WoW Remix Adjustments and Improvements Coming Today

its 1250x7=8750 the wording on the post was horrid and easily misinterpreted


What counts as an extreme amount? Is it by number of kills? Stats? So many different people are reporting different things.

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make lfr garrosh drop tusk mats


the funny part about this whole thing is the people who frogged for like 1h, didnt really play much, and then got their cloak BUFFED by the hotfix LOL

got a guild mate who went from like 1.3k all stats buffed by almost double up to 2.5k every stat

it’s just a whole cluster of weirdness all around


so is this 40k gonna be available to alts as well?

Actually i remember correctly

Actually, you’re reading it wrong.


Reading it perfectly exactly how it is stated

All the caches provide 8750, not each.

This is the biggest LIE I have ever read. Myself and so many others that did the farm for minimal time have been hit and had HOURS of other genuine progress thrown away because this company doesn’t know how to balance anything or make a good choice to save their otherwise fun gamemode. Truly and utterly pathetic.


This is the one for me, rip all my legendary threads


Does it not state right there “these chaches will give 8750 bronze” doesnt matter if they meant to type this or that. What they put out is still a lie


It should have been EACH cache at 8750.

yeah it is. my warlock i was leveling was able to grab it

This is Blizzard here. Their post are ALWAYS horrid and misinterpreted. It seems like they always love to confuse their players with how they type up posts.

All the caches provide 8750, added up, not each cache provides 8750.

But what did they put out. Did they put out how you said “all caches combined will equal 8750” or did they put out followed up by context of these meaning each box “these will give out 8750 bronze”

I was excited when i thought it was 8750 bronze for each cache, I was horribly let down learning it was 8750 combined. What is blizzard thinking?


Yeah, same, it is horribly worded. But I can see why it wasn’t caught, it can mean both.


<3 much love