WoW Remix Adjustments and Improvements Coming Today

YES SOMEONE WHO AGREES WITH ME 80% or removal. Nothing less than 80% will be allowed.



so cool that I did the dailies today to get the spools for you to fully cancel out that, thanks a lot, ya’ll really botched this, plunderstorm team did a dramatically better job.

Nice. Nerfing people for playing a limited time event the way MMOs are intended to be played?

Literally every MMO has methods of farming for increased power/currency - this is nothing new. The frogs have been around for over a decade, with the farming spot being advertised by wowhead.

This is Blizzard’s own fault for having incompetent engineers who don’t know how to write code based on PTR feedback - which by the way identified the frog farm as well. You mean to tell me this was a complete over sight? If these were my employees they would be finding new jobs - as they clearly cannot read reports or feedback nor have the knowledge to understand the legacy of the game. This issue likely also stems from Blizzard’s constant layoffs of engineering causing the brain drain effect.

The bronze scraps that players are given is the reason why people went looking for these farms. Let me switch gears for a second if we are talking about exploits, how come world first raiders don’t get nerfed for doing split runs and sharing gear between themselves - this is an exploit and provides an unfair advantage vs the average joe?

I think this sets a bad precedence for the future and opens pandoras box. The “I didn’t get to do it so you should be punished” community mentality is real - but who they really should be mad at is Blizzard for their poor coding practices. Do more and do better Blizzard, the game has gotten worse since I started playing at the beginning of cataclysm.

EDIT: Apparently people who didn’t frog farm still got stiffed by 40k handout, which means they still can’t even code the game properly to compensate players. What a joke.


why? any char that reaches 70 get the 40k, u got 10 level 70s they all get 40k

I like that people are happy with it and it’s not even enough to upgrade all your gear to 374


I took my level 60 character to Momentus but the only quest he has rewards 3,000 which I am assuming is for a level 50. Should it not be 7,000?

now not only do i have sha from a long days grind last week. but now 2 other WB mounts and its all thanks to the frog farmers

Apparently barraging frogs while waiting for Buffo to turn attackable is frogging.
Blizzard feel free to remove all those frogs I barrage while waiting for Buffo give me back alll my other stats.

This is kinda disgusting.

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Didn’t do frog farming and no quest nor Cloak buffed to 2500 stats across the board guess ill suffer :slight_smile:

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Did you do any other farming? Apparently they got people for that too.

You know what would 100% help with gear? Bring back Burden of Eternities. Make them a rare drop chance from the orbs all over the place or w/e works. You get one, you use it on a piece of gear and its level goes up.

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Yeah the frog farmer tag was misapplied. They need to fix this

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Blizzard has 7 million subs according to estimates. Tens of thousands of those customers took advantage of a system, which is ostensibly where Blizzard set the bar. Now, in order to complete achievements to access the baseline power which Blizzard convinced every one to come play this mode for, to enjoy a slightly more distorted power fantasy, we have to compete to retail standards. At best, casual more PvE-stanced players have to choose between a special mount (that they haven’t had for ten years because they don’t leverage every single advantage, and which the froggers probably have had), or getting invites to instanced content where all of the good farming payoffs are. It would cost me every bit of bronze on my first toon who visited the frogs for around an hour to get like two upgrade tiers on their whole gear set, and I don’t get the 40K bronze on that toon. But people who spent 72 hours get to reap top level raid loot going forward. It’s not whining when Blizzard engineered the prices to account for people who spend literally their whole days on WOW, and are punishing the rest of their player base by removing effective sources of access. I’ve logged 30+ hours across three toons and can afford maybe three of the most rare mounts, now five. Meanwhile, the people who got away with and are continuing to get away with it, have likely already bought all of the new rewards, and either already own the old stuff, or will round out their collection this weekend.

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Well I guess I got flagged as a frogger…
I have a handicap IRL and I play WoW almost from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed…
I killed rares, did quests, did dailies, did lots of scenarios, raids, dungeons.
I ran through the area to kill Bufo (but I didnt get there in time)
and I can’t see the quest.

My cloak was leveled through, what i thought was, normal means.
I guess playing the game normally too much is just making me a target for punishment, too.

I am honestly disheartened by this… it seems it is also an account wide flag, so not even my other chars (yes I have leveled more than 1) can see it either, that I have almost religiously only done scenarios on.

… I am really sad now… and I have no hope for a fix either…


There are still a bunch of people that are way overpowered 1 shotting rares. Especially on the Timeless Isle. Really ruining it for everyone else. Just saw a horde player 1 shot Evermaw and Garnia while we were waiting for people to group up to fight.

Sure you didn’t grind frogs?

Exactly… Froggers made 100s of thousands of bronze, they could care less about missing out on 40K bronze.


The people who are happy are using the 40k to buy a bunch of cosmetics, toys, and mounts. Not upgrading gear that’s getting deleted in 80 days.


I would love to see the definition of “a small number of players received an extreme advantage”. I farmed the stupid frogs for maybe 30 minutes and just got my cloak nerfed. It wasnt even remotely high.

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I’m a little sus of some of the stories here because I did just under an hour of froggin, and got the quests.