing a few thousand gold for the AH cut. This is a BAD system… The purchaser should be able to use it once bought.
Ill just sell it and use the gold to buy one off the AH, the 5$ difference isnt that big a deal, and the time itll take them to refund me isnt worth it… Its just a bad system, the token should be useable once purchased, bottom line.
It should be pretty quick if you bought it with Balance and request the refund at that link.
Also, here’s what the shop page for the token says (including for posterity):
The WoW Token can be sold on the auction house for gold. The auction buyer can then redeem it for 30 days of game time. This Token may not be traded or redeemed; it may only be listed for sale on the Auction House.
I’m not sure how they could make it clearer, except maybe including a reference to the fact that the buyer can redeem it for $15 USD of Blizzard Balance too.
In my opinion, it’s a bad system to let people redeem it once purchased from the shop, because in that case, they’re getting a product that’s worth $15 elsewhere in the shop for $20.
I’m still not sure why someone would choose to intentionally spend an extra $5 for game time. Perhaps that’s why you’re not finding it? I mean, it also doesn’t say that tokens purchased for real money can be used by the buyer to add game time…so it sorta works both ways
Sorry, the below is exactly how it appears on the in game shop page, where you have to buy the game token to sell on the AH. It is pretty specific you can’t use it yourself.
WoW Token.
The WoW Token can be sold on the auction house for gold. The auction buyer can then redeem it for 30 days of game time. This Token may not be traded or redeemed; it may only be listed for sale on the Auction House.
Current Auction Value; 172,561g (subject to change)
That’d be a poor choice in most cases, but as it was bought with a blizzard balance, and I really could care less about the 5$ because, not much I can buy with 5$ on the blizz shop. I only had it there to gift someone some game time and had extra… I normally dont ever put money into the blizz balance.
It can be used for future game time if you add other balance purchases, but in any case, we’re discussing feedback on the system, which doesn’t really belong on the CS forums.
Any forum could be suited for specific feedback, say you were talking about the Warlock class and were making suggestions, the Warlock forum would work fine.
For general game systems, General discussion would be ok for feedback. There is also the submit a suggestion option in game, or provide your feedback to the developers.
Yes, but that is not a part of the equation, it is exactly what I suggested. You may get feedback from other players, but that feedback is still noted by Community, and still goes back to developers.
With a connection of 50up and 150 down, the ingame feedback page takes so long to load I can literally smoke a cigarette, make a sandwhich and use the restroom before it loads fully enough to be useable. Even then when I click in the fields, the game becomes choppy. I am running at medium graphic settings, with 2 1080TI’s and a lot of hardware thats more than sufficient to run this game, and no addons. =/
Now that would probably be for the tech forum, but I have gone that road before and sending DXDIAG files and such, bu tthere was no resolution to that either and the shop/bug options ingame have always done that for some reason =/
When I clicked on “Submit Suggestion” in the image below, it loaded instantly. My internet is comparable in speed (slower on the upload 15Mbs) but I only run a single 1050ti and my system is otherwise a few years old.
This would have been a bit ago before I added the second 1080 ti. I was conversing through email at the time. Id have to dig it up but I still have the correspondance somewhere.