WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Hotfixes -- July 3


Especially this! Even though I’m already exalted I am glad the rep was buffed so significantly!


The boost is great to have and all, But I think either some thing went wrong with the update coding itself or the post they made was wrong. I was doing a heroic scenario before seeing this new update post so I went back to the game to check and the cache I got only gave 2000 bronze not the mentioned 2500 bronze.

finally the gates are STARTING to open… almost took a month huh… come on. Good change regardless needs more.

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Well it’s definitely not nothing so I guess thanks. Really should think seriously about gear costs at least on alts. Carrying discounts over to alts would probably be the best change you could make.

It really feels like the better the idea the more Blizzard resists it. Sounds like there’s some egotistical force that demands players can’t have good input.

please buff world boss spawn rates next so many people can 1 shot them so there’s a big wait group at every world boss waiting for them to spawn

also the celestial world boss is bugged and can take hours to spawn at all


I appreciate the small bronzey gesture, but bronze is still way too slow for upgrading gear.

My plan is still to wait until the last two weeks of the event when you’ve boosted bronze by 20,000% out of desperation to hit engagement metrics.


You had my curiosity now you have my attention. Still not enough to come back yet but a good gesture nonetheless lol.

More bronze is appreciated. But when are we starting to get bronze in mails also from bosses in dungeons and raids we couldn’t loot? We get everything else but no bronze. There is one boss in SoO which closes that gate before him completely. If you don’t enter the room before the gates locks after the fight has started it doesn’t open again when the boss is dead. Get all the loot in mail except the bronze. This should also be fixed.

This isn’t a bug. Currencies are never sent through the mail, including gold. You only get item drops, and only from bosses.

Bronze never comes through mail.
There are two things I always look:
1 Bronze because otherwise it’s gone
2 Crit threads because at least the low level ones don’t work after they go through the mail system

These are nice changes. They are going to make a difference. However the dynamic right now is people having grinded out tons of bronze on their main gear and not being willing to do it again. To stay strong and healthy, people need a reason to try alts and different classes. Most alts right now are for bronze.

It was difficult enough that you left gear prices so high. There are still allot of people not geared and we’re quite a ways through the event. It simply makes no sense to keep this hard-line up for no reason. At the bare minimum gear discounts need to be on account.

Keep this thing alive and well until the end.


This might look nice… but it would be better to just increase bronze from ALL sources by 100%.

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and threads not just spools of thread

I love the buffs to the caches and threads, I am also loving this event.

  1. I would like to see buffed also is the jewelry and trinkets being able to upgrade or upgrade with your item level.

  2. Buff the bronze and threads from Scenarios, Dungeons, and raids bosses and trash. I like running the content, to balance it so people just don’t run stuff over and over by themselves when they are powerful enough would be make the buff build with each person in the group.

  3. Like the cape achievements that build with power could you make the upgrades be cheaper on Alts to catch up or just make it when you get an achievement when you max out gear you get a discount for alts.


And what are you going to do about all these group of five people farming all the ordos mobs in my realm phase?? They have the zone completely clean, and if any mob respawns, it is grayed out inmediatly.

this is what you all asked for, what did you expect was going to happen when people heard the REP was increase by 700% now EVERYONE is going to farm instead of small groups who where farming before

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Any plans in the works to fix the other cosmetic set issues? Such as the Sun Pearl Clothing one?

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Why is that their problem? Lmao Form your own party or go to a different area.

Just go to the other areas in the map that give rep. Or wait like 3-7 days, it’s a temporary rep grind that people will grind through. Not a big deal, just a bummer.

You guys are definitely listening, contrary to popular belief :upside_down_face::wink: Sun Pearl Clothing issue fixed. :heart: Now if we can get a remix zone drop weapon recolor vendor become available after we hit lvl 70 and access to completing the storyline achv that would be great too, ijs I have a lvl 70 rogue alt that only one recolor for the sai & hook sword daggers has dropped & I’m almost finished with the story campaign. The Rng is weird too as another alt SMF warrior has only staff drops. Other than that I’ve been getting all the old retail cosmetics but weirdly they show as new & separate in my mog menu window

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