WoW Remix Adjustments and Improvements Coming Today

Sure but it isn’t all that different in retail. Gold flows like water and repair costs are barely a blip to anyone actively playing the game and yet people still get nasty there even when it isn’t their own resource like a mythic+ key getting lowered.

I know for a fact a lot of people intimidated to the point not wanting to make their own group are afraid of being expected to “lead” it and being the target of hateful whispers if it fails…and I’m just trying to assure those folks that it like 99% will not happen in remix because the raids are so faceroll they almost can’t be failed in the first place.

I’ve gotten 1 “mean” whisper in remix so far…all because I asked people to link their gemmed rings in my first SOO pug to at least prove they cared enough about their character to gear up as best they could. I got some random whisper saying what an elitist snob I was for that. Oh well.


Does one need to put the wording as each. When they say "we will be putting a X5 multiplier on these caches they previously gave 1750 and now will give 8750. Which is 5 times the original ammount of the biggest cache there was. The fact is it needs to be 8750 per stop defending blizz on this going “oh oh no you missenterpreted it” when it shouldve been how it dropped in the first place.

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Did that person make mediocre choices about their gems?

Thank you for not rewarding their entitled behavior.

LFR and Group Finder are harder than they should be and take 5 times as long at lvl 70 because I’m carrying a bunch of people who don’t want to level from playing the game and they’re dying 10 times a run. Everyone’s too focused on trying to cheese the game and cut corners they end up wasting MORE time than they would have by just questing for 20 minutes. I don’t understand it, but glad it hasn’t been unnoticed. :crown: :crown: :100: :100:

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Did you seriously just ask if they need to put “each” when specifying if it rewards 8750 EACH.

Yes they do. Because that’s what EACH means…


This is really good, please eliminate the no lifers and their exploits, this game is not designed for ppl that don’t work only

No they didn’t actually apply. Probably just saw the note and decided I needed to be told off for that.

I don’t actually care what people have either. I slapped the armor and speed gems in mine for the stamina boost until I got better ones. Point was to have something. Even a rank 2 or 3 stat gem at least shows hey I’m giving it what I got.

I have fun taking people and flexing for them. It’s nice getting the occasional “hey thanks for taking me even if I didn’t do much”. I just care that people have fun.

Edit - Honestly if I wasn’t blocked by the lockout, I’d probably setup fully carry runs and blast SOO and ToT once my daily farms are done since I know those are harder for lower geared and fresh 70’s to get into. I can/have alts that can get the bronze to do collectibles. It’s what I did for garrosh heirlooms back in the day. I spent so much time doing solo tank garrosh runs to help people get heirlooms.


Sorry to hear that fren. I feel fortunate that I held out on buying TWW. The andy video was enough to discourage me, the “super talents” helped me understand that I’m just not going to enjoy the direction this is going.

This whole mop remix has removed any doubt I ever had that the leadership team has no interest at all in anything other than creating long grinds.

It’s weird because part of me still doesn’t understand why they don’t just go ahead and go all the way. Sell bronze, flight stones, and aspect crests in the eshop. They clearly prioritize engagement and subscription more than actual cash itself, for the moment.

I personally am at a spot in my life where I’d rather not spend more than 4-6 hours a week to “keep up.” But I do realize that there are people who play 8-12 hours a day. I just didn’t think they’d make up a big enough part of the player base that content would be tuned to that level of time commitment.

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Wonder what feed back are they looking for lol…They know exactly what needs to be changed. This post will have over 500 comments with people saying reduce the bronze cost and make cloaks 1:1.

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I’ll be sure to look out for you in LFG. It sounds like lots of fun to be in your groups. I’m decently geared, so you wouldn’t have to worry about me.

I do see and appreciate your good intentions on this, and my sincere thanks for keeping civil discourse. But it still remains that we shouldn’t have to take these steps to obtain a basic piece of gear. The neck isn’t accessible anywhere else in Remix outside this achievement, and if all they wanted was for people to experience the raids, that can also be achieved through LFR.

(In before “LFR isn’t real raiding” - Remix isn’t real WoW either). :slight_smile:


What is it with players coping going “oh those entitled frog farmers and people trying to cut corners.” We arent trying to cut corners we are trying to get what we paid for and what was promised to us. FAST LEVELING, LOW GEAR COSTS, UNBELIEVABLY QUICK GEARING TO 550 ilvl. And. BUFFS. Buffs. Lots of buffs. An outstanding ammount of buffs that make us gods.

What we are getting instead is a forced playstyle. That takes 80X longer than original frog farming. We get barely 10k a day from doing all daily quests and running all daily caches. So. One upgrade piece maybe 2. By time we actually finish all our raids guess what its 2 in the morning and you have to repeat the cycle again for minimum 12k bronze a day. Its not cutting corners when the upgrade total cost per 14 ilvl is 38000 bronze. And we get 12000 per day per toon. We dont level fast. We dont feel like gods at 70 we feel like simpletains for not farming. Any farm that we find now and want to do gets nerfed to the ground. They are actively changing mobs to not drop tokens. They are continuously changing the rules on us and now punishing the playerbase for playing the game mode how it was meant to be played
TO BECOME A GOD. And second we became a god they said “no thats cheating get rid of the famrs. What do you mean theyve been here since original mists of pandaria” and they keep changing those dam rules on us trying to force us into wwsting 6 hours a day on 12k bronze when most farms make that in an hour



Because as much as Blizz touts Remix being where you can “get OP,” they in fact, don’t want you becoming OP.


Yeah… This needs to be reverted. I have posted here MANY times about my approach, where I farm, what addons to farm rares I use, and have less than 50 frogs killed on my account for the ENTIRE DURATION of this event. I received the 40k bonus BUT STILL HAD MY CLOAK NERFED. Blizzard, what the f, for real? And not by a small margin. NOT EVERYONE THAT HAD POWERFUL CLOAKS FROG FARMED FOR F’S SAKE. I literally JUST GOT TO upgrade some of my pieces to 430 after hoarding ALL OF MY BRONZE SINCE RELEASE, no mount purchases, cosmetics, NOTHING. In hopes you would reduce upgrading costs. Nope. Let that slide. You guys gave us 40k for playing the game that it was meant to be played. This was awesome. Now you revert ALL of our hard earned progress on our cloaks for playing legitimately? Here’s a clue, cause y’all clearly have none.


All I can say is good luck. My groups fill pretty quickly because I’m not terribly picky. Plus it isn’t this toon. I almost always do make my own though and I suppose at some point I probably should do the raids on heroic for achievements and such…maybe next week.

About freaking time people got punished

Overpowered? Maybe? Fun. Definitely not when you have to grind 38k bronze per 14 ilvl


Thats not a pro in any means of the slightest. Farming was the only method to obtain bronze at a reasonable rate of over 10k per hour not 10k per day when costs of gear are 38000 per 14 ilvl starting all the way at 346 to hit 360


and the biggest thing is the nerf doesn’t affect them because they have a massive ilvl difference with the peasant 30 minute farmers

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You all deemed me a frog farmer when I did it for like an hour when there were people who did it longer than me and didn’t get touched. I farmed Lion’s Landing for most of my cloak but I get my stats changed. This is a joke. you all can’t even get the rewards for not farming frogs right cause if people don’t log out who did frog farm they still get the 40K Bronze

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