I looked into them a while before classic was announced, and after it had been announced again. Every one I looked into, you could buy instant gear and level packages or exp boosts of some sort. The quests were full of bugs, talents and ability dmg was incorrect.
Why do you think most of the youtubers “class predictions” were completely out to lunch they based on pservers vs classic or what myself and other people experienced in vanilla.
Any server that would have been accurate and “better” than blizzards version would not have been free. Do you think whole groups of people Spent 12 hrs/day night shift/dayshift to upkeep and recreate a game for free?
If they have that ability, they could make their own MMO that would crush blizz, but that’s never happened so…
This is based off my personal experience of playing classic vanilla to current with the core players of one of the guilds I play with coming from pservers to classic. If there were better pservers, they would have left long ago.
Did not work in Retail so not sure why people think it would work here… Hell in retail it actually made botting more common; you just dont see it because the game has so many shards per server they’re effectively invisible.
Oh I will concede that the pservers had their issues, but if you think the more popular realms were p2w you are mistaken. I will also acknowledge that when Blizz announced Classic WoW was coming there was a barrage of pservers launched looking to cash in on players “re-acclimating” themselves to the game.
If you know players that played before, during, and directly after Nost then I would ask them. They can verify what I’m saying.
I would also like to say that I am not doubting you found some shady pservers, there were plenty of those over the years. Even some that did what you claim in selling upper end gear. The ones I heard of though lost their playerbase because of it and were desperate to cash in.
Most players in guilds I played with are raid loggers. How were they able to buy flasks in classic vanilla for 300g a pop without playing more than the time it took to get world buffs outside of raids? Every week for months on end, get world buffs, log out, play other games, log in, raid, rinse and repeat. This was in a “casual guild”, so my experience is much different than yours.
You dont add monetization for the majority, You do it for the whales. I dont think you understand how monetization works. The whales are the super small minority and spend the most money by far. Check any video online explaining how to monetize games.
This was the exact opposite of a casual guild. Casual guilds are not hyper min maxing the game. The guilds I ran with in vanilla did not post logs and many members didn’t bother with world buffs. You are running with a parsing guild, not a casual guild.
I never understood why one feels the need to buy gold. I get the whole “boosting” and GDKP, but I feel like that’s a waste of gold, when you can achieve these things for free
I knew a ton of people that bought gold in 2019 classic, however, in my experience those players also would blow their money like crazy on stupid stuff and deathrolls.
Ive never bought gold before, but a lot of gold buyers in my guild thought i did because i always had gold. But the reason is because i went hard in phase 1/2 farming devilsaur leather and i bought consumables and materials months ahead of time that they would be relevant
I made about 9k gold and was able to make that last me the entirety of classic all the way to naxx by just being smart with my gold and doing stuff like farming my own demonic runes instead of buying dark runes and spending a few hours farming elemental earths every once in awhile.
The people that swipe their card are typically really loose with their gold because they can just keep swiping, but it isnt hard to have gold legit, especially if you’re a mage
Playing to obtain items to progress your character is what an RPG is about. When you pay to bypass, you’re indicating you don’t want to play an RPG. Raid logging feels like you would rather have a raid lobby game. Perhaps they’d put a vendor in that lobby where you could swipe and purchase your consumables.
What a friggin joke.