WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Hotfixes -- July 3

Just can’t stop losing.

Tusks of Mannoroth fix will be when?

If they can’t be fixed, can you at last have it so Bronze and the bones of Mannoroth can be BOA so that we can get them on a plate wearing alt if we were silly enough to level and gear up a non-plate toon?


I hit maxed ilvl last week without farming frogs or anything else.

Here’s how I did it. I put all my bronze into my gear (except for that sneaky elegon mount I bought the moment I could). I did and still do the dailies (dungeons and scenarios on normal and heroic as they both give chunky bronze daily).

When I hit 70, I did normal raids every day and then when my gear upgraded a few levels, I switched to heroic and if I had the time, I did normal and heroic SoO. You get close to 40k doing all that content each day. I waited until I hit 70, because I was kind of enjoying doing each of the zones and doing the achievements. I think I did a couple of MV’s and HoF on normal in mid 60’s, but I just focused on the quests and achievements for the rewards from those. But I saved my bronze and then upgraded when I got 346 gear. Then switched to epic gear and upgraded those when I started doing the daily raids.

I would like to thank the frog farmers though. Because without them, I wouldn’t have gotten the nice chunky 40k bronze when they implemented that fix. Because of that, my alts now get to 70, get the bronze, buy whatever, making my life much easier and making this remix experience much more fun and I don’t have to “farm” for anything.

When I was waiting for dungeon queues to pop, I’d fly around and grab all the floating bronze orbs that I could. If I spotted a rare, I’d tag it, but mostly, I just flew around aimlessly while waiting for the queue to pop or try to get into a raid pug. My rep with Shaohao on my main toon in remix just hit friendly a couple of days ago and it’s still just under 1200 into friendly a few days later, because I don’t even bother going there for the world bosses anymore. I did the dailies there for a few days and then stopped because it was boring.


Today is day 19, if you hit it last week, you were earning way more than 40k each day on average. And I am doing all the above as well (3 quests, daily normal & heroic scenario / dungeon, all raids on normal (no one will invite me to a heroic and I’m in all 402’s now)), and I’m barely earning enough to do 1 full set of upgrades per day (like yesterday, I came out short of being able to upgrade everything by like 500 bronze, and I ran out of time as it takes hours to get through all the raids (because the groups that will invite me I end up being the most geared player, so ToT and SOO combined take HOURS). So while I get it, as you said, you’re doing other things as well (for me, that spare time you talk about doesn’t exist, I’m playing a tank so I get into most of the queues within 15-30 seconds, and kind of hard to fly around while spam applying to raids, and even those don’t take long).

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Any word about the Transmog issues being fixed with the Sun Pearl Clothing sets or bugged warlock set?

My gameplay has been the same as yours, I’m currently at 402 as well and can forget Heroics for now lol. Upgrading gear is a painful grind. Most of the ppl saying it’s easy probably are grinding with their guilds. It’s rough if your a solo player


I think they also got into heroics early when the groups were less selective and were being carried by multiple froggers. Now it’s rare for me to get into a group where there is anyone more geared than me. So fights are taking minutes (vs the 10-15 second kills I have recorded from the one time I got into a geared group a week+ ago).

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We cannot play with other factions now? Seriously? A chunk of the raiding party that I made new friends with (I avoid chatting with people so this is rare for me) are Alliance.

This is so messed up on so many levels.


This is such a massive L for Blizzard. As usual they won’t address it either.

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Dang they really are putting their foot down on not making any big changes. I guess I was the problem all along!

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This has become an issue

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June 6, 2024

WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria

  • Found the missing Sky Admiral Rogers and returned her to her post so that players can continue “Onward and Inward”.
  • Chelon now spawns as expected on the Timeless Isle.

Any chance the Emperor Shaohao rep can be buffed?


Dont worry folks in 43 days more they might finally bring positive changes… :laughing:


The missing sky admiral rogers broke the jade forest campaign quests for alliance. Thanks.

402 ilvl should be getting you into heroics. People are being awful though and not inviting lower ilvl geared people for some of the heroics and it’s just stupid.

My advice is to start your own heroic groups. The only raid that’s annoying at any ilvl is H ToT - as Dark Animus is a pain regardless, so you want a group of people with over 420ilvl for that boss to make it a bit easier. But just start your own groups if you can’t get into any heroics. I’ve joined heroic groups where most of the people had just dinged 70 with zero upgraded gear and it was fine. The only one that was tricky was H ToT. At the very least, it made killing those bosses actually feel like an achievement because the two of us that were geared had to fight for every kill.

If you do the first 3 on heroic, you get over 40k bronze per day, and if you do SoO on normal and heroic daily, that easily gets you over. But it is a bit of a grind. I did it for a couple of days and then cut SoO down to just a heroic clear a day, because it’s so repetitive.

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Hopefully they fix the Tusks of Mannoroth by then. :pensive:


Just going to throw this here since I don’t want to start my own thread.

So, people deeply hate massive power gaps and watching other people play the game.

People also massively hate time-gating and excessive daily chores.

Blizzard may think this is a contradiction in a mode with an infinite power grind, but it didn’t have to be. If you wanted an infinite power grind, you should have made it so the first 100k threads come dramatically faster than the 2nd which come much faster than the third. That way the people who get out way ahead aren’t continuing to get more powerful at an even faster rate because their rate of power gain actually gets faster because they’re able to gain it faster with the power they now have. You also should have created a catch-up system so if you come in later on or play a lot less, the first X threads are dramatically faster where X increases every week.

Instead, you heavily time-gated most sources of bronze and threads by trying to make it a raid focused mode, but forgot about hyperspawns. Certain people got to bypass your awful time-gated system. Then you closed the hyperspawn routes without doing anything about the massive power gap besides the frogger cape nerf, which didn’t shorten the gap in a very meaningful way. So now you have a massive power gap BUT SLOWED DOWN THE RATE OF CATCH UP for most players, exponentially so for people who don’t raid.

TLDR: add a catch up system for faster thread gains and give us better un time-gated bronze acquisition outside of raids. And no, flying around through orbs and hoping to get rare spawns before they die isn’t it.


The more cynical side of me is whispering that devs DO play the game, and were frog farmers, which is why they nerfed cloaks, because they knew it would appease people for a short while untill they realized the gap was the gear and not the cloak, and that they wanted to use that advantage to be gods amongst the playerbase. Especially with them outright doing the “you think you do but you don’t” with all the feedback about bronze acquisition and gear upgrade costs, after them saying that they would be less stubborn and listen to the playerbase more.

The optimistic side of me is that the devs don’t play the game and are taking the stance that despite not playing the game, they know better than the player base, or that the person who designed it is being defensive against any change of their system despite some of it being constructive.

The point is moot for me, beta is out, I have the collectibles that I want, and the gamemode is pretty much ruined for me personally. I hope the ones who keep playing enjoy it, but I for one don’t like paying to be slapped in the face.


Whether they play it or not, the point was to provide a nerf that would temporarily satisfy both groups (wave the magic wand). The pissed off players would be like “YAY Blizzard nerfed the Froggers” while the Froggers would be like “That sucked, but it did nothing to me, my power comes from my 556 gear.” And at the end of the day it worked except for those of who were like “wait, they kept their 556 gear and all their bronze?” And if they hadn’t turned in their coins yet or still had thousands banked, they just buffed their cloak right back up.