WoW Remix Adjustments and Improvements Coming Today

What an odd concept, they make the game and create all the rules. Aren’t they always telling us how to play?

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so really ppl can just lvl multi alts (which is quick with the exp gain) and then use that 40k to buy the mounts etc, which really doesnt solve anything. U may have to play the game more but can still get all the bronze to buy everything and then we are just back at were we started with the farming?

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Yeah, gotcha. I forgot about the gear upgrade to max Ilevel which I am sure is a huge boost as well.

Can we get a little more transparency on how this rollback was implemented? All of the stat gains from my Shaohao rep farm were just erased. What exactly does an “unreasonably large number of Gulp Frog kills” mean?


You fall into the category of characters with an unreasonably large number of Gulp Frog kills. Blizzard is targeting the…

Sounds like you fit right into the firing zone.

Get frogged lmao


Not in this way, there has always been a natural progression of content. level up>normals>heroics/normal raid > mythic dungeons/heroic raids > mythic+/mythic raid
But you always had options.

It’s all out of wack in this

Yes, this is exactly what blizzard wants people to do. So now instead of playing remix on one character, I will just level up, get the 40k cash out, and make another one and repeat. Riveting remix gameplay feature.


This is absolutely disingenuous. You knew it was not intended to no-life a herd of frogs to gain the ability to solo a raid boss on day 3 of the event.

They should perma-ban everyone exhibiting this level of intellectual dishonesty, because it proves you’re a genuinely toxic individual.


Yes, but Blizzard puts in the constraints, you aren’t free to do whatever you like.

lmao get frogged

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They must have selected a lowball number of like 100 frogs or something. You have no clue what you are talking about.

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One of my favorite modern songs is Chappell Roan’s “My Kink is Karma.”

I think anyone flagged as a frog farmer had their cloak set to something like 42.5k threads (2500 in all stats except stam, which is 25000)

this is about twice what my cloak is with 1 day played time of just questing and LFG. my cloak is at exactly 21k threads (11k stam)

gets the people out who dont actually want to play but feel forced to like how they acted with plunderstorm

You are, so long as it’s within the rules. Nothing states that grinding is against the rules, and they’re implying it greatly with all the recent hotfixes.

Killing 100 frogs is unreasonble. There was no reason to do that unless you were exploiting. Hope this helps <3

Yeah 100%, takes out the need to do anything in the game other then lvl to 70, do the quests and then restart on a fresh toon.

I don’t think they actually counted frogs, but used some other metric. The wowhead article says people who farmed other things would get tagged as a farmer too.

Who knew the alt leveling event is intended to level your alts :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:

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Grinding in an MMO is indeed very unreasonable, lol.