WoW: Shadowlands Is Probably Real

Did that other thread disappear? Classic Blizz censorship.

Do you have any counter evidence or are you just saying its not real because you don’t like Pyromancer?


I don’t dislike Pyromancer, he’s just wrong with 90% of his content. Taliesin has been far more accurate with his predictions and he isn’t even as into the lore as Pyro.

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90% is a pretty huge claim considering he was 100% spot on accurate on everything he said when I watched his video covering the leak.

He seemed to know his lore pretty damn well to me.

Oh but wait, I started playing in Mists so obviously I couldn’t possibly know anything about the huge and infinitely complex masterpiece of interwoven storylines that is wow lore



Yes it’s most likely real. I say that because the design of the map. It looks very much like what Blizzard would present. Also the way the story is unfolding makes a lot of sense to me.

Not that it matters. The reveal is probably going to happen come Blizzcon anyway.

If they can do all those things AND put rep banners / tabards back in the game the experience will be all the better for it.


No, I’m Alex Afrasiabi, yes I’m the real Alex
All you other Alex Afrasiabis are just imitating
So won’t the real Alex Afrasiabi please stand up
Please stand up, please stand up?


I have no idea what the OP is talking about.


Pyro’s entire premise is that the Warcraft Chronicles are lore deceptions intended to mislead us. I mean if that doesn’t call most of the things he says into speculation, not sure what else will for you.

Also, I’ve been a lore junkie since WC2: Tides of Darkness. I devour everything in the lore. There is no way this leak is 100% right. Potentially like 50% of it at most. Also, its fake leak season aka 3-4 months before Blizzcon. Skepticism is healthy.

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As George R.R. Martin once said (about the GoT ending but the point stands here as well): do you change the story you foreshadowed and laid the foundation for or do you come up with something goofy and outlandish just to subvert expectations? No that would ruin the series

Sure, but making broad, sweeping claims like “this is 100% false” is disingenuous, then using the excuse of “oh, well he didnt even read the lore until WoD” like that is somehow a determining factor on whether or not someone knows their lore


It does matter to a degree. People like Pyromancer weren’t around at the time the stories came out. That wouldn’t be an issue if Blizzard didn’t retcon the lore a thousand times, but they have. I remember almost every retcon. He doesn’t because he doesn’t know any better.

It’s far more likely someone that works for, or used to work for, Blizzard created this fake leak than it being an actual real leak.

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i love pyromancer’s videos. love how he thinks abstractly and deeply. i’m a big fan of research and looking carefully at details. i will say, however, he does seem to be wrong on occasion, which is not a bad thing. at least he’s thinking and taking time to share his thoughts! i applaud his efforts and originality. just not sold on this shadowlands thing yet. like i’m not sold on his theory that sargeras is the ultimate good guy. its a bit like saying the absolute worst person to have ever lived, was actually a hero in disguise lol noooooooot buying it.

You realize all the lore is still out there to read, right? It’s not like it vanishes after some undisclosed point in time. You reading it before pyromancer doesn’t mean you somehow know it better.


Funny because I was open to the concept but not completely on board until his latest video came out and now it seems very plausible to me

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has he made more than one vid about it ?

No but he theorised A LOT of what was said about the shadowlands and Sylvanas and Old Gods n all prior to the leak. So if this leak is legit then I’m sure he feels gitty right now lol

Yet, they still don’t have as many subscribers as Wow. Their gameplay is as dull as any MMORPG I’ve ever seen, horrendous global cooldowns, invisible walls every where, long load times, awful combat system, awful professions, just an all around unfun MMORPG. This coming from a HUGE Final Fantasy fan. FFXIV is NOT fun AT all.


Mmm… yeah it does. Perspective is reality.

Also, he said Sargeras is the good guy…

His theories are fun, but they are nothing more than fun speculation.

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In a nutshell, the speculation community has been on overdrive trying to guess what may come next/be announced at Blizzcon lately. Even Jeremy Feasel (Muffinus) who does oodles of secrets for the game noticed that ‘leak season is starting early this year’.

Not long ago, a ‘leak’ was posted that sounded slightly more plausible then any of the other dozens that were released that afternoon, because it felt like an evolution on the lore and tied up some loose ends. The concept has us doing a lot in the Shadowlands, and having it fleshed out in multiple zones.

It began with a single thread on MMO champ that went pretty far, and then some other streamers talked about it which is propogating it more.

So it seems to be drawing ahead in the speculation race at least for the time being. Here’s the link to the MMO champ thread.