I been playing WoW over 14 years EU/US. Over 3 Accounts Total, yea.

Am tired of not enjoying the game, I took so many days off not playing WoW, came back feeling same which tells me something is wrong with the damn systems they release, barrowed power,etc its endless. ( now Legion Ya was some barrowed power but I loved it, I played it 24/7 lol I even skipped college it was English class because we were trying to kill Mythic High Botanist Tel’arn, and we got him dead after 286 wipes haha, Yes those were the fun times.

Now BFA/SL I log in do weekly quest, Torghast, Renown,Dailies,M+,Raid, ya sounds like alot things but lets say you have a day off you can do all that stuff in that day ( if you have a team ready). even if you dont playing few hours a week will get it done. but am complaining about them not having enough content. NO fun activates, EVERYTHING FEELS LIKE A REPEATE EVERY FREAKING DAY. which is annoying.

They also need to listen to community overall, not just the top hardcore people Mythic world first, Mythic+ 25 or whatever hell they doing. That game got other socials, Heroic raiders M+ farmers that needs attention which clearly they enjoy playing the game more than those world first people. and cares about it more.

I been trying since what BFA first patch I remember it like yesterday, got to max ilvl for the patch with my friends and we were just jumping around all day, after that I quit the expansion, I still play the game but old content, I did loremaster was a lot fun for first time ( I would recommend everyone who did not do it at least try you will enjoy it that’s if you enjoy questing and lore.

In SL Same jumping around, I was so damn bored that I started carrying people in torghast ( ya the most hated place for players lol). I made almost 20m from it in less than 2 months. than I was bored to death. I tell you this I was going to kill my self while carrying players throw torghast felt like hell, but gold is good which I used it all lol. Now alot people might hate me because I do carries Anyway I dont do anymore never will so relax.

Either way I still have my Subscription ends in 4 Months, If game changes next patch and gets alot better I will be back to try, but if it feels same as BFA patches, and this Patch we just got, hardly a patch anyways, than GG. ( I dont mean to take anyone fun Just saying my Feedback). Which no one cares about I assume specially blizz.

And Yes It Makes me feel like a crap dude supporting blizzard specially what happened lately, that is also one reason am quitting, but main reason It’s a bad game, ( it was not before) Hopefully gets fixed.

And hopefully the employees feel safe and relaxed in their jobs and have good pay with benefits and feeling secured.

And am moving to FFXIV, will give it a try, looks fun to me.

-Have fun everyone and stay safe, the world is a dangerous place, stay unknown to be known! Peace


Hey, you have fun too broski, hopefully FFXIV gives you the type of fun you are seeking :slight_smile:


Best of luck man!


I know, but I was just pointing out his hypocrisy. A simple Google search would tell you they are adults lol.

Another MMO that I want to bash has better detail and customization than WoW’s gnomes, so that means this MMO has that type of content. :clown_face:


Tis fun! Hope you enjoy your stay over there, i know i am.


Yea, I am, up to lvl 70 now. There a huge sale going on till August too btw.


Posts like these - barely legible, broken English, and overly emotional diatribe with incoherent thinking (schizophrenic or drug induced) - are the reasons I will never try ff14. I don’t want to deal with a user base that has the emotionality of a four year old and the mind of a crack addict.

Good riddance. Don’t let the door hit your face on the way out.


When you come back, be sure to let us know.

your post is like 2 weeks delay now … first we dont care , second you are not special for us

If you’re going to use this brush, you need to paint with a wide stroke. You can infantilize any “small” race in fantasy. And if you’re going to make the argument that sexualizing one of them is bad, it follows that sexualizing any of them is bad. And I wouldn’t necessarily disagree.

I just find it disingenuous and hypocritical when people are fine with Gnomes in their skivvies and doing sexualized dances and critiquing Lalafells at the same time. Because let’s be real here - the only reason they’re doing so is to knock FFXIV, not because they have any real issue with it.



I hope you find what you are looking for in XIV or another game if XIV doesn’t work out. Good luck!

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Best of luck to you. I’ve been playing some and 14 and it is really fantastic. I may make the full time switch over to 14 after this raid tier wears itself out.

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I played ffxiv up to the end of heavensward, had the shadowbringer dlc all set up…quit because I got sick of paying to play an MMO by myself. Even when i had guilds, unless it was raiding, they werent interested in helping and I was told to just pug things. Nah i’ll pass, at least in wow my guilds will help with stuff just for fun. I cancelled my sub and stayed with wow. when i leave wow, that will be it for me, no more mmos.

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So you quit over a guild?

I’ve actually only had that problem here. It’s prevalent in WoW guilds. In XIV they seem to love to throw Gil at you and take you through everything. I’ve not grouped with my guild so much in years.


I play an Au Ra in FF14 cause dragon girls look cute.

The worst part of FF14 is the beginning that is based off of old content from 2010.

Cool, Yea am trying it now. Thank you everyone hope you enjoy whatever you playing right now.

Sorry for my broken English, at least I speak 4 languages. not 1 language to those who posting hate comments

Any advice for FFXIV let me know all tho this is a WoW Forums, but doesnot matter because half posts are not talking about game content. anyway its general discussion.


Trying to log in FFXIV and it got server que wait time.
Guess they been getting a lot players lately


My friend, I’m sorry you feel the way you do. You’re very much not in a minority for your feelings. You may or may not enjoy FFXIV but I can assure you of some things as someone who has played both games since the beginning.


  1. PRO: Faster-paced combat
  2. PRO: More minor “things to do” such as farming old raids for mounts and transmog, achievements, etc.
  3. PRO: Better community in the forums. While there are trolls and trash talkers, I’ll take these guys over the forum community of FFXIV any day of the decade.
  4. PRO: Dungeons are less linear.
  5. CON: In-game community is worse. After Mists, it’s as if so many forgot how to be decent human beings.
  6. PRO: Seasonal events can be very fun. FFXIV’s are forgettable.
  7. CON: Community staff are extremely incompetent.


  1. PRO: Less complicated combat. While it’s not as fast-paced, there are less bloated abilities and less “all over the place” rotations.
  2. PRO: Controller support is far superior.
  3. CON: Worse forum community, and it’s not even by a little bit. People threaten and berate others (including new players) who have their own playstyles or unpopular opinions.
  4. CON: Too much reading. Give me more animated cutscenes.
  5. PRO: Raid finder is not as much of a crap-fest as WoW.
  6. CON: Asmongold plays. So you’re going to have to put up with “Well even though the entire FFXIV community said X is better for years, now Y is better because Asmongold said so. We don’t know why, but trust us”.
  7. PRO: “Ultimate weapons” can be obtained by casual players. When WoW legendary weapons were relevant, it was just not going to happen.