WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Hotfixes -- June 21

Unintentional, absolutely, you unintentionally opened a can of worms while hoping your change would allow a more vast iLVL difference in raids, but it didn’t work, it just meant we pushed the iLVL requirements higher and found ways around the fix and it made it worse for everyone who was not 420+ geared.


That’s being pretty generous.
It’s more like they sat the mix down on the oven and immediately just shlopped a fat, raw dollop of it out onto our plates.


Any chance you could do something about the Emperor Shaohao rep? It’s such a slog.

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Not to be mean but no ones asking for these changes. Maybe they are just trying to tick boxes to show the managers idk.


Cool. Hotfix upgrade prices when?

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They don’t need to cut the upgrade costs, just spoil us with more Bronze

People asking to lower the cost of upgrading when there are still 80 days left in the event… 2-3 days doing normal/lfr progress and 5-6 days doing everything that can be done in the daily heroic lockout and they already have their 555ilvl gear.

People are lazy

No, to correct your statement? People do not want to slave away for 13+ hours a day just to gear up during an event designed to be fun.

There was no balance after the frog farmers and blizzard gave a tone deaf response to everyone including the big name streamers criticizing them.


Hey Linxy,

Any word on those Shado-Pan robes yet? :slight_smile:

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13 hours? I spent 2-3 hours per day and did exactly as I said and yesterday got my last tier ilvl upgrade.

Also the first thing I did as 70 was buying a 38k mount, before the free 40k because froggers.

It is true they should have rollbacked their gear too and cosmetics bought, but froggers get nerfed and you can tell now because their cloak so low compared to many, but many many players that have already reached top ilvl by fair means, so froggers it’s now a thing of the past.

People continue to demand that upgrade prices be lowered as if not another large part of the baseplayer have already decided to take the effort and play the game. It’s not our fault many of you decided to take a late start

Finally, hopefully they hadn’t taken an eternity.

Now it’s just a matter of fixing the biggest issue… Oh right, they explicitly confirmed they have no plans to do so, well.

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Bronze is not an issue. You get enough to slowly upgrade all your gear and do heroic raids, which will give you more than enough to buy everything you want. The frogger thing is unfortunate, but giving everyone a way to quickly max out their gear now would be completely stupid.

The problem lies in that with the current numbers, it’s literally and objectively impossible to improve the entire team in the remaining time of the event for someone who does all the daily activities and a bit more. The numbers simply aren’t achievable. You may be able to increase 1 or 2 levels of a single piece of equipment per day at most.

Furthermore, there’s still the rollback for the froggers, this must happen and it’s the only thing I’m not willing to discuss because to be against it, you have to be a frogger or someone who enjoys having a frogger babysitter. Everything else, go ahead.

…. Your math doesnt track

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Who cares about what the streamers say? They really only care about creating controversy to get clicks. Game could be perfect and they’d find some pot of brown something to stir. From what I hear its starting in your precious final fantasy, streamers starting to turn to complaining in order to get clicks.

Also slaving away? I feel like the only way you’d be happy is if they gave you a “push button for max everything, give all rewards” no wait that would still be too much because you’d have to log in to get it. Then you’d complain the people who logged in when it dropped were cheaters because they didnt have to log in like everyone else.

You seemed to have just hotfixed dungeon daily quests to require 3 bosses instead of just completing one (or maybe they were all like that and I didn’t notice before because I hadn’t gotten Mogu’shan palace in several days).

Apparently yet another remix bug is that not all boss encounters in this dungeon counted towards the daily and we only get 2/3 instead of 3/3 even though we killed 3 bosses. I didn’t look at it until the end and was confused as to why I couldn’t turn in my dungeon daily after having just done a dungeon so I’m not sure which one is bugged.

Always been like that.

Many powerful players just did it legit at this point. So what do you want, roll back of the increasing minority lol? So silly.

Also you get 10k a day just doing the basic 3 dailies and the queues. That’s multiple pieces upgraded, or one weapon upgrade (two hand or dual). If you want to do more you can also choose to do normal raids or get carried in heroics, the rest of LFR as well for a decent amount if you aren’t gonna do anything else. World bosses give bronze too.

You have options to gain bronze like 2-3 hours every few days and you’ll get a lot. Like, just doing your dailies and 3/5 heroics is nearly enough for one full armor upgrade - or one of the expensive mounts / rare toys. Is it fast? Depends on if you have time to play somewhat frequently.

You don’t need to be geared up either to do normals or heroics. Many people (myself included) carry it solo and bring tons of dead weight and they all get tons of bronze.

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I believe it’s Gekkan who doesn’t count, presumably if any of his adds are still alive when he dies (since that’s usually what happens when I run it).