WoW Token is busted and the workaround is a pain

Bought a WoW Token for 20$ today. A GM was happy enough to give me a tiny bit of time to obtain one. Now, I wish it was way more specific. That Token I bought was useless. It’s making me sell it on the AH, only to rebuy it again from the AH to get 30 days of game time.

The Token is being sold and now the money will be stuck in my mail on my DemonHunter account. How am I suppose to get my 30 days of Game Time if my Gold is stuck in my mail. Why is it also not as simple as buying the Token and being able to use it for game time or gold? I have to take this weird route now.

So now I am currently unable to play. My WoW Token I couldn’t use for Game Time is currently being sold on the AH, the money was then going to be used to… buy another WoW Token that would actually let me buy 30 days of game time.

If a GM could be nice enough to just get that Token for me after its sold, thank you. I’d like to continue playing. Sorry for my low IQ and not understanding the WoW Token, apparently my comprehension is that of a babies.

Should have bought 30 days of time like me. It comes with perks.

60 day option of time for real money.

Beware the living

I wish I could buy 30 days like last year, but that isn’t available anymore. Only subscription based or 60 days can be purchased. You can’t buy subs with your Blizzard wallet either, lets be a bit smarter and less condescending thanks.

Technically, you were looking to buy game time, not a subscription. Subscriptions are renewing, and since balance is not a constant billing source it can not be used for subscribes.

Tokens purchased for gold is what you need for game time, or balance, you can only get 1 month or the equivalent in balance. For game time, if you are out of game time and have the gold on a given server, you can simply buy it from the character select screen.

Tokens for money can only be sold on the auction house for gold.

There’s no point in trying to buy a token to sell it gold, just to buy game time in balance. You end up paying more for the token, then simply buying a months worth of game time on the game time store with cash.


I was just using money (22$) I had left over from a year ago on my wallet. So I bought a Token in hopes of getting a quick 30 days. Seeing as they took away buying 30 days of game time, but I deff agree with you!

Now that I know you can’t use a WoW Token unless you use Gold, I will be staying away from it. None of your answers bothered to even address my issue. But I’ve got it solved thanks to actual helpful people.

@Btq I am Alliance, Horde died in 2011 after WOTLK. I wouldn’t be caught dead on a terrible faction.

To contradict the title of this post, it’s not busted. It’s working as it’s intended to work. You simply didn’t understand the exact ins and outs of what buying a token entitled you to - which is okay. It doesn’t solve your issue, but you know now for future endeavors.

Also, for you and anyone else who trips over this thread? One of our regulars was kind enough to do up this handy dandy chart of what forms of payment/game time are all available and all of that. I would suggest clicking the link directly as Mirasol’s work isn’t given an accurate depiction by the preview that shows up.

I’m sorry for your confusion and wish you well in the future.


Thanks for sharing this link. I’d also add, more specific to this post, the article from our support site about the WOW Token. There’s a helpful video breakdown there too.


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