WoW Remix Adjustments and Improvements Coming Today

remember the cloak stats are literally nothing compared to hundreds of thousands of Bronze used to upgrade gear, which is where the actual power is coming from.

they need to determine abusers based on the excessive amount of Bronze gained, not cloak stats which can be farmed separate from the Bronze (from lesser charms etc).


yes, they are.

mate of mine was nerfed and other friend of mine has the quest

This is a very good step that shows Blizzard is willing to take action to rectify unfair advantages.

The next steps will be to apply this nerf to the capes of those who took advantage of other unintended mass farms and reverting the upgraded gear of all of these “farmers”. Bonus points if they strip cosmetics purchased with unfairly obtained bronze. The gear upgrades are what gives the most power by far, so this will level the playing field and ensure that all players have a fair chance of getting comparable progress over time.

thats nice, its not live for everyone so blizzards job isnt done

Smart. Especially considering we’re getting exp threads in raid finder for some reason.

I think you hit the nail. But a little bit sideways. I think the root and stem of this problem is. If we do the quests. And get that 80k bronze total that will only take our character up to 370 ilvl. We will still be nowhere near the needed ammount to actually feel strong. Instead of them giving us a temporary tiny boost in power. They need to STOP NERFING EVERYTHING involving farming and aquiring bronze. And dont punish the froggers. We dont hate the frogers for farming. We hate how theyre selling 4 million gold Garosh SOO kills. And completely scamming the community. This is a gamemode where we need a fast attainable way to get power. And farms are the only way since reward giveouts are too small. After this tiny stim package is gone (when i use it on 2 mounts. Or put it into the gear) we still dont have a way to farm the dam bronze. We still dont have a consistant 8-10k bronze per dungeon clear or per raid boss kill. And we still dont have a way to earn consistant bronze per hour to hit even 400 ilvl yet within 8 hours of playtime from moment you pop 70

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I barely got anything from frogs and they DQed my first remix toon from the bonus. He has spent nothing on upgrades, mounts, toys, nothing. I may have bought a couple of gem caches, but literally has spent less than 1K on anything. He has a grand total of ~48K bronze. So this is obviously a sweeping knee-jerk punishment. As a note, the raiders don’t lose their gear, and I pay the same subscription fee, so the actual “froggers” are still getting preferred service.


This is all a step in the right direction, IMO. But there are still some glaring issues that aren’t being addressed:

  1. Please lower the cost to upgrade at 70.
  2. Please make the necklace achievement obtainable through LFR, so that those of us not in raid guilds don’t continually face gatekeeping from Froggers in LFG, and
  3. Please make the achievements account wide so our alts don’t have to continually farm them. I would be more than happy to have my alts buy the neck, rings and trinkets from the vendor after my first 70 unlocks them.

They are now.

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idk, from where I sit a ‘generic’ world mob in Remix has 361k HP at level 70 compared to 170k in DF. Whether it’s possible or not, it certainly seems like our Remix characters would be having an easier time in DF even given that some of us are still at or below 300 ilvl compared to what’s a fairly easy 480+ in DF.

This is one of them times that I am happy to be wrong. I said they would never do anything. I’m glad they proved me wrong.

Thanks Metzen for bringing wow back!


Read closely and realize they havent nerfed gear costs. So even if we get 80k total from those quests. Its all gonna be spent to get your gear from 346 to 370 and then we still dont have attainable ways to get any gear or grind for bronze because TODAY theyve already nerfed another 6 bronze farms starting with cranes are in the process rn of nerfing the ordos priest farms by getting rid of their hyperspawn


It’s live for everyone who has access to it. If you’re not seeing it, you’re not eligible (or you’re in the wrong spot). It’s still live though.

THANK YOU. I didn’t see that before I posted. Much appreciated.

And thank you Blizz for listening! Would you please make LFR count for the neck and lower the costs of upgrades?

Lots of players reporting they’re not froggers, no cloak reset, and they’re unable to see the quests. Please fix


556 gear remains intact. I guess now we’ll have a conclusion to the week-old “is the cloak or the gear the real power” debate.

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so that did a load of nothing got people still doing 600-1mil+ dps lol

This community is seriously unbelievable. Blizzard makes objectively good changes. And the overwhelming response is “bUt ThIs IsNt EnOuGh!!!” This entitled attitude is absolutely ridiculous. Give constructive feedback, but the whining makes you lose all credibility.

The cloak is a bonus after a certain point. The power mostly comes from the way the damage dealing tinkers scale with item level, aka upgrading your gear = amounts of absurd damage.

600k aint that much. I do half that with half of what froggers cloaks were reset to