WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Hotfixes -- July 3

I’d love it for you to lower the price of upgrading gear. I don’t get to play much, so when I do, I’m trying and struggling to get bronze to upgrade.


Can we have alternative use for bones of mannoroth?

Since bronze is a currency used for both upgrading gear and purchasing cosmetic items, this one could be considered as such, you either hold onto them until you have enough to buy your tusks/heirlooms or scrap every and each one of them as soon as you get them in order to be able to reach max ilvl before you would go for the cosmetic items, basically the same “philosophy” you came up with for bronze.

It would also incentivize people to actually start upgrading their gear for harder content, not to leave before we kill garrosh, doing mythic raids again since currently the only reason people would do it is for the achievement and the title that comes along with it.


I hope that there will be another rendition of “Remix”. It’s been a breath of fresh air to revisit content that normally would have gotten skip with the new leveling system, those who never got to truly experience Pandaria, or those like myself where Mist of Pandaria is their favorite expansion and get to relieve it.

Now I love the concept. It’s great way to get those alts in if you’re wanting more. Collection? Great way to get those decade long farms ended if you haven’t gotten them yet. Same with the toys. Also a wonderful way to refresh higher res models of older mounts in recolorations.

Tinker Gems, Meta Gems, and the gem system is a great change to give us “unbelievable” power unless it gets overused and it gets “nerf’d”. In a mode that is supposed to make us feel truly powerful, nerfing things kinda brings the fun out of it. I wish there was more of a different system for them that doesn’t take up bag or bank space. Even if you put the Meta gems in the bank, they’ll still drop and get into your bag. Maybe a collections tab for these temporary game modes so it doesn’t cause too much clutter.

Gear. This is where my problem begins. The gear should reflect the “difficulty” of the dungeon/raid. Especially with how bronze is. If you are doing more trivial content, the gear shouldn’t have to be upgraded more to make it comparable to use. If you’re doing Heroic Raids the base level should be at 400 not 346 where you have to waste more bronze to get it usable. This would make getting ilvl easier to get into things especially for raids like Throne of Thunder and Siege of Orgrimmar where ilvl scales and the threads needed. So to help combat the need to feel like you need bronze to upgrade all the way, set raids with difficulty scaling at a different ilvl drop.

Bronze. Likewise with my gear, the bronze should reflect the gear level and quality to give more bronze once destroyed. Destroying an epic should give more than 50-60 bronze. Maybe 100-200 bronze. Nothing crazy. Same with rare quality gear should range from 75-100 bronze, and lastly, uncommon quality can still be the 50-60 range. This would also help with the issue of not able to earn enough bronze. I think the “bronze orbs” should also scale based on level. Example would be level 10-20 give the current amount but say level 70 give 200 bronze. Again this would help the influx of “not enough bronze”.

Lastly, I hope we see another “remix” in the future from older expansions to revisit it. Perhaps even at the end of each current expansion like it is now with Dragonflight to War Within. To help community involvement, perhaps do a poll to see where the community would love to do next.

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According to content creators that tested various methods the current bronze per hour is something like:

ToT + MSV Heroic Raids - 23k/H
Dailies (N+H Dungeon, N+H Scenario, LFR Wing) 22.8k/h
Levelling an alt - 21k/H (if you do it fast with raiding xp bonuses I assume)
Spamming Heroic Dungeons with an overgeared player - 8.2k/H
Flying through orbs (at level 70) - 8.2k/H
Questing - 5.9k/H

That means if you made a fresh character the full gear grind takes nearly 80 hours if you don’t do daily content or 28 hours of played time just doing the highest gain activities (but those are time-gated so you can’t do them constantly).

Also, looking at some random old video of froggers, in one of them a frogger made over 40k bronze in one hour + over 80k timeless coins and 2.5k lesser charms. This means that current players are making significantly less than half the bronze per hour that hyperspawn farmers were getting prior to the nerf since I believe you also got bronze for the charm turn-ins. That method also wasn’t time-gated, you could just do it constantly until you were done.

TLDR: buff bronze

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I’m having problems with the tusks. I bought it on my paladin before the hotfix. So I was able to use the item. Now I want to transmog the tusks on my monk. But I can’t buy the hotfixed item because there is no option to buy the item on the vendor. So what do i do with this? Any help is appreciated.

