Wow, the tears are real

pretty disgusting comment, you don’t know me, why make an accusation like this?
This isn’t the ‘gotcha’ that you think it is, it’s not my responsibility, nor anyone else, to police the game. We pay a subscription to blizzard for them to do it, just because they are too lazy, incompetent and cheap to do it effectively does not mean it’s justified to remove emergent player behaviour. In addition, it’s certainly not justified to brand every player who participates in this loot mode as a cheater and blame them for degrading the economy, when it’s directly caused by gold injection via unenforced botting and RMT.

Did gold buying go down when Blizzard introduced their tokens? Why not introduce tokens in SoD if it did?

The fact they said they are “trying this” means it wasn’t an easy decision. I can see how it clearly encourages players to break ToS. And anyone claiming “Why can’t they enforce their own ToS” do you believe it is a conspiracy or lazy programmers? Do you really think they want cheaters to exist?

Not saying this makes it okay, but FF14 is plagued with bots. Just google “FF14 bots” and the first two links are botting programs.

no, a botter made a popular AMA stating that wow token increased his sales…
we in classic do not want a pay to win game, token would be the opposite of what this is trying to achieve

Yeah and if they let the criminals run free while taking away the agency of law-abiding citizens it would be a massive problem.

removal of gdkp is not taking away agency of your ability to do anything to the rmt or botters, that would be removing the report button, bad analogy

The better comparison is when Blizzard introduced measures to prevent high-level players from solo’ing low-level dungeons. Ostensibly, a measure to prevent botting and RMT and in response to public outcry on the forums (“Just /who on X Dungeon to see all the bots!”). But in the end, the bots just moved elsewhere and all that was left was a group of players who legitimately farmed low-level dungeons or boosted friends and were no longer able to do so.

because you’re making it very apparent this is the type of person you are

It’s not a conspiracy, it’s just good old boring corporate greed.
They refuse to invest in human support staff and levels of service in all areas has degraded significantly.
GDKP aside, we have all seen with our own eyes the hugely rampant level of botting in SoD, it is very clear that their existing methods are totally insufficient and have failed completely.

This is not my fault because I sometimes attend GDKP raids.

No it’s taking away a player’s agency to use in game currency for in game things.

What, exactly, kind of person am I?
I find that anti-gdkpers assign a lot of emotion and reaching thoughts in their discussion on this topic, making sweeping assumptions that everyone “not on their side” is an immoral cheater who is destroying the game and kicking their dog.

it’s incredibly weird.

Zoom out, look at the bigger picture, I’m not out to get you and I don’t have nearly as much power over the health of the game as you think I do.

no, it’s taking away players agency to use real world currency for in game things

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do you honestly care if someone buys gold or not?

Yes, of course, RMT and botting are damaging to the game and are against TOS. I’ve clearly stated above I don’t buy gold and I never will.
Again, choosing to use in game currency to attend a GDKP does not make me a gold buyer and does not mean I support gold buying.
I shouldn’t be forced to avoid an in game, perfectly within TOS, decision because some other people choose to break TOS.
The problem is that existing TOS is not enforced effectively, stop putting the responsibility on other players like me to fix bad enforcement.

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No, actually people can still do that regardless of this change. This change will affect both RMT fueled GDKPs and non RMT fueled GDKPs.

The only reason GDKP is an issue is RMT. Without RMT gold then GDKPs aren’t an issue.

i didn’t ask about rmt and botting, i asked if you cared if people bought gold, through wow token or whichever means

one word: inflation

do you think it’s normal for a wotlk flask to sell for 600g?

people RMTed in classic to buy raid gear for 4 years, look at the economy state now, just log in wotlk and check the AH

I don’t care about other player actions as long as they are within TOS, that is the crux of player agency. Play the game however you want as long as it’s not breaking any rules.

Does that answer your question?

it’s taking away one avenue of the players agency to use real world money to buy in game items, not all of the avenues

so you wouldn’t mind if blizzard introduced tier sets and legendaries to the cash shop tomorrow?

I personally wouldn’t like it, but it’s NOT MY GAME. Do you understand this?
I play the game within the boundaries that they set.
I am failing to see where this line of weird questioning is going and how it’s relevant.