WoW Remix Adjustments and Improvements Coming Today

How is 100 frogs unreasonable? Have you seen the requirements to get your rep up for the emperor faction on the timeless isles? Are you that clueless? There have been people who farmed for 13+ hours for frogs and didn’t get their cloak nerfed lol…

Settle down lil forum troll, the adults are talking.

I did a grand total of 20-30 minutes of frogs before I got bored and went to bed and you people still rolled my cloak back as if I was hardcore farming this stuff.

You legit removed all my orange threads over the course of several days, not my 20 minutes of doing frogs.

Fix your garbage mode.


Grinding a mob that serves no purpose other then an exploit, yeah

Frogs gave no rep of any kind. Froggers knew what they were doing <3

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But there are certain things to farm for rep benefits, like the mobs up near ordos. they might not have the same spawn rate as frogs but the fastest way to gain rep for that faction.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

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I don’t understand your meaning of exploit.

Frogs still drop coins if I go to my Dragonflight character on the timeless isles, the coin dropping has been reported on the PTR but never touched on. In hindsight it was too powerful, but how would people know at the start it was not intended?

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Frog Farmers
If you were deemed a “Frog Farmer”, your Cloak has been reset to 2,500 of each stat and 25k Stamina. No matter how much you actually got from Frogs, all the other farms you did have been removed as well.

Don’t ask me, I’m just assuming frogs weren’t counted. Or weren’t the only metric they went by.

This doesnt even remotely come close to balancing the scales


The scaling is still different in those two environments, also we wouldn’t be having the extra main and secondary stats from the cloak once the event ended and things were rolled over. Either way, if we started wrecking everything in DF, what would it matter? By the time Remix is over, we’re probably going to be a month-ish out from TWW, which generally means pre-patch, where nothing really matters much anymore anyway.

So many players who never farmed the frogs, or only farmed them for 20 mins, 30 mins tops, okay maybe an hour.

And they are all complaining that their cloaks got nerfed.

Yes it sucks, blame the players who farmed the frogs for hours at a time getting massive amounts of threads and lesser charms, because it is them that caused Blizzard to decide to bring down the nerf hammer on everyone above a certain level of a stat on the cloak.

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as someone that didn’t kill a single frog, or farm any other mob, with just a regular dinky little cloak and a handful of bronze, I don’t understand people mad at the farmers and not Blizzard lol. killing mobs isn’t an exploit. plus by your logic, why are the frogs even in the game? what purpose do they serve?


Well, I left and came back, I wonder if the changes have gone through yet? I guess the below post is a sign of things to come.

I just lost about 30% of my stats on my cloak. I lost way more than what I gained.

This is just about punishment for playing the game.

  1. We knew it was intended because thats how they coded the damn game.
  2. The fact that they did not ban anyone PROVES it was not an exploit.

have a good day.


What’s wild is that I got at most 10k bronze from those 20-30 minutes of frogs.

I lost basically every spool I ever got and 30k bronze because of this hotfix.

This is actually unbelievable.


I saw that edit. You farmed frogs. You won’t get sympathy here.


gotta hand it to blizzard for two incredibly dramatic and divisive experimental game modes in a row


It’s like Magic, Gives and takes away with a push of a button. If this was me, I would be cursing those 30 to 40 minutes I spent killing those helpless frogs on that island. :frowning_face:

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Zero intellectual honesty.

  1. We knew it was intended because thats how they coded the damn game.

Yes, every aspect of every game that has ever gone live is 100% intended. Bugs are not a thing. They coded it that way, so it must be intended!

  1. The fact that they did not ban anyone PROVES it was not an exploit.

The fact that they rolled you back PROVES that it was. If they intended for you to do it, they wouldn’t have taken it away from you.

Have the day you deserve.