WoW Remix Tuning and Adjustments -- May 21

Quick fixes:

  1. disable all hyperspawns.
  2. cut gear upgrade bronze costs by 50%-70% at level 70.

An entire day and this is all you could come up with?


That’s nice, stuff in regular scenarios is still eating the faces of my characters at 68. And also, increasingly since level 65, regular mobs out in the world are harder and harder to kill.

Did you guys balance around iLvls if your character was fully equipped in all slots? Because I’m starting to think that’s the case, but MOST characters being leveled don’t have anything in their neck, ring or trinket slots, so even a character who has fully level-appropriate armor in their head, chest, shoulder, wrist, hand, waist, pants, shoes and weapons slot is still about 100 iLvls under the level of those pieces of gear due to the other items being missing.

I HOPE that you guys took that into account while balancing things.


They should still adjust bronze as time goes on if it’s off, but there’s nothing “tone deaf” about their changes. Tone deaf would be assuming everyone is rushing bronze to match those clearing this event out in days rather than months. Most players would be right about where this change is - finding out heroic scenarios are very punishing.

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Honestly it would be better to just stop issuing fixes at all and reset it to the state from release day.


Thanks again for not reading any of the threads on here, on reddit, on twitter, or anywhere.

Nobody and I mean nobody wants to spend 9000 bronze upgrading their weapon on a temporary game mode by 14 (FOURTEEN) item levels. You can purchase 4 mounts for that price that will last you forever.

Fix the upgrade costs already! Stop trying to boost engagement numbers FFS.


Read my reply a few steps above. Imagine several of those frog farmers are making gold caps in retail by selling, for millions of gold, Heroic/mythic MoP remix raid carries.


Yup, you can buy a SOO mythic boost for only 2 million retail gold guys! Thanks Blizz!


You missed April fools by over a month, now where are the real fixes that show yall even listened to the players a tiny little bit?


Goats were actually nerfed last night, they weren’t hyper spawning at around 10-11pm cst.

Oh geez…I don’t know why, this hadn’t even occurred to me. Of COURSE that’s happening :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


Wait, they nerfed it? Why? It is one of the few ways I keep tanks alive lol.

Maybe this is all a giant plan to sell more tokens.

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EDIT: I may be confused about their intentions. Disregard :frowning:

All of you on this post upset about the lack of bronze changes — their Twitter post about changes coming was specifically about scaling at level 70. Nothing about bronze issues. They’ve actually delivered on what they stated, amazingly.

You can be upset about their complete lack of any recognition that bronze costs are stupid or that they show zero intention of addressing the disparity between players who farmed Gulp Frogs and those who didn’t, but today’s changes were never going to be about that :joy:

Well played, dev team.

Uh huh, I see. Keep inching along, you’ll get there, I’m sure.

Oh. I was going by Wowhead’s information which came out about 40 mins ago.

Thanks for the clarification :slight_smile:

And yet still not a single fix for the UNAVOIDABLE damage in raids going 20+ million damage to level 70s.


The best thing we can do at this point is stop participating. Leave this mode. Unsub. Wait for TWW. Engagement, including Rage Engagement, is the only metric that moves the needle.


My bad,

Holy radio silent on any relevant changes Batman.



How about rolling back the Frog farmers