WoW Remix Adjustments and Improvements Coming Today

In hindsight the majority saw that it was too powerful, what is a bit messed up is that they’ve removed 2 days of progress from players that did stuff in the last 2 days. Literally a week after the frog fighting.

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As a community we need to just spam “REDUCE CLOAK COST BY 80%”

And “GIVE US 8750 PER CACHE LIKE HOW YOU PROMISED” and we can literally start maxing out our first character and start making our alts.

My guy, as I’ve said in a bunch of other threads, this gatekeeping nonsense on normal raids is entirely in your head.

There are exactly 2 “hard” bosses in normal raiding…dark animus in Throne and Galakras in Siege. Animus takes a quirky strat where you either slowly-ish kill of key robots to spawn bigger robots while DPS and healers “tank” little adds so you don’t get zerged down…or you get animus first and lust/burn (which works well).

Galakras needs people to clump up and the bomb target to run far enough back to guarantee the fireball hits all the bodies and you need to burn. Neither is actually all that demanding of a check but certainly more than the tank and spank people expect.

I do it everyday and I didn’t start with 400+ ilvl gear. It really only “needs” 2-3 tiers of upgrades to take even a squishy DPS from a hair away from constant death to about as faceroll as can be.

And MSV, HOF, and TOES are literally all tank and spank. No level or gear requirements and STILL is worth a ton of bronze between all 3 and takes less than an hour combined. I heard from a friend the LFR queues alone are nearly that in themselves.

Respectfully, just because you haven’t personally experienced the gatekeeping doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.

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I play a DPS toon too. I’ve seen the gatekeeping.

I ended up just making my own groups for those 3 raids not even 1 hour ago. Each one took 3 mins tops to fill. Even had 1 guy skeptical he could solo heal it and he did great.

Edit - It’s the same logic in retail. You can’t be denied your own group and the rewards are attractive enough that bodies will show up if you just make the group. That is the case here. I absolutely 100% agree heroic raids are going to be gatekept to hell and back…but normals are not.

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Then you’ve been fortunate, I’m happy for you. Many of us can’t say the same, even with trying to make our own groups to compensate.

This was exactly why I ask for LFR to be counted in the necklace meta achievement, to negate the issue entirely for a piece of basic equipment.

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But, but, but, you can’t make your own groups, no one will join and so on and so forth, whatever excuses can be made.

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And respectfully, I argue I haven’t been fortunate. I’ve made my own groups precisely because I am impatient to not waste time signing up and getting declines from people I’m “probably” more experienced then in the first place. Their group and rules and all.

I have yet to have even 1 group of mine fail. My first few days we struggled bussed our way through animus and galakras, but now even they fall down. I even go out of my way to invite low levels and fresh 70’s as much as I can precisely because I can get away with it with minimal trouble.

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It is when they were told about the farm, and knew the farm has existed for 12 bloody years, dude.

You are trying to act like this was some line of code that got borked, it wasnt. They knew. They were told in the PTR. They let it go live.

Until people finished the event and unsubbed until TWW pre-patch.

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They didn’t say each.

You interpreted it wrong.

This, so much this. We reported it many times and heard nothing in return. It went live that way and people complained exploit. Its not an exploit when givin all the notice and nothing was done about it thats just a development failure.


That’s kind of you to pay it forward to those still struggling. That gives hope (along with recent changes) that the situation will improve from the last few days.

Cries til cloaks are nerfed just to cry again. Are you ever happy?


I am annoyed af with Blizzard for punishing them too instead of just fixing the problem (bronze cost/obtaining). Not to mention the cloak not being shared properly.

I try to help a lot. I know it is intimidating for some and I even get why, but the raids reset daily and I can all but guarantee even IF the raids go horribly wrong (they wont), people will just leave and move on with their day/life. Honestly most people aren’t even knowledgeable enough to know why something is/went wrong in the first place to even lash out.

Just make the groups and invite bodies. If you get lucky and someone 370+ signs up, take them and breathe a sigh of relief because even with just those minimal gear investments, they’ll do SO MUCH for the run…but especially the first 3 raids you 100% do not need them and in fact, low levels are MUCH stronger than 60+ and fresh 70’s.

And even ToT and SOO is so free (albeit long with all the running and RP) IF you can get past the 2 walls I mentioned and you can. People just gotta put in a bit more effort than what all the other bosses take.

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There’s no repair costs, wiping is only an learning experience.

Bug issue: Toons Korg-Baelgun & Zabuza-Baelgun partied for full play time, frog farmed for exact same time, Korg-Baelgun received more Lesser Charms of Good Fortune from the frog farming, Korg-Baelgun has received the 40K bonus while Zabuza-Baelgun has been denied. Can I turn back in whatever supposed advantage I received languishing at ~350 per stat and get the difference up to 40K addtional bronze, considering Zabuza-Baelgun obviously didn’t benefit.

My character was flagged as a frog farmer, even though I got maybe 100 charms from frogs, and my cloak was/is still tiny.


I really think this implementation of a fix was heavy handed and far too late. The fix for the frogs was applied 3 days into the event, but 5 days after that this rollback occurs. For the people that were flagged in that time, why is it okay to delete the progress made in that five days? Assuming that the method for targeting frog farmers is accurate, which we can’t know without transparency, how can you explain the rollback on progress made in that 5 days of legitimate play? Not to mention this fix could have been addressed before it made it to live from testing on the PTR, from internal testing, or literally the first time this frog farm appeared over a decade ago.

Realistically the stats on the cloak do not matter so much and the folks who farmed up a fully upgraded set of gear are still going to be more powerful. Without a way to address the power gap with those players the problem will remain. If you are going to apply a heavy handed fix to address serious issues that needs addressing, you can’t really afford to miss like Blizzard did here.

I hope everyone remembers this when they are deciding whether to spend an extra $40 on 3 days of “early access.”


This nerf/penalty still won’t affect those who farmed enough bronze to max their gear. It will only hurt those who spent a little bit of time at the frogs, which still hasn’t been labeled as an exploit by Blizzard.