
There are more things to do in FFXIV, even smaller things, and they are even meaningful. You can also do easy glam (transmog) farms in old trials, raids and dungeons. The Duty Finder can be set to ignore undersized parties, which allows you to do old content at your current level.

FFXIV at the same same, has an indepth crafting system, housing, and the Golden Saucer. There are also achievements.

Most dungeons in WoW are linear with few exceptions.
Same with FFXIV, most dungeons are linear with few exceptions.

Compareably, true.

It is quite fast-paced.

Keyboard and mouse > Controller anytime.

Just the WoW community. The FFXIV community do not pat themselves on the back in their own game.

There is no arguing with this one for sure. You may have a window here and there (GNB main here) where you can whip out a bunch of OGCDs but that’s about it. Now, while I listed the faster combat as a PRO, that’s not to dissuade anyone from enjoying FFXIV’s combat because it is enjoyable.

Disagree here. Farming old raids or dungeons in FFXIV for glam is a lot more hit/miss. The only exception are WoW mounts but those should be rare.

The crafting system in FFXIV is good for those who like more “in-depth” crafting but it’s off-putting to some, especially those who came from the game’s predecessor.

Most dungeons in WoW are not tunnel linear like FFXIV.

It may be but not as fast paced as WoW. I press buttons much faster and more often in WoW. Again, that’s not necessarily a good or bad thing depending on who you ask. I know many who prefer more APM.

This is subjective. Some love mouse/keyboard and some love controller. For me, it all depends on the game. My comment was not about which is better but only stating that they controller support in FFXIV is much better.

Both communities have pros and cons. I will take the WoW community (outside of game) before the FFXIV one. People insult you on the WoW forums, make snide remarks but people on the FFXIV forums/sub give people death threats, berate them and downvote them into oblivion for frivolous reasons.

To me personally, the worst things on the WoW forums are:

  1. Streamer fans trying to rationalize why streamers are important then liking their comments with their own alts.
  2. All the sycophants who live in the CS forum who mirror actions of 1.

There definitely is, I would even argue that it is false.
The windows are fairly small, and you have a fair amount of OGCDs.
Just gotta keep an eye out for the OGCDs.

Hit or miss? How? You can go through old content solo no problem… well, Alliance Raids maybe be a little harder with SOME bosses. You still have to deal with some insta-death abilities of course.

They are

WoW is more responsive, but not faster.

As mentioned, only the WoW community has to deal with FFXIV fans coming to the WoW forums and saying that FFXIV is the better game. FFXIV community does not need to validate their own game.

People seriously underrate the difficulty of FF14 content
“Oooh, but most of it is just a dance.” I do not know what people define as a ‘dance’, but most WoW mechanics are also ‘just a dance’.

FF14 also have tankbusters, enrage timers, moves this object out of that spot, pick these up to avoid this damage, stack to soak this damage together, looking away from the boss when doing this, etc. It is not just ‘avoid those telegraphed attacks’ which people seem to portray it as.

Maybe it is more because WoW has nothing to do outside of doing Dungeons, Raids and PvP. Once you have done your raids, you are locked out for the week - wat do now? Oh, right… dailies! :crazy_face:


Can agree with this to an extend though, it is far more forgiving and the community is far more forgiving when making mistakes. It helps a lot in fostering a healthy community in a MMORPG.

You are more likely to get a happy purr from a furry in WoW - it has more furry races.
FFXIV only have 1 furry race.


We can agree to disagree on this. I know what I know and I’m not backing down.

I can walk out of an old dungeon or raid in WoW with much more added to my collection than in FFXIV and it’s not even by a little bit.

We can agree to disagree on this one. FFXIV dungeons are like walking down a tunnel. There are no bends/turns. Outside of ARR, there is no “go downstairs”, etc. There may be some linear dungeons in WoW but it’s not 100% like FFXIV. Again, not always a bad thing. Some people prefer it that way.

WoW is faster and it’s not even by a small amount. Agree to disagree again.

Fans of both games go to each other’s forums trying to condescend one and inflate the other. This is not what I’m referring to. I’m referring to how the community itself interacts with people of it’s own kind within its own realm.

But can you go back in without waiting a week? And can you unlock transmog items for other classes on one character?

There is no agree to disagree here. Both mostly have dungeons that are largely linear, both that goes up and down.

There is no agree to disagree. WoW is more responsive, when you click a button something happens. In FFXIV there can be a small delay.

I haven’t seen much talk about WoW.
But honestly, I play on the Balmung server, so there aren’t many sprouts coming in at peak time, so not many new WoW refugees. A few do manage to slip through though, but even then… we are too busy talking about hand-holding and how the coming male viera are going to spell an end of the existence of male miqo’te.

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In WoW? Yeah I can. I consider myself heavier into the old raids. I’ve ran things on one class that gave me options for another. The only exceptions are some tier tokens. Those are class specific. And I’m fine with waiting a week. If I was able to do it all right away, I’d have been bored.

There is agree to disagree. It’s called “I do not agree with you and it’s clear you are not going to agree with me.”

There is agree to disagree. It’s called “I do not agree with you and it’s clear you are not going to agree with me.”

That’s the in-game community. I specifically referred to the forum community. The FFXIV in-game community is more tame because of how active they are on banning people in-game who harass others. However, on their forums/sub, you’re free to harass, threaten or berate others with little fear of anything happening to you. In many cases, you’ll be praised.

Good luck to you and you are showing why you are a valued member of the WoW community.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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You can not unlock mage transmog on a warrior class.

No, it is an entirely fact-based thing. Most of the dungeons in both games are linear, that is a fact, not an opinion.

Haven’t been much to the forums. But from what I can see, the topics are pretty tame as well. The replies are equally tame. Not sure what you are experiencing.


For people who are really interested in the FFXIV combat, and learning about it thoroughly. Xenosys gives insight to the combat as it is, and what you have to do to perform at peak with your class. It takes learning and muscle memory, but it’ll come.


Nobody said you could.

Fact-based says that WoW dungeons are less linear.

I’m not insinuating anything from you personally. But just about all people I’ve seen who say the FFXIV forum community is tame are either 1) flat-out lying 2) new and do not know any better 3) are part of the crew who berate people and in their own minds, do not see it as wrong because to them, it’s the norm.

I’ve been playing it a little bit and it is weird seeing all those naked cat girls and bunny girls played by guys.

And for people saying wow has worgen and vulpera… those two were not made to be “sexy” or even attractive, unlike FF’s cat girls and bunny girls.

As opposed to naked Night Elves, Draenei, female trolls and female orcs?

Also, there is a higher probability that these cat girls and bunny girls are actually played by girls, even and especially the ones in skimpy outfits.

In general, there is a higher probability that more females play FFXIV. Which I can confirm based on all the damned IRL drama people try to bring to my wholesome Balmung Ul’dah Shout chat, where we only want to speak of hand-holding… and occasionally female roegadyns, because we all have mommy issues.

We were talking about furries specifically, which is why I did not mention any of those races, clearly.

I do agree FF probably has more female players than wow, but I’ve been watching a lot of videos to try to learn the game and not be so lost and seen a lot of guys with their naked cat girl character. As a girl, it just feels weird. At the end of the day they can play whatever they want, but that’s just how it makes me feel.

You can only unlock items for transmog that your character right there could equip presuming it’s the right armor type. Mage can’t unlock plate, Warrior can’t unlock cloth.

XIV I can run through on Ninja and hunt down Casting stuff in older content if I want. I actively am chasing down my Skallic Coat of Casting with my Ninja.

Who cares? WoW dungeons are less linear but that doesn’t mean they aren’t linear. WoW dungeons throw stupid crap at you like “Oh you can go one of two directions to either boss first!” or the haunted house in BFA where random doors were open and you had to move along paths, but it’s far from not linear. XIV is pretty “You will go in these rooms in this order” which is whatever. Only dungeon I can think of where you can get lost is Haukke Manor but even that is kind of guiding you by keys and what doors. You’ll generally go the same pathing each time.

Based on what? You seeing a few posts that probably aren’t there right now with the account actioned because it’s tied to you in game account?

It doesn’t take a genius to look at WoW’s community, and XIV’s community in the first dungeon of each and say “I don’t know what’s going on.” Hell, let’s take it to the end for a hypothetical.

You zone into Pagal’than on XIV, or De Other Side in WoW. Say “Hey, never been here before, can someone explain mechanics?” You’re not getting anything from a WoW group usually. Pagal’than they’ll tell you boss mechanics that you need to know and encourage you. WoW players will vote kick you.

You’re playing WoW and accusing XIV of this? Bro, you’re seriously delusional.


Nobody said otherwise. Why are you saying this?

I run old raids on all kinds of classes. My Priest can unlock some cloth for my Mage, etc.

Some people care.

Play Shadowbringers dungeons and get back to me.

Come to the FFXIV forums sometime. And do not be dishonest and tell me you already are.

I already went over the in-game and out-of-game community comments. Please read above.

Again, please check out the FFXIV forums/sub and get back to me. I will accept your apology at that time.

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FFXIV’s subreddit is absolutely horrible. They have a thread specifically for asking questions and it’s common to see new players asking simple questions and the questions end up with -10 karma ratings

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It is important to remember that human beings with cat ears, tails and bunny ears are not furries.

I am well versed in recognizing and criticizing furries, and I have quite frankly found… that it requires more fur for something to be ‘furry’. It would have to be more of an anthropomorphic animal, rather than just a human with some animal appendages.

But yeah, quite a few youtuber guys seem to play female miqo’te.
I wanna make a lalafel power rangers squad with my friends.

To be fair.
If anyone is new to paglth’an and ask me for mechanics, what I will actually say is: “It is alright, let us jump in blind and if we fail I’ll explain then.” I am terrible at explaining mechanics, and would rather avoid it if I can.

I personally learn better by seeing, but FFXIV does require a lot of logical reasoning skills in order to go into a fight blind.

Ew… reddit. Who even uses reddit for anything but looking up memes, silly people. People deserve to be mocked for using reddit. They should ask on the forums instead, gods know it needs it.

I went to the forums to check it out, then I went with the possibly most volatile subject matters in video games to see the responses. Granted, this is only some of the posts at the front page, I can only zoom out so much without making the letters way too small.

and it is pretty much the same tame responses throughout the thread… kinda boring really.

Reddit can be a very good place to get information depending on the subject. The official forums are no better. Heck, even in the screenshot you posted, someone suggested something from the trans community which is becoming more open in the past years and the immediate response was “please no” with 133 upvotes. That pretty much solidifies the comments I’ve read in this thread here.

With a clarified and ‘less rude’ edit underneath.

And honestly, ‘please no’ isn’t even bad. I had expected much worse, as I said, I picked the possibly most volatile subject on the front page of the FFXIV english forums. And the responses are just so tame. No wonder it does not get any more activity, it is boring.

As I posted, some people who have that same mindset do not see it as wrong. Evil people don’t think they’re evil. Psychopaths do not know they’re psychotic. While that’s not calling anyone anything specific, it shows that people have programmed mindsets that won’t change. It usually takes intervention.

Yeah, I think that’s pretty bad. And the explanation underneath seemed like a rationalization more than anything. That place is pretty bad.