Wow puns/jokes feel free to add

Pun 1: So I was in a raid the other day with my alliance alt when one of the players complained about having short legs. My reply was that I wouldn’t gnome what that was like.

Pun 2: Did you know a lot of players play as Tauren paladins? Holy cow!

Joke 1: A human and night elf walk into a bar. The dwarf and gnome look at each other, shrug, and walk under the bar.

Joke 2: Why do rogues ware leather armor? Because it’s made of hide.


I found a ookin helmet in timeless isle to breathe underwater. when i surfaced under a player he freaked “that ookin came out from nowhere”
i said “chill im a player, new helmet”
he says… “ookin’ good girl!”
ba dumdum


So I was with a guild friend one time who was trying to level her Alchemy profession and couldn’t remember what crafting reagent she needed. She said it was called Earth-something or other. I said don’t worry we will get to the root of this problem.


The top raiding groups in this game must stink. They never wipe.


A night elf can just walk over the bar.

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Why didn’t the undead cross the road?

He didn’t have the guts


Joke: The community.


A Priest, a Paladin, and a Warrior go to Loch Modan for a day of fishing. Out on their boat, the Priest suddenly says, “I have some fine wine in my saddlebags I forgot to bring. I’ll be right back”. The priest steps out of the boat and strolls across the lake to the shore returning with the wine.

The Paladin tells the Priest, “You know, I have some fine aged cheddar that would be perfect with this wine. Give me a minute”. He then gets out of the boat and walks across the lake back to his horse and returns shortly with a wheel of cheese.

The Warrior, confused, says, “I may have some good bread with me that would be great with this.” He steps out of the boat and is dragged to the bottom of the lake by his heavy plate. The Priest turns to the Paladins and says, “We should have told him about the rocks”.


I don’t get it?


Like stepping stones I would imagine

Oh ok :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought the priest levitated and levitated the paladin too :stuck_out_tongue:

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At the Blacksmith in Orgrimmar a level 26 warrior has been sharpening his axe for at least 2 hours. Blacksmith asked “What are you doing?” Warrior replies, “They said I would need to grind for hours if I’m to reach max level”


A Draenai Paladin, a Gnome Rogue, and a human walk into a bar.

The bartender looks at the 3 of them and says, “What is this? A joke?”

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I need a profession that has good Alchemy with my character. Something that’s an Enchanting experience. Then I can start Cooking up some recipes or start Engineering some new ones. I’ll have to use Inscription for any Jewelcrafting , thus Tailoring to my needs. (Ran out of profession puns lol)


What do you get when a Tauren eats a Human?



That’s the point.

Well until the author specifies what happened it could be what this guy said

Where do Ogres buy their clothes? From the Dire Mall


Because the priest and paladin have lev, the natural assumption is that’s why they safely crossed the water, and the warrior didn’t. It was an unexpected twist that the reason was stepping stones/rocks.

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