EVERYTHING blizzard does for their next 3 announced xpac to retail is a total waste of time because the lore is absolutely ruined. Even if they made the BEST xpac ever, best gameplay, raids, classes, etc, the lore would always be trash because it has already been ruined beyond repair. The lore has been ruined to the point it is irrecoverable mostly by extreme pandering to Alliance.
Thrall should probably have never stopped being Warchief for made up reasons by blizzard. And if he did Garrosh should never have gone âbadâ and been used as content for Alliance players.
They should have NOT done essentially the exact same thing with Sylvanas and replaced her with nobodies.
The trends of âcouncilsâ/committee leadership on the Horde is pathetic; it is either lead by a Warchief or stop just calling it the Horde Blizzard because you arenât fooling anyone.
Void elves are the most offensive thing ever and should not exist. Biggest pandering move in the history of WoW and its disgusting.
Vulpera are gross. Pathetic attempt to compete with Final Fantasy.
Stormgarde should not have been ârevivedâ for no reason when Gilneas & Kul Tiras already were brought âbackâ so to speak.
Itâs not World of Warcraft anymore. It just World of Alliance Simping/Pandering now and there is no fixing it anymore.
Classic+ should be an opportunity to essentially undo all that garbage lore and restart from before it all began to be ruined as early as WotLK when Varian the copy cat character was brought to the fore.
Youâre welcome to your opinion, but the âclassic+ lore resetâ idea was always stupid and is obviously not going to happen. The very idea is ridiculous.
My advice would be to cancel your account and invest your time and energy into something that makes you less miserable!
but the âclassic+ lore resetâ idea was always stupid and is obviously not going to happen. The very idea is ridiculous.
Frankly you sound like youâre desperately trying to convince yourself.
They used to say Classic servers would never happen. Then they said Classic+ wouldnât happen when SoD is basically the Beta for it. Blizzard see the writing on the wall now. Retail is dead and Classic+ is the future and the lore not being trash is key to that.
The only thing I agree with is they shouldnât have replaced Sylvanas and Nathanos with Calia and Derek. The rest belongs in a trade chat on some low pop server.
Why would Classic+ go with different lore when that would take even more work than theyâre already giving themselves? If anything, I imagine theyâd follow the same story and only try to flesh out in-between bits, if they add anything at all to it.
You have it backwards, retail is the trashcopy of classic with 10+ years of TERRIBLE lore ruining decisions and game ruining ones that made it feel more like a lobby and que simulator than a living breathing MMO.
Retail has been failing and living on the legacy of Vanilla/Classic success and WoW is still even talked about at all really only because of Classic. In fact Classic launch was the biggest video gaming phenomenon WoW has been since original Wotlk 14 years ago and WoW hardcore has been way more notable than Dragonflight. Hardcore gets streamed like 4 times more than Dragonflight and has brought so much more attention to the game.
Retail is garbage even though its so old and the lore not being absolute trash is a massive part of that. Actually a world worth exploring unlike World of Alliance Simping that is retail.
Half the legacy servers are dead, but I suppose nothing can stop you from thinking itâs doing better than Retail. Have fun though, thatâs all that matters in the end
Literally every retail server is dead lol. Have you actually seen the numbers and done them yourself?
Raid logs show Classic Era servers have almost double the raiding population. Retail population basically just sits in que and barely players the game. Watching stream they are in que for freaking 15+ minutes all the time in retail lol. Dead game.
While Blizzard might someday reset Warcraft lore(ahem they have an easy out with Time magic) potentially for WoW 2 or whatever, they are NOT doing it for at least the next 3 expansions.
And considering Blizzard seems intent on keeping WoW going for the next decade or so dont hold your breath. If anything based on Metzenâs comment Warcraft as a series has a bigger change of simply getting a definitive ending then getting a reboot.
If Gelbin and Moira can become kings and queens from their councils, maybe the horde still has the time to choose someone?
Thereâs was a funny development on those two races (and the kulâtirans) as the void elves used to be written to learn void magic to protect the blood elves and silvermoon (changed to supporting the alliance) and the gilgoblins were introduced and seen around durotar during the same patch we meet mechagnomes but were scrapped for vulpera.
âŠand the kulâtirans werenât planned to become playable until community outcry.
It was a cool concept for warfronts revisiting a legendary location although it had nothing to do with the frostwolves so if the horde loses it, they still have hammerfall and nothing changes.
Lol, reality check, Classic is carrying Blizzard on its back. Classic Hardcore Makgora tournament was the most watched live wow event in history and Classic is the only thing keeping wow relevant as most streamers stream Classic over Retail. Classic also has like double the raiding population per logs. GG.