Uhh, bad news, they’re still a plate specific transmog. All the hot fix did was allow you to learn them on any character (not just plate) like all the rest of the ensembles.

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Not sure how any one got the impression it would make all classes able to wear the appearance, Even with the bug I knew it was only going to be able to add the appearance to your transmog list and not make it usable by any thing other then plate.

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Uh throne of thunder is a heroic run that i wouldnt bring a fresh 400 ilvl too, unless you have multiple op people in. That was the poinnt of abusing frogs, so you could start doing the harder daily raids xD

So now ilvl 400 is considered “”“fresh”“” if you dont have thousands and thousands on stats :dracthyr_crylaugh:

Man what is this mode about besides farm ear- I mean exploit early, exploit often…

Nah, it’s just that H ToT is apparently incredibly difficult for pug groups to complete, so to maximize their chances people who want to be carried increase the required ilvl of their carriers.

June 11, 2024

WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria

  • Players who are holding the Tusks of Mannoroth cosmetic item on their non-plate wearing characters will now see an option on Pythagorus at any Infinite Bazaar to trade their item for a version that they can use to learn the Tusks of Mannoroth appearance for plate characters on their account.

I’m glad you guys are still fixing some bugs here and there and I don’t really have any complaints but if I could ask one thing. Is there somewhere else hotfix’s and patches are being posted for remix? I’ve noticed things changing here and there with in-game mechanics in scenarios and raids but haven’t been able to find anywhere that they are posted.


That’s all huh…



man you guys must be sleeping on the job when wowhead posted this like 4 days ago

402 ilvl should be getting you into heroics. People are being awful though and not inviting lower ilvl geared people for some of the heroics and it’s just stupid.

Most of the people who refuse to invite low ilvl players are low ilvl players themselves as well because they want a fast run and guaranteed success. At max ilvl you don’t care because you can either finish it alone or easily invite 1 or 2 highlander to make it doable and fast.

so you want a group of people with over 420ilvl for that boss to make it a bit easier

The sheer irony in this single sentence is gold. Did you just call yourself st…d?

I’ve joined heroic groups where most of the people had just dinged 70 with zero upgraded gear and it was fine.

because →

it made killing those bosses actually feel like an achievement because the two of us that were geared had to fight for every kill.

…and not because 402 was enough. What you had is an audience cheering for you while you were solo killing the bosses. They didn’t contribute anything other than the sight of their lying corpses all around the place while you 2 were pulling the weight of the whole group basically disproving your claim that ilvl 402 is enough for hc raids.

It’s not, 402 is severly low. Insignificant dmg, instant death due to unavoidable game mechanics. Carrying people is ok, calling others names because they refuse to do so is actually stupid.

Lol no kidding. I have been wondering why Blizzard doesn’t even let us know when they fix stuff. They even fixed ensembles, as reported by wowhead early yesterday but no mention here. Can only hope that it means they are too busy actually listening to the council feedback and making alts better?!? I like to get my hopes up just to have them crushed.

Yeah, I’m not particularly fond of ‘we hope you guys won’t notice’ changes in particular. I’m someone who’d actually want a pages-long list of hotfixes if that’s how many get pushed in one day. Show me everything! Not just the stuff you want me to see.

But if you’re not holding the token and learned the item, support tells you to submit a bug report. So now I’ve burned all the currency. There should be an option if you’re a non-plate wearer to see the transmog or be able to refund the original token.

Eh? To be clear, the fixes involving the Tusks aren’t to allow the transmog to be usable on any character. The fixes were to allow for non-plate classes to unlock the transmog. But the transmog itself is still locked to plate classes only. If you managed to use the token and obtain the transmog, there isn’t anything on your end that needs to be fixed!

June 12, 2024

WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria

  • Bronze Cache values increased by 100%.
    • Minor Bronze Cache (250 → 500)
    • Lesser Bronze Cache (500 → 1000)
    • Bronze Cache (750 → 1500)
    • Greater Bronze Cache (1250 → 2500)
  • Spools of Eternal Thread stat gain increased by 200%.
    • Minor Spool of Eternal Thread (20 → 60)
    • Lesser Spool of Eternal Thread (50 → 150)
    • Spool of Eternal Thread (100 → 300)
    • Greater Spool of Eternal Thread (180 → 540)
  • Emperor Shaohao reputation increased by 700%.