Why do you keep giving me EXP threads?

It does not carry over to alts past 100% and I am max level. I do not need them anymore.

Just did LFR the reward is still an EXP thread. Went from 230-237% exp gain.

Give us extra bronze or something maybe a random stat thread.


Why aren’t you raiding normal? They fixed LFR because people weren’t getting the bonus xp people who were doing normal, which you obvious did to get your cloak up over 200%, got.

Also that thread is a one time bonus for each wing.

Haven’t switched to normal yet have been doing the LFRs first. Will be starting normals tomorrow.

Still think they should change this some people wont be doing anything outside of LFR and deserve something other than a pointless 7% exp upgrade.

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how did you get your cloak over 200% xp then? You are going to get the same bonus xp in normal too. It is a one time thing.

No it isn’t you get a thread for every wing of LFR you do. My cloak is still going up in exp past 200%.

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we shall see tomorrow but I read that as first and only time.

Well its not working that way currently.

I did 2 wings earlier on my main and I got the threads and then when I checked the rewards after for the same wings it was only showing the cache as a reward no thread.

For every different wing of LFR you do you get a thread. One time a day.

Taking the bonus over 200%.

that’s good

I am max level why is this useful for me? Give me a random stat thread instead.

if you don’t like the rewards in LFR just don’t do it. It was a bonus to help people like me who had their cloaks in the 70s still because we didn’t frog farm or run normal.

It is really bizarre to think you should tell blizzard to give you a different reward because you don’t like the one they are giving. I got a whole bunch of gear with avoidance on it can I ask blizzard to give me something else instead?

Muted troll.

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Your ability to pointlessly go around in circles with someone in pretty much every thread you are in is practically an art form. I bet many hold you dear to their heart irl.

To OP: I agree. This needs to be addressed. The reward needs to be changed when your cloak gets to 200%. There is no need to have it keep going when you are max level and it does not carry over to alts that way.

It is a one time reward. I might agree with you if you got it every time you went into that wing but it is one time…

It affects reputation. Learn to read what the stuff actually does.

Don’t need rep either.

Are you sure? if you want Landfall, yes you do.

I am level 62 and my cloak is only at 98%. It sucks. I will gladly take your extra exp threads.

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Not accurate. It’s daly. I did all of the LFR yesterday and got the 7% for each wing. Now it’s available again today.

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