WoW Remix Adjustments and Improvements Coming Today

Pretty sure the real Froggers are still happy. Their gear was untouched, and all the bronze after upgrades they got to sink into cosmetics remains untouched as well.


I did frogs for ONE hour, and I got rolled back… what… like actually WHAT, absolute failure of an implementation.


You won’t get any sympathy around here.


Adding my voice to the mix. Not a frogger. Ground out my cloak through raid and Timeless Isle rares up to about 6k per stat, only to log on and find myself reset to 2.5k and ineligible for the bonus quests. So dozens of hours of Timeless Isle rare killing just made totally worthless.


" Level 70 Timerunners will be able to complete all three quests immediately for 40,000 additional Bronze when this change takes effect. "

This implies 40k on top of the 40k from the 3 quests. I only got the 40k from the quests.

For anyone else who read it that way.

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This seems to be the sentiment in world chat on my realm for sure. Some froggers are mad, some are fine since their gear wasn’t touched.

If only it was that sweet a deal. “These milestone quests will grant characters an additional 3,000, 7,000, and 30,000 Bronze, respectively”

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You aren’t joking and don’t insult my intelligence with that nonsense.

The “Are you new here?” was a joke, it’s always a joke when people say that they expect other people to act decently.

Just in case devs are still reading.

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Look closely. You get a one time quest. That gives 80k bronze. A one time quest that you can never repeat. Thats 2 upgrades taking your gear from 346 to 370ish. Nothing more nothing less. Dont defend the multi billion dollar company. Read close and understand what they are doing. They are continuously nerfing all farms and all forms of earning bronze. They arent nerfing gear costs making it a grind per day to go up 14 ilvl for 6 hours of playtime. Giving us pennies like 100 bronze increase on a daily cache. And then saying “its enough” no. The rings trinkets shouldve been there since launch. Upgrade costs need to be removed or cut by 80%.



So blizzard performed a cloak stat wipe, regardless of if you frog farmed or not, and won’t give the 40k bronze to people who farmed threads/bronze in other ways. Blizz essentially cut my cloak power in half, and let the people who actually exploited frogs to keep their 500 ilvl gear. Blizzard, what in the world are you doing? You said the cloak would scale back for people who extensively farmed frogs. But anyone who farmed at least 45mins to an hour at minimum is getting hit with a soft cap nerf. Your changes are unwarranted and stupid. The froggers still have massive power, and having you take away my threads from a non frog person feels horrible. This mode sucks and your changes are horrible and your game mode sucks. I was having fun until you nerfed everything and you are so out of touch with your playerbase. I’m just going to get punished for playing the game if I keep playing. screw this.


“We’re rolling back the frog farmers”

“WTF Blizz why me too, I mean I know I frog farmed but i’m just a special lil guy I should get preferential treatment”

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Yeah, I don’t find your humor funny.

No community said from the get-go the problem was the price of upgrading high-level of gear using bronze. That the problem wasn’t the cloaks themselves as their small fraction of a players total. The communities upset that the grind is going to take hundreds of hours and it still will leave after this. That’s the problem. Your problem is characterizing other peoples arguments to make them sound silly and dismiss them.

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That’s a you problem.


If you didn’t frog farm and are still not getting the quests best fully exit the game and relaunch it. That worked for me. Also only applies the quests to the Upgrader in Jade Forest! So, look there first!

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That’s because they’re willing to do absolutely anything other than slow down the three month grind


Still need to reduce upgrade costs by 80%.


I know this wasn’t to me but I resubbed for this (early so I could catch up on DF content).

MoP was my favorite expansion, I was excited to be Godlike in it.

I’d gladly play for three months being OP.

Instead, as it is, I am getting what I can with the 6 days remaining and will be back for the next expac…mainly b/c I already bought it in advance sigh

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