Wow, the tears are real

you can google it i dont post links, “how many classic wow players buy gold”

Anecdotally I can tell you that I will now be creating hard res runs instead of GDKP, i hope you boys enjoy seeing more of those around.

this is one of the worst mental gymnastics to cope I’ve ever seen

yea that’s fine, i’ll be competing for your pug members with sr or +1 or just plain roll off runs so good luck

No problem, I don’t mind putting in a bit more time to recruit to have more control over my outcome, that is the concept of player agency.
GDKPs were always harder to fill than a standard MS>OS because the pool of viable players is much smaller.

Crud. Well, they probably knew this.

No crap! I wasn’t aware they did this. Man, that is awful.

Are they already “cutting off their nose to spite their face”?

Why not allow botting then, like Final Fantasy 14 and basically all other MMOs. Is it because it would destroy the economy, causing the AH to skyrocket… but then those who played the AH would make bank AND WoW tokens would be almost required. If Blizzard only cared about money, they’d allow botting.

If Blizzard only cared about money, they’d have let multiboxing continue.

As I mentioned above, if they cared only about money, they’d not have banned multiboxing and would allow GDKP to continue so botting didn’t stop.

You are not wrong about their lack of investment in human support staff, though. I don’t think this is the reason their not supporting human staff, well, not the only reason. I DO think corporate greed is why they don’t support staff. Corporate greed is 1000000% why companies are firing so many developers (I’m a game developer and fear for my job daily).

Take a deep breath. You can disagree with someone without needing to insult them. This is the problem with anonymity. I get your passionate, I fall into the trap of wanting to revert to insulting and HAVE many times. But it doesn’t further our goal - getting our point across. It means we’ve given up on that goal.

You both have valid points. And, for the record, I don’t fully agree with Bigchad and lean more toward your position.

I honestly don’t understand the up roar. There was a time you ran raids and dungeons in games without GDKP. You most likely had no idea they existed and you played the game just fine. Deal with it…

I am going to become the WoW Police.

No more tears.


Solid discussion in this clip. Even if you watch five minutes, you’ll hear arguments on both sides.

Yes, its Asmongold, but it is also Xaryu - give it 5 minutes