Wow, the tears are real

I can’t swipe with my credit card anymore and pay to win? No fair Blizzard!!! Are you actually saying I have to roll for gear again and still have a chance to get what I went for? How dare you! I’m quitting the game, and never looking back, because my card is useless now, wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

If the only way that you can play an MMO is paying to win, then maybe this genre isn’t for you. See ya later, and don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.


Added to my cringe compilation, thanks!

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Glad I could help.

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I’ve never bought gold, never will, but some of the best wow experiences I’ve had, especially in 40mans, have been in GDKP raids.
Now, that option is removed because blizzard are unable / unwilling to enforce their existing TOS around botting/RMT.

Removing player agency is not a good thing, and you should be concerned about what other player behaviour may be restricted in the future in the name of cost savings.


You may have paid into it with hard earned gold, but the split was most likely garnered through illicit means. Basically, just because you did it right, doesn’t mean others did. All it takes is one bad egg to spoil the bunch, so you should be directing your frustration towards the people that did.


It’s not my fault that blizzard are unable to enforce their own TOS. Putting blame on innocent players for the actions of cheaters is not a good thing.

I will rightfully direct my frustration towards the people who literally control the game.

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Besides, they’re only testing this concept in phase 2. They might bring back GDKP in phase 3, who knows. This isn’t permanent.

It seems to also be a bad decision to release this change at the same time they supposedly implement new detection/enforcement methods against botting.

My concern is that these new methods will (hopefully) reduce the amount of bots, and the ill-informed community will see this and celebrate that it’s due to banning GDKP, making it very permanent. Blizz are tainting their own metrics by implementing both of these at the same time, and we’ll never know exactly how much of an influence on botting that GDKP had.

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it’s not your fault criminals are running around either but you still pay taxes to fund the police of the community. removing responsibility from yourself is a cop-out and fake outrage when there are literally dozens of other ways to obtain the same things you were in gdkps

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To use your analogy, the local government has just cancelled the bus service because some people chose to vandalize it. I now have to walk further to the train station or get a taxi.

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what are you talking about cancelling a bus service, whens the last time you’ve seen a bus tagged

Hey you don’t know that!

He could be a republican :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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oh im sure he’s not one to involve himself if he sees a defenseless person getting mugged

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I’m indifferent about gdkps, meaning I don’t really care either way and I don’t run them but don’t hate them - but these kind of replies are just ragged to death.

Do you ever sell anything on the auction house? Because people who buy gold use the auction house.

Again I really don’t care for gdkps but this is beginning to become cult like behavior that worries me for the rest of sod

why are you okay with gold buying?

the difference is an order of magnitude between buying a pot for 1 silver more from a goldseller and buying an epic in a raid for hundreds+ gold from them

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I understand that.

Who is going to police people buying the POD 2 hander?

You won’t be in a GDKP for that. Epic items costing more than pots is a no brainer

not sure, but it’s clear that people selling grey items for hundreds of gold on the ah are doing so for illegal means and are probably easily flagged as well


We also pay Blizzard - and a fairly substantial amount for an MMO in 2024, where most popular MMOs have done away with subscription-based models.

Somebody plays the game differently to you, so you immediately assume they are complicit with people getting mugged? How delusional are you?

what other most popular mmoRPG are you referring too? runescape has membership, ff14 has subs, those are the big 3

and the analogy is not that far off from the truth