WoW token coming to ERA?

Yup. All the token does is let blizzard sell gold to bots wherein they turn around and sell it back

Iā€™m already raid logging Wrath and will stop once my guild kills the Lich King on heroic or whatever it is.

Keeping Era intact as it is, or developing Classic Plus with sensible vanilla-style philosophy is the only way they will retain my sub. I know some idiot is gonna be like ā€œoh noez theyā€™re gonna lose ur single subā€ well too bad you wasted your time listening to my 2c and Iā€™m sure there are several people in the same boat as me.

Bottom line, tokens and whatnot in Classic does not belong. Not sure if thereā€™s enough whales playing Classic for Blizz to profit off of.

You and I have much different meaning of casual then. You can run logs and still be a casual guild bud. Casual to me refers to guilds that donā€™t kick underperforming players, and non speed running guilds. We didnā€™t have gear requirements for raiders, we didnā€™t kick people if they didnā€™t have world buffs, consumes, or missed raids. No one got benched for wiping the raid multiple times ect. This was pretty casual.

Iā€™m not saying it was hard to have legit gold. Iā€™m saying the people that raided logged the whole expansion literally didnā€™t play outside of raid days and yet still had thousands of gold for consumes. They obviously were buying gold.

I donā€™t understand raid logging either, to me wow has always been about the journey getting the gear and then using it in bgs, or open world.

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what in the world :dotted_line_face:

What world?

I agree that what you just described is also casual, they are guilds that arenā€™t hyper min maxing the game. I wasnā€™t trying to say a casual guilds never post logs, just that some I ran with did not as an example of people who donā€™t care about them. Really my main point was, these are the majority of guilds, and they are not the ones with rampant gold buying. There might be a couple members that buy gold, but itā€™s not completely endemic like it is with speed runners and GDKPers. The people who claim that everyone or 99% of players buy gold are usually in the GDKP bubble and are just rationalizing their behavior.

Could be a slippery slope, or a slippery slope fallacy.

Judging by the amount of bots I see every time I am playing the game, thereā€™s a larger amount of people buying gold than we all think. They wouldnā€™t be botting in this game if there wasnā€™t a good market for it.

WoW token is RMT, dude. How can people seriously not realize this. No wonder Blizzard keeps making you guys eat a stinkier sht sandwich every month.


There is definitely a sizable percentage that buy gold, Iā€™m only dismissing the extreme claims that 90+% buy gold. But even still, there can be a ton of botting for just a minority of whales. In free to play games, a company often profits off a few addicts burning thousands upon thousand of dollars away, when most of the playerbase spend nothing or only on a couple low value purchases.

Wow tokens do not reduce botting or gold selling. Stop believing blizzard.


official line has always been NO TOKEN in vanilla. thatā€™s a line in the sand Blizzard knows not to cross, they even said so.


When token first came out on Wrath it sold for 10.5kā€¦ its now 5.6k. Blizzard is making a killing.

I wouldnā€™t even be mad if the token came to Era, at this point nothing is surprising so why not.