WoW TCG Loot Card issue


A Few months ago a close friend of mine bought some packs from one of the old WoW Tcg sets. We were lucky enough to pull one of the bigger loot cards and became very excited.

Unfortunately, when the card was scratched, the code was ineligible possibly due to whatever warehouse climate these cards were stored at, The numbers are very blurry etc.

We initially tried to contact blizzard via a ticket in game hoping the problem would be something fixable and were then prompted to send in a photo of the card so they could analyze it. After The ticket response said we were out of luck but that they could send it to a CS rep. After a Couple of days, we were told yet again that the code could not be worked out.

At this point we tried photoshop on the pictures of the card to make the code less blurry via filters which helped a lot. We have 20 of the 25 digits down and are only missing/guessing on the remaining digits.

I am posting to see if anyone has further advice on what can be done to crack this. I know blizzard is no longer involved with Cryptozoic/Upper Deck so I’m not sure if going through them is even an option. Or if the card could be directly sent to blizzard to be figured out.

Has anyone else experienced this problem?

Crossing fingers that we have better luck on this round of tickets!

I’m sorry to hear of the trouble you are having with the card, Meirelle. I guess whatever they used, or whatever conditions they stored the card in didn’t hold up over time. :frowning:

If you can figure out the code, our Support staff should be able to help. The items themselves are still obtainable in-game from Landro.

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I’m having the same issue with some older cards. I can make out most of the numbers except for 4 or 5. Given that that could be 10,000 different for the 5 digits I cannot make out, am I to understand that I cannot claim the card without the proper code, @Vrakthris?

Yes, you’d need the code in order to redeem it. I don’t know of any way to verify the code without the entire thing, sorry.

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I’m having the same issue for a few cards, and have raised several tickets to customer support but they have put me on hold indefinitely while trying to resolve the issue. I would just like to get confirmation from your end - if the codes are blurry, there is nothing blizzard can do to help me figure them out or provide the items directly? I would have to do it myself?

Please be mindful of the age of the thread you’re replying to. Anything older than a week or two, you should create a fresh thread. Necroing things isn’t really kosher.

And as Vrak said in the above posts, you would need the full codes. There isn’t really anything they can do if the codes are indecipherable on the cards.


Providing an item directly, without claiming the code, would open up the prospect of the item being granted twice, should the code be figured out later. Customer Support would not violate the integrity of the game in this way.

Likely what a GM does when receiving a ticket on such an issue is nothing more than what a player can do on their own. Guess at the numbers. And this would be done as a courtesy and never guarantee an outcome.


I’m not familiar with the process, Huuhana, so I don’t know how long it takes or what it entails, or if it is even possible at a certain point. I can see the ticket they escalated for the issue, it is open, but I don’t know much beyond that.

Looking at the pictures, those codes look entirely unrecoverable to me. If it were only a few numbers, trial by error would work, but it seems there are entire blocks of numbers that just look like blobs. So, I’m not sure how successful they are likely to be in recovering those.

Without the number, we would not be able to grant the item. We’d need to be able to verify that the code was not otherwise in use, which would require the code. :slight_smile:

If you can figure it out, it wouldn’t hurt.


Thank you! Your explanation here finally lets me understand the issue on why you guys can’t just provide the items haha.

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What’s is necroing things and kosher?

Basicly raising a thread from the dead thats more then a few weeks old. 9x outa 10 its better to start a new thread because what advice given at the time of the original may have changed or is inaccurate.


has landro been fixed?

The last word was it wouldn’t happen until after DF dropped. But I believe they meant more than two days after.

They will probably have it in patch notes when he does get fixed. But ATM, they are occupied with getting DF fixed.