WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Hotfixes -- June 21

You seemed to have just hotfixed dungeon daily quests to require 3 bosses instead of just completing one (or maybe they were all like that and I didn’t notice before because I hadn’t gotten Mogu’shan palace in several days).

Apparently yet another remix bug is that not all boss encounters in this dungeon counted towards the daily and we only get 2/3 instead of 3/3 even though we killed 3 bosses. I didn’t look at it until the end and was confused as to why I couldn’t turn in my dungeon daily after having just done a dungeon so I’m not sure which one is bugged.

Always been like that.

Many powerful players just did it legit at this point. So what do you want, roll back of the increasing minority lol? So silly.

Also you get 10k a day just doing the basic 3 dailies and the queues. That’s multiple pieces upgraded, or one weapon upgrade (two hand or dual). If you want to do more you can also choose to do normal raids or get carried in heroics, the rest of LFR as well for a decent amount if you aren’t gonna do anything else. World bosses give bronze too.

You have options to gain bronze like 2-3 hours every few days and you’ll get a lot. Like, just doing your dailies and 3/5 heroics is nearly enough for one full armor upgrade - or one of the expensive mounts / rare toys. Is it fast? Depends on if you have time to play somewhat frequently.

You don’t need to be geared up either to do normals or heroics. Many people (myself included) carry it solo and bring tons of dead weight and they all get tons of bronze.

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I believe it’s Gekkan who doesn’t count, presumably if any of his adds are still alive when he dies (since that’s usually what happens when I run it).

Having been in World of Warcraft since Warlords of Draenor, I have been around through some of but not all of Blizzard’s high’s and lows.

I never got to experience MoP as it was initially released and really never had an interest in Classic WoW, I liked being on the live servers with so many other players.

Combine that with the culture of pandaria matching some of my favorite culture from IRL, I was very excited for when they announced MoP Remix.

Seeing the leveling and the ability to gear an entirely new way, experience raid progression again but with a twist, quest through zones, get all the cosmetics I missed, etc? I really did want to play it a lot.

I got into the content about 10 days late cause I wanted to ensure the systems were more or less ironed out cause we all know how day 1 patches of content are… And when I got into it? I was super enthusiastic about it.

I really was excited to go nuts in this new content for the next three months.

Fast Forward to when I started getting into raids.

I felt powerful, very powerful. Because I was, I mean the scaling for lowbies is insane with this content! But then I started getting into more and more raids on a destruction warlock.

That is when everything changed, I started seeing bosses being deleted in 3s flat and was confused. I mean 3s isn’t even enough to get a proper chaos bolt off most of the time due to having to set it up with the DoT.

So I looked into what happened… and I came across one conclusion.

Frog Farmers

People had been exploiting and even though their cloak was nerfed? It did not effect the ilevel of gear.

This caused a severe imbalance and sent a single message:
Exploit while and when you can, cause blizzard will not care if you do.

And that is not the type of game I wish to support, couple that with the forums decision to flag any post threatening their precious exploited gear and this?

And I am sorry blizz but you just lost me.

I tried to love the content, but you killed it.

  • Eliizi
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I mean, even a lazy player like me who started out only grouping for the instance dailies and never doing any mob farming whatsoever has 556 gear now. I think it’s safe to say that there’s been plenty enough time for maybe not all players, but definitely a portion of them to have ‘caught up’ to the early farmers. And there’ll only be more players reaching that point as time passes. Are you turned off from Remix just because a few players got there earlier than intended, even though by now there’re probably more players who got there ‘normally’ than there were who did so by farming?

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You did a whole lot more than just the instance dailies, because here’s the thing. It costs 577,950 bronze to fully upgrade your gear. Today is day 18 since the launch (May 16th was launch). 577,950 / 18 = 32,108 bronze per day. The first half of those 18 days the dailies hadn’t even been buffed yet, so the math just isn’t adding up.

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I never said I only did dailies though. I said I started out doing them, and then eventually moved into doing normal then heroic raids. I’ve actually only been doing non-LFR raids for a bit over a week now (first MSV clear was on the 25th, and the last normal clear for me was SoO on the 29th)!

Doesn’t matter because now everyone is starting to just climb on 476 ilvl players and get easy heroic bronze. Do your dailies, join a faceroll 3/5 group and you make a ton for like 1-2 hours.

June 3, 2024

WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria

  • Mini Mana Bomb (Horde) and Theramore Tabard (Alliance) are now available from Horos at any Infinite Bazaar for players who have completed Theramore’s Fall for their given faction on any Timerunner.
    • Developers’ notes: There is no more need to complete it at exactly level 35.
  • Fixed an issue where some steps of the Infinite Power achievements could be skipped for players.
  • Tuft of Yak Fur, am I right? Now they stack.

Finally, I can stop the loot sparkles.

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Kaivax could we please get a buff to Emperor Shaohao rep? :slight_smile:

Let me know when you’re ready to accept defeat and admit it is time to roll back the exploiters gear and lower the cost of bronze upgrades, till then? none of this matters.

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dood… I didn’t engage in any exploits and I can solo world bosses now

The ones where they don’t invite people less than 420 ilvl? The ones I get invites to I’m the most geared player and it takes 2 hours to clear ToT and SOO each.

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Yay, now all I need to do to be able to check my mail again is to delete out the extra meta abilities that I also got mailed for some reason!

I love this! :rofl:

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are you doing 22 million dps as a tank to a raid boss that dies in less than 2 seconds? You aren’t close to the exploit a TON of people used.

The Ws keep piling up. Like tufts of yak fur.

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Just posting here as well that you forgot to mention the hotfix that eliminated cross faction play.