WoW should get rid of professions

The thing is that “gathering” was never designed as a self sufficient (eg. fun on its own) minigame. It was a carrot on a stick meant to get players out into the world.

But the world is giga nerfed now and everything is made out of paper. Also flying exists, so you can just fly from node to node.

Remix convinced me that gathering professions are the way to go.

I fully agree professions need to die already. DF was a convoluted mess.

Or, at most, cap profession gear at world quest power levels and add in solo casual world bonuses. Like out of combat passive HP recovery increased by 500% or completing an event/world quest resets major class cooldowns and such.


Ok but what does that have to do with being a baker or making things?

This logic only holds up if content stops being balanced around the passive perks professions provide like enchants and flasks.

wow started its existence as an mmorpg. Professions and trade is part of what is supposed to be a living world online. Why would they get rid of it? I agree they could make it better but cmon

Because they contain actual gameplay… at best professions offer a series of daily quests that could exist without professions.

The height of unique gameplay content professions boast is picking herbs or mining rocks.

  1. No it doesn’t, because you can get those things without engaging in the system yourself.
  2. You whined in your original post that all professions add to combat is potions. Now you whine about flasks, enchants, and I’m sure you will whine about gear too. You can’t say it is involved in too many things and also adds minimal amounts, those are opposite claims. Pick a lane.
  1. You don’t decide what is gameplay for folks.

No that’s wrong. Professions are part of playing the game, hence game play.
It’s just game play that you don’t like so of course you think it should go away.


Wouldn’t miss them, if they did. Probably the most boring part of this game is its profession system imo.

Sure and I wouldn’t miss M+ and Raids if they went away. I’m sure people who only care about Transmog wouldn’t miss Role Play if it went away.

However there are those of us who are considerate about the fact that others like to play parts the the game that don’t appeal to us.

Then there are those, mostly from the elite dungeon / raid crew, who think they are gawd’s gift to gaming and none of the rest of us matter.

Part of this is the playerbase (once again) optimizing the fun out of the game. Professions should provide lots of options for gear, potions, enchants, etc but eventually there is a “right answer” or “bis” included in every guide and google search result, and from that point on only the “correct” crafted stuff is used and all the other recipes start collecting dust.

It’s unfortunate but it’s also the nature of modern gaming and internet culture so whadya gonna do?

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WoW did get rid of professions, for a lot of us. They made them bloated and overcomplicated for the sake of being bloated and overcomplicated, and only rewarding to hardcore crafters, casual crafters can kick rocks. DF was the end of professions for me. Double gathering on my alts from now on. Though, I will keep Engineering on the alts that have it for the wormholes and the loot-a-rang.

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It provides potions and healthstones as items that affect game play in a active sense. The rest is just passive buffs that don’t add or subtract.

Every post we stray further from reality.

My favorite profession: Warlock. Is it primary or secondary?

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You think this is a “modern gaming” culture issue?

The point I was making is that it’s hard to tie professions into the main gameplay loop (which is combat).

Blizzard has tried incorporating professions in the game in vary different ways (sometimes choosing to treat it more like a minigame, other times trying to treat it more like a bowered power system.)

None of them have every really worked Imo. (outside of maybe the first 30 levels of vanilla, after level 30 it becomes pretty awful)

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Professions are absolutely, and easily, tied into the main gameplay loop (combat) in Dragonflight.


I don’t get the counter arguments…

Sure dungeons have challenges constant gameplay and skill testing content…but professions make you hit a single button and stand still for 5s after you do a daily


Excuse me…how?

ban dense stones